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Copyright (c) 2020 Shing Tak Lam. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Shing Tak Lam
import tactic
-- set_option profiler true
# Polynomial derivations
We prove the structure theorem for polynomial derivations.
# Main definitions
* `polynomial_derivation (R : Type) [comm_ring R]` : the type of `R`-derivations on `R[X]`.
# Main statements
We prove the structure theorem, that every polynomial derivation is equal to
an R[X]-linear multiple of polynomial differentiation.
Proof that there
is an equivalence between polynomials and polynomial derivations, sending
a polynomial h to the derivation mapping f to h*derivative(f).
# Further work
proof that differentiation is a derivation.
-- start of file
/-- A polynomial derivation on a ring R is a function d : R[X] → R[X] satisfying
three axioms:
map_add : ∀ {f g : polynomial R} , d (f + g) = d f + d g
map_C_mul : ∀ (k : R) (f : polynomial R), d (C k * f) = C k * d f
map_mul : ∀ (f g : polynomial R) , d (f * g) = f * d g + g * d f
structure polynomial_derivation (R : Type) [comm_ring R] :=
(to_fun : polynomial R → polynomial R) -- Delta
(map_add' : ∀ (f g : polynomial R), to_fun (f + g) = to_fun f + to_fun g)
(map_C_mul' : ∀ (k : R) (f : polynomial R), to_fun (polynomial.C k * f) = polynomial.C k * to_fun f)
(map_mul' : ∀ (f g : polynomial R), to_fun (f * g) = f * to_fun g + g * to_fun f)
open polynomial
namespace polynomial_derivation
variables {R : Type} [comm_ring R]
/-- think of a polynomial derivation as a function from R[X] to R[X] -/
instance : has_coe_to_fun (polynomial_derivation R) :=
{ F := λ _, polynomial R → polynomial R,
coe := to_fun
theorem map_add (d : polynomial_derivation R) : ∀ {f g : polynomial R}, d (f + g) = d f + d g := d.map_add'
theorem map_mul (d : polynomial_derivation R): ∀ (f g : polynomial R), d (f * g) = f * d g + g * d f := d.map_mul'
theorem map_C_mul (d : polynomial_derivation R): ∀ (k : R) (f : polynomial R), d (C k * f) = C k * d f := d.map_C_mul'
lemma map_one (d : polynomial_derivation R) : d 1 = 0 :=
have hd : d 1 + d 1 = d 1 := begin
conv begin
to_rhs, rw (show (1 : polynomial R) = 1 * 1, by simp),
rw map_mul, ring,
rwa add_left_eq_self at hd,
lemma map_C (d : polynomial_derivation R) (a : R) : d (C a) = 0 :=
by rw [(show C a = C a * (1 : polynomial R), from (mul_one _).symm),
map_C_mul, map_one, mul_zero]
lemma map_pow_succ_aux (n : ℕ)
(d : polynomial_derivation R) :
X * ((↑n + 1) * X ^ n * d X) + X * X ^ n * d X =
(↑n + 1 + 1) * (X * X ^ n) * d X := by ring
-- Leibniz rule
lemma map_pow_succ (d : polynomial_derivation R) (n : ℕ) : d (X ^ (n + 1)) = (n + 1)*X^n * d(X) :=
induction n with n IH,
rw pow_succ, rw map_mul,
rw IH,
simp only [pow_succ, nat.succ_eq_add_one],
exact map_pow_succ_aux n d,
lemma structure_theorem_aux' (a : R) (n : ℕ) (d : polynomial_derivation R) : C a * X ^ n * d X + X * (d X * derivative (C a * X ^ n)) =
d X * (derivative (C a * X ^ n) * X + C a * X ^ n * 1) := by ring
/-- structure theorem for polynomial derivations -/
theorem structure_theorem (d : polynomial_derivation R) (f : polynomial R): d f = d X * polynomial.derivative f :=
apply f.induction_on,
{intro a, simp [map_C]},
{ intros _ _ hp hq,
rw [map_add, hp, hq, derivative_add, mul_add],},
intros n a h,
rw [pow_succ, mul_comm X, ←mul_assoc, map_mul, derivative_mul, h, derivative_X],
exact structure_theorem_aux' a n d,
@[ext] theorem ext : ∀ {d₁ d₂ : polynomial_derivation R} (H : ∀ f, d₁ f = d₂ f), d₁ = d₂
| ⟨_, _, _, _⟩ ⟨_, _, _, _⟩ H := by congr; exact funext H
lemma structure_classification_aux1
(j : polynomial R)
(k : R)
(f : polynomial R) :
j * (0 * f + C k * derivative f) = C k * (j * derivative f) := by ring
lemma structure_classification_aux2
(j f g : polynomial R) :
j * (derivative f * g + f * derivative g) =
f * (j * derivative g) + g * (j * derivative f) := by ring
noncomputable definition structure_classification (R : Type) [comm_ring R] :
polynomial_derivation R ≃ polynomial R :=
{ to_fun := λ d, d X,
inv_fun := λ j,
{ to_fun := λ f, j * f.derivative,
map_add' := λ _ _, by rw [derivative_add, mul_add],
map_C_mul' := begin
rw [derivative_mul, derivative_C],
exact structure_classification_aux1 j k f,
map_mul' := begin
rw derivative_mul,
exact structure_classification_aux2 j f g,
end },
left_inv := begin
intro d,
ext1 f,
rw structure_theorem d f,
right_inv := begin
intro p,
change p * derivative X = p,
end }
end polynomial_derivation
namespace step_question
variable Δ : polynomial_derivation ℝ
theorem Δ_is_derivative (p : polynomial ℝ) : Δ p = derivative p :=
apply p.induction_on,
{intro a, simp},
{intros p q hp hq, rw [Δ.map_add, derivative_add, hp, hq]},
intros a n IH,
rw [pow_succ, mul_comm X, <-mul_assoc, Δ.map_mul, derivative_mul,
derivative_X, IH, (show Δ X = 1, by sorry)],
end step_question
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