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Last active May 11, 2019 09:38
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[GJM] episode 01

no notes

[CR] (and 1/3 for GJM) episode 05:



CR(Bad): The Doctor and Saraku have locked me in!
Literally: The Doctor and Saraku were... (taken out), and I got trapped.
GJM(Good): They got the professor and Saraku!\N And I'm locked in!
GJM is correct.



CR: We brought in 5,000 of them, and it still wasn't enough?!
GJM: We brought in 5,000 and it still wasn't enough!
Good: Even though 5000 already wasn't enough?!

Note: The denotation here is significantly different. CR and GJM make you think he's simply complaining that 5000 isn't enough. When in reality he's complaining that to begin with, 5000 wasn't enough, and now he'll have to settle for even less. This meaning is clear in the context of the scene, when his partner tells him they'll have to pick up the soldiers they do have and abandon the rest.

Japanese is contextual. He DID literally say the equivalent of the phrase CR used " 5,000 of them, still wasn't enough?!" But immediately after saying this he said "tte no ni" so the literal equivalent would be Even though (5,000 of them, still wasn't enough?!)


CR(Bad): and are now hiding your face to undermine the peace?!
Correction: "Undermine the peace" should be "indulge in the peace"
Note: The Japanese is 安寧を貪っている. Xochitl is accusing Etzali of indulging in AC's peace.
GJM(Good): and now you're just indulging in peace and quiet here!
GJM is correct.

[GJM] episode 06


JPN CC: 似合わねえな メルヘン野郎
GJM: Those don't suit you at all, you nut job.
Good: you nut job -> fairy tale boy
Note: Appears to be a mishearing of メンヘラ for メルヘン. Accelerator is making fun of the appearance of Kakine's wings.

LN volume 15 raw:



GJM: Theories say it must exist, yet it's still undiscovered. That's because it really doesn't exist.
Good: It's not that it theoretically must exist, and just hasn't been discovered. It's that it really doesn't exist.
Note: There's a major difference in denotation here. Kakine is NOT asserting that there are theories saying his dark matter must exist but just hasn't been discovered. He's stating that his dark matter isn't that kind of thing that was predicted theoretically at all, but is a nonexistant element not at all related to the real scientific definition of dark matter.


Closed caption:

LN raw:

GJM: you say that you can reflect anything,
Good: I heard that you reflect everything,
Alt: you say that you reflect everything,
Note: Two issues here and one question.

Issue 1: 全て means "everything," not "anything." Sometimes in English these can sort of be used interchangeably, but not here. Accelerator can reflect anything, just not everything (unless he wanted to lose all his senses and never interact with the world in any way). The fight makes much more sense if you understand this; Kakine is disguising his attacks in way that makes Accelerator subconsciously think they're harmless and let them in.

Issue 2: Kakine is not using potential form, so lose the "can." There's a distinction between what Accelerator can reflect and what Accelerator actually reflects, Kakine is talking about the latter (because he just performed an experiment to figure it out).

Question: Is Kakine really talking about what Accelerator said or just what he heard? I would interpret the scope as (てめえは全てを反射する)って言ってるが, so the てめえ is not necessarily the subject that goes with the 言ってる. 言う is often used loosely like this. This seems like a more reasonable interpretation than Kakine referring to something Accelerator has literally said. He probably read a report or scientific paper, heard it through rumors, or even learned it in class, since Accelerator is super famous.

[GJM] Episode 7



GJM: Awful news! The bread place out front is completely sold out!
Good: Awful news! The school store's bread is completely sold out!


Note: かいそうって何? ワカメ?
GJM: Touma, what are these layers? Is it a cake?
Don't have anything to fix here. Just appreciating the clever localization of an untranslatable pun.


GJM: All the people are gone!
Better?: The people were cleared out...
Better?: People clearing...
Note: This isn't something as ambiguous as "人がいない," this is definitely talking about someone intentionally clearing out the people. Probably a people clearing field (magic spell) used by Acqua. But this terminology could also be talking about Academy City evacuating people. Translation should make it clear the line conveys more than the people simply being gone.

[GJM] Episode 8


正直 反発がある

GJM: I understand that the boy has not been baptized yet, so I told Vento to avoid killing him, but she just laughed at me
Good: I understand that the aforementioned boy still does not know God. Honestly, I oppose simply killing him. But Vento just laughed at me.

Note: I bet this was abbreviated for the anime and the LN actually mentioned a conversation with Vento explicitly rather than implicitly. So it would be okay for the translation to mention it explicitly like that.

But it's really not okay for "does not know God" to be translated as "has not been baptized yet." Certainly the phrasing "has not been baptized yet" implies he is expected to be baptized, which he isn't. The Pope's point is that they're supposed to kill people who knowingly betray God rather than people who simply don't know of God.


ま ここまで無理難題を押しつけられると
GJM: Well, if you have to deal with a problem this impossible,
Good: Well, if a demand this unreasonable is forced on you,
Note: The context is Acqua's demand to sever Touma's right arm

[GJM] Episode 9:



GJM: You've probably ordered me a coat of arms from an artisan on the outskirts of London.
Note: There's no indication that Knight Leader ordered the coat of arms. The translator probably got confused by the "はず." The reason to use a term like that is probably to show that William considered it a trivial matter and only happened to remember it. The novel uses "should've received my order"
Note 2: An escutcheon is not the same thing as a coat of arms. A coat of arms is the design, an escutcheon is a physical object with the design.
Good: An artisan on the outskirts of London should've taken my order for an escutcheon.

Note: Nee-chin -> Missy??
This is a bit of a weird localization since Missy is like a way for an adult to talk down to a child. Nee-chin isn't exactly a formal respectful nick name, but it certainly is acknowledging that she's older. Can't think of a more appropriate informal nickname in English since we really don't do stuff like that.

[GJM] episode 10


JPN: あのダクトは使えないか?
GJM: Can't I go through that duct?
Good: Can't I use that duct?
Note: Should intentionally be ambiguous (like it is in Japanese) because he doesn't mean he'll go through the duct, but that he'll "use" the duct (by pouring hot coffee on the terrorist). The flight attendant misunderstood, but you need to leave the ambiguity for the line to work.

[GJM] Episode 11



GJM: I don't intend to get caught before the thing in this case is activated!
Good: I don't intend to get caught before this case is activated!

[CR] Episode 15:

CR: you could have had your revenge against Sunazara
Good: You could have had your revenge for Sunazara.
Note: WTF CR you got it backwards. Certified correct in GJM.

[GJM] Episode 17 (Only watched the last part of the episode that I missed on the stream)



GJM: Remember the name Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
Good: Remember the term Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
Note: Aiwass says "kotoba." This is an important distinction because if Accelerator knew it was a person's name he may connect it to Index, whom he met briefly.
Other note: 法 is translated as "doctrine" in this episode. Pretty sure it's supposed to be "law" as in the book of the law. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"

[GJM] Episode 18

No notes

[CR] (and [GJM]) Episode 26



GJM: So people do recognize me even outside my vessel.
CR: Sure enough, I'm well recognized even outside of my tank.
Good: Sure enough, I'm correctly recognized IF I leave my tank.

Note: Aleister is recognized correctly as the magician Aleister CROWLEY after leaving his tank. Inside his tank, Stiyl and Lola cannot recognize him as the infamous magician Crowley and just see him as some random dude named Aleister. Why? Magic. Read the novels.

Note: The building and tank prevent him from being recognized and prevent his magical signal from leaking out, hence the subsequent scene where the English Church detects him. This scene, where Lola confirms that Crowley is alive, really would make absolutely zero sense if Aleister was recognized inside his tank.

Note 2: GJM made this same mistake too, aww.

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