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Last active February 18, 2018 13:26
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* =====================================================================================
* Filename: SegmentTree.cpp
* Description: Implementation of the data structure: segment tree
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 2018/02/18 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* Revision: none
* Compiler: g++14
* Author: lionking
* Organization: None
* =====================================================================================
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#define CHOICE 0 // enter a number to choose an example
// test whether the given type has overloaded operator() or not
// concept: SFINAE
template <class T>
struct has_function
    typedef char true_type;
    typedef long false_type;
    // template not available if there's no overloaded operator< in U's scope
// Note: operator() must be non-static member function
    template <class U>
    static true_type test(typeof (&U::operator()));
    // fallback
    template <class U>
    static false_type test(...);
    // tests which overload of test is chosen for T
    static const bool value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(true_type);
// pre-declaration
template <bool b>
struct DefaultSegTreeOpImpl;
// specialization: situation when the given type exist overloaded operator()
template <>
struct DefaultSegTreeOpImpl<true>
template <typename T>
T operator() (const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const
T op;
return op(lhs, rhs);
// specialization: situation when the given type do not have overloaded operator()
template <>
struct DefaultSegTreeOpImpl<false>
template <typename T>
T operator() (const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const { return std::min(lhs, rhs); }
struct DefaultSegTreeOp
template <typename T>
T operator() (const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const
        DefaultSegTreeOpImpl<has_function<T>::value> op;
return op(lhs, rhs);
* Tree node for constructing segment tree
template <typename T>
struct SegTreeNode
size_t first, last; // specify this tree node can cover the original data within [first, last)
T data;
SegTreeNode(size_t l=0, size_t r=0) : first(l), last(r) {};
SegTreeNode(const T& new_data, size_t l=0, size_t r=0) : first(l), last(r), data(new_data) {};
void set(const T& new_data, size_t l, size_t r) { data = new_data; first = l; last = r; }
* Segment tree
* Given an array of data, this class will construct a segment tree for query in O(log |N|),
* where N is the number of data in the given array.
* template parameter:
* 1. T: type of the given data
* 2. Operator is a binary function that accepts two arguments with type T and returns a result in type T
* default: std::min
* Note:
* When T is a user-defined structure, it must overload at least one of the following operators:
* 1. operator<
* 2. operator()
* When both of the above operators are overloaded, operator() will be chosen for execution.
template < typename T, typename Operator=DefaultSegTreeOp >
class SegmentTree
typedef T value_type;
typedef Operator op_type;
// parameters:
// first, last:
// Random-access iterators to the initial and final positions of the sequence to be constructed in segment tree.
// The range used is [first,last), which contains all the elements between first and last,
// including the element pointed by first but not the element pointed by last.
template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void construct(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
// query data within range [first, last)
// Note: first and last are indices in original data set,
// and index starts from 0
inline T query(const size_t first, const size_t last) const;
// update data on the specified index
// Note: parameter index is the index in original data set and starts from 0
inline void update(const size_t index, const T& data);
std::vector< SegTreeNode<T> > tree;
Operator compare;
static constexpr size_t tree_root = 0;
inline size_t getlc(const size_t node) const { return ((node << 1) + 1); }
inline size_t getrc(const size_t node) const { return ((node + 1) << 1); }
// sub-function for construct (segment tree construction)
template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void construct(const RandomAccessIterator& first, size_t curr, size_t start, size_t end);
// query data within range [first, last)
// curr: currntly queried tree node
T query(const size_t curr, const size_t first, const size_t last) const;
// update segment tree
// curr: currntly updated tree node
void update(const size_t index, const T& data, const size_t curr);
template <typename T, typename Operator>
template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void SegmentTree<T, Operator>::construct(const RandomAccessIterator& first, size_t curr, size_t start, size_t end)
if (start == (end - 1)) {
tree[curr].set(*(first + start), start, end);
else if (start < end) {
const auto middle = (start + end) >> 1;
const auto lchild = getlc(curr);
const auto rchild = getrc(curr);
construct(first, lchild, start, middle); // recursive to left child
construct(first, rchild, middle, end); // recursive to right child
tree[curr].set(compare(tree[lchild].data, tree[rchild].data), start, end);
else { return; }
template <typename T, typename Operator>
template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void SegmentTree<T, Operator>::construct(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)
const size_t size = std::distance(first, last);
// Minimum required leaf nodes is the minimum x s.t. 2^x >= number of elements
size_t tree_size = 1;
for (; (tree_size < size); tree_size <<= 1);
// Then, minimum required tree node is 2^(x+1)
tree.resize(tree_size << 1);
// segment tree construction
construct(first, tree_root, 0, size);
template <typename T, typename Operator>
T SegmentTree<T, Operator>::query(const size_t curr, const size_t first, const size_t last) const
const auto &curr_node =;
const auto lchild = getlc(curr);
const auto rchild = getrc(curr);
if ((first >= curr_node.last) || (last < curr_node.first)) {
// current node cannot cover query range.
return T();
else if ((first <= curr_node.first) && (curr_node.last <= last)) {
// query range has fully cover current node
// return data stored in current node;
else if (last <= {
// left child can fully cover query range
return query(lchild, first, last);
else if ( <= first) {
// right chile can fully cover query range
return query(rchild, first, last);
else {
const auto& lhs = query(lchild, first, std::min(last,;
const auto& rhs = query(rchild, std::max(first,, last);
return compare(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T, typename Operator>
inline T SegmentTree<T, Operator>::query(const size_t first, const size_t last) const
return query(tree_root, first, last);
template <typename T, typename Operator>
void SegmentTree<T, Operator>::update(const size_t index, const T& data, const size_t curr)
auto& curr_node =;
if ((index < curr_node.first) || (curr_node.last <= index)) {
// tree nodes that should be updated is not within the range corresponding to currently processed node
else if ((index == curr_node.first) && ((curr_node.last - curr_node.first) == 1)) {
// target leaf node, update data directly = data;
else {
const auto lchild = getlc(curr);
const auto rchild = getrc(curr);
update(index, data, lchild); // update data in left child
update(index, data, rchild); // update data in right child
// merge: update data in current node = compare(,;
template <typename T, typename Operator>
inline void SegmentTree<T, Operator>::update(const size_t index, const T& data)
update(index, data, tree_root);
* The followings are examples of using SegmentTree *
struct SegTreeOp1
template <typename T>
T operator() (const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const { return std::max(lhs, rhs); }
struct SegTreeOp2
template <typename T>
T operator() (const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const { return (lhs + rhs); }
struct STNode1
int value;
STNode1(int v = 0) : value(v) {}
bool operator< (const STNode1& rhs) const { return value < rhs.value; }
struct STNode2
int value;
STNode2(int v = 0) : value(v) {}
STNode2 operator() (const STNode2& lhs, const STNode2& rhs) const { return std::max(lhs.value, rhs.value); }
struct STNode3
int value;
STNode3(int v = 0) : value(v) {}
bool operator< (const STNode3& rhs) const { return value < rhs.value; }
STNode3 operator() (const STNode3& lhs, const STNode3& rhs) const { return std::max(lhs.value, rhs.value); }
struct STNode4
int value;
STNode4(int v = 0) : value(v) {}
bool operator< (const STNode4& lhs, const STNode4& rhs) { return lhs.value < rhs.value; }
int main()
std::cout << "choice: " << CHOICE << '\n';
#if CHOICE == 0
// The simplest example:
// 1. Use primitive type
// 2. No extra comparator is specified for segment tree
const int data[] = {1, 5, 2, 3, 4};
SegmentTree<int> st;
st.construct(data, data + 5);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5) << '\n';
st.update(1, -1);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5) << '\n';
#elif CHOICE == 1
// 1. Use primitive type
// 2. Extra comparator is specified for segment tree
const int data[] = {1, 5, 2, 3, 4};
SegmentTree<int, SegTreeOp1> st;
st.construct(data, data + 5);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5) << '\n';
st.update(1, -1);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5) << '\n';
#elif CHOICE == 2
// The simplest example of using user-defined data structure.
// At least one of operator< or operator() must be provided.
SegmentTree<STNode1> st;
const STNode1 data[] = {1, 5, 2, 3, 4};
st.construct(data, data + 5);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
st.update(1, -1);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
#elif CHOICE == 3
// The simplest example of using user-defined data structure.
// At least one of operator< or operator() must be provided.
SegmentTree<STNode2> st;
const STNode2 data[] = {1, 5, 2, 3, 4};
st.construct(data, data + 5);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
st.update(1, -1);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
#elif CHOICE == 4
// when both operator< and operator() are provided, SegmentTree will choose operator() for comparison
SegmentTree<STNode3> st;
const STNode3 data[] = {1, 5, 2, 3, 4};
st.construct(data, data + 5);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
st.update(1, -1);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
#elif CHOICE == 5
// Different from choice 2, the overloaded operator< is non-member function.
SegmentTree<STNode4> st;
const STNode4 data[] = {1, 5, 2, 3, 4};
st.construct(data, data + 5);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
st.update(1, -1);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5).value << '\n';
#elif CHOICE == 6
// 1. Use primitive type
// 2. Extra operator is specified for segment tree
const int data[] = {1, 5, 2, 3, 4};
SegmentTree<int, SegTreeOp2> st;
st.construct(data, data + 5);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5) << '\n';
std::cout << st.query(2, 4) << '\n';
st.update(1, -1);
std::cout << st.query(1, 5) << '\n';
std::cout << st.query(2, 4) << '\n';
std::cout << "choice " << CHOICE << " is not available.\n";
return 0;
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