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Last active October 10, 2017 16:25
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Store encrypted password into a file
function New-SecurePass{
[string]$FileName = "EncryptedPassword",
[string]$KeyFilePath = ".\",
[string]$PassFilePath = ".\"
This should be used if there's a need to create and store the password for any given script.
Will write out two files, .key file will store the key used to encrypted the password.
The .pass is the encrypted password. The key should be stored in a safe location, as
any access to the key will allow anybody to decrypt the encrypted password.
It's required that you have to know what the user name is when you import the password back
in, as we do not store the user name anywhere.
.PARAMETER SecurePassword
Is a SecureString, and is the only mandatory parameter. Without the SecureString, there
will be nothing to encrypt.
Both the .key and .pass will be based off this parameter. If FileName is not supplied
the default of "EncryptedPassword" will be used in it's place.
Location on where to store the .key file. The default is to create the .key file
in the current directory.
Location on where to store the .pass file. The default is to create the .pass file
in the current directory.
New-SecurePass -SecurePassword (Get-Credential).Password -FileName "SecurePassword"
$KeyFilePath = (Join-Path -Path $KeyFilePath ("$FileName`.key"))
$PassFilePath = (Join-Path -Path $PassFilePath ("$FileName`.pass"))
$AESKey = New-Object Byte[] 32
Set-Content -Path $KeyFilePath $AESKey #this will over write any previous content of the same name
$Password = $SecurePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $AESKey
Set-Content -Path $PassFilePath $Password #this will over write any previous content of the same name
function Import-SecurePass{
$ValidKey = Test-Path -Path $KeyFilePath
$ValidPass = Test-Path -Path $PassFilePath
if($ValidKey -and $ValidPass) {
$Key = Get-Content $KeyFilePath
$Pass = Get-Content $PassFilePath
$SecurePass = $Pass | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $Key
$NewCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName, $SecurePass)
return $NewCredential
else {
Write-Host "Invalid path to the `"key`" or`"pass`" file."
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