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Created November 14, 2017 08:18
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GLTracy brdf
// brdf
vec3 radiance(
vec3 n, // macro surface normal
vec3 l, // direction from vertex to light
vec3 v, // direction from vertex to view
// matt
float m, // roughness
vec3 cdiff, // diffuse reflectance
vec3 cspec, // specular reflectance : F0
// light
vec3 clight // light intensity
) {
// half vector
vec3 h = normalize( l + v );
// dot
float dot_n_h = max( dot( n, h ), 0.0 );
float dot_n_v = max( dot( n, v ), 0.0 );
float dot_n_l = max( dot( n, l ), 0.0 );
float dot_h = max( dot( h, v ), 0.0 );
// Geometric Term
// 2 * ( N dot H )( N dot L ) 2 * ( N dot H )( N dot V )
// min( 1, ----------------------------, ---------------------------- )
// ( H dot V ) ( H dot V )
float g = 2.0 * dot_n_h / dot_h;
float G = min( min( dot_n_v, dot_n_l ) * g, 1.0 );
// Normal Distribution Function : Beckmann distribution ( cancel 1 / pi )
// ( N dot H )^2 - 1
// exp( ----------------------- )
// ( N dot H )^2 * m^2
// --------------------------------
// ( N dot H )^4 * m^2
float sq_nh = dot_n_h * dot_n_h;
float sq_nh_m = sq_nh * ( m * m );
float D = exp( ( sq_nh - 1.0 ) / sq_nh_m ) / ( sq_nh * sq_nh_m );
// Specular Fresnel Term : Schlick approximation
// F0 + ( 1 - F0 ) * ( 1 - ( H dot V ) )^5
vec3 Fspec = cspec + ( 1.0 - cspec ) * pow( 1.0 - dot_h , 5.0 );
// Diffuse Fresnel Term : violates reciprocity...
// F0 + ( 1 - F0 ) * ( 1 - ( N dot L ) )^5
vec3 Fdiff = cspec + ( 1.0 - cspec ) * pow( 1.0 - dot_n_l, 5.0 );
// Cook-Torrance BRDF
// D * F * G
// ---------------------------
// 4 * ( N dot V )( N dot L )
vec3 brdf_spec = Fspec * D * G / ( dot_n_v * dot_n_l * 4.0 );
// Lambertian BRDF ( cancel 1 / pi )
vec3 brdf_diff = cdiff * ( 1.0 - Fdiff );
// Punctual Light Source ( cancel pi )
return ( brdf_spec + brdf_diff ) * clight * dot_n_l;
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