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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Categorize ERRORs and FAILs of s3-tests against Riak CS

API Complatibility bug of Riak CS, Midium

  • Copy and Metadata
    • [x] test_object_copy_retaining_metadata
      • CS bug, metadata of source object are not retained, just discarded
        AssertionError: {} != {'key2': 'value2', 'key1': 'value1'}
      • Copy API doesn’t copy user meta data. [JIRA: RCS-153] · Issue #1097 · basho/riak_cs basho/riak_cs#1097
    • [x] test_object_copy_replacing_metadata
      • CS bug, metadata is not replaced, Content-Type in this test case
        AssertionError: 'audio/ogg' != 'audio/mpeg'
    • Fix by “Add x-amz-metadata directive handling to COPY/REPLACE user metadata” basho/riak_cs@20c1fb9 :
  • Presigned URL with response headers
    • [ ] test_object_raw_response_headers
      • Assertion failure, expected 200 but 403
        AssertionError: 403 != 200
      • Test for presigned get request with response-* headers
      • response headers is included in STS, but Riak CS does not support them yet, should fail now.
  • MP parts validation
    • [x] test_multipart_upload_resend_part
      • 400 Bad Request with <Code>InvalidPartOrder</Code>
      • Boto includes multiple elements with PartNumber=1 which have identical ETag.
      • Riak CS’s validation of PartNumber (strictry increasing) may be too restrictive.
  • Bucket/Object ACL
    • ACL headers do not have double quotes around values
      • AWS example
        x-amz-grant-read: emailAddress=""
      • generates
        x-amz-grant-full-control: id=e4b5c8c87b266c1e0990074096f81c8090eb70322f7b4ab64c900348eb291483
    • [ ] test_object_acl_full_control_verify_owner
      • Owner (main) adds FULL_CONTROL grant to alt, alt adds READ_ACP grant to himself, test asserts owner is not changed.
      • Error occurs at adding READ_ACP by alt, 403 Forbidden
    • [ ] test_object_header_acl_grants
      • 400 Bad Requests at PUT Object with all ACL headers (full_control, read, write, read_acl, write_acl) by id of alt
      • Perhaps caused by ACL validation at wm_object resource (?)
    • [ ] test_s3.test_bucket_header_acl_grants
      • 400 Bad Requests at PUT Bucket with all ACL headers (full_control, read, write, read_acl, write_acl) by id of alt
      • Seems like almost the same as above with s/object/bucket/
    • [ ] test_s3.test_logging_toggle
      • 400 Bad Request at Bucket#set_as_logging_target()
      • In HTTP layer, Request to <bucket-name>-log/?acl with ACL grants of FULL_CONTROL, WRITE and READ_ACP and grantee of group results in 400.
      • boto’s, set_as_logging_target calls
      • Riak CS does not implement Group Grantee except all_users/auth_users, I guess.

API Complatibility bug of Riak CS, Minor

  • [x] test_put_object_ifmatch_failed
    • `If-Match` does not fail and assertion fails
      AssertionError: None != 'PreconditionFailed'
    • Test code reads as below, no double-quote chars around value.
      headers={'If-Match': 'ABCORZ'}
    • cf: RFC 7232, 2.3. ETag and 3.1 If-Match
    • Example XML of conditional GET failure
        <Message>At least one of the pre-conditions you specified did not hold</Message>
  • [ ] test_put_object_ifmatch_nonexisted_failed
    • Conditional PUT is not supported by AWS S3, so classified to Minor
      HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <Message>A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented</Message>
    • sidenote, Conditional GET is supported by AWS S3
    • From RFC, PUT with If-Match: * can continue processing if server does not have resource at the time.
      • cf. RFC 7232, 2.3. ETag and 3.1 If-Match
      • Riak CS or WM bug
  • [ ] test_multipart_upload_empty
    • The test expects 400 for MP complete with no parts, but succeeds
    • Hmm.. AWS S3 refuses complate with no parts?
  • [ ] test_list_buckets_invalid_auth
    • Wrong error_code
    eq(e.error_code, 'InvalidAccessKeyId')
    AssertionError: u'AccessDenied' != 'InvalidAccessKeyId'
  • [ ] test_bucket_create_naming_dns_underscore
  • [ ] test_list_buckets_bad_auth
    • Wrong error_code
    eq(e.error_code, 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
    AssertionError: u'AccessDenied' != 'SignatureDoesNotMatch'
  • [x] test_put_object_ifnonmatch_overwrite_existed_failed
  • [x] test_bucket_list_delimiter_prefix
  • [ ] test_object_copy_to_itself
    • 400 expected but succeeds
    • AWS response
  <Message>This copy request is illegal because it is trying to copy an object to itself without changing the object's metadata, storage class, website redirect location or encryption attributes.</Message>
  • [ ] Non-UTF8 byte in metadata
    • For example, test_object_set_get_non_utf8_metadata fails at
      eq(got, '=?UTF-8?Q?=04mymeta?=')


      AssertionError: u'\x04mymeta' != '=?UTF-8?Q?=04mymeta?='
    • Hmm… Complicated f(^^;)
    • for tests
      • test_object_set_get_non_utf8_metadata
      • test_object_set_get_metadata_empty_to_unreadable_prefix
      • test_object_set_get_metadata_empty_to_unreadable_suffix
      • test_object_set_get_metadata_empty_to_unreadable_infix
      • test_object_set_get_metadata_overwrite_to_unreadable_prefix
      • test_object_set_get_metadata_overwrite_to_unreadable_suffix
      • test_object_set_get_metadata_overwrite_to_unreadable_infix
    • These are tagged as below, just skipping them is not bad.
  • [x] Tight assertion for Not Found
    • Failes at eq(e.reason, 'Not Found')
      AssertionError: 'Object Not Found' != 'Not Found'
    • Who returns Object Not Found ?
    • Assertion in s3-tests is too restrictive or Riak CS should mimic the message
    • for tests
      • test_bucket_notexists
      • test_bucket_delete_notexist
      • test_object_write_to_nonexist_bucket
      • test_bucket_create_delete
      • test_object_read_notexist
      • test_object_raw_get_bucket_gone
      • test_object_delete_key_bucket_gone
      • test_object_raw_get_object_gone
      • test_object_raw_authenticated_bucket_gone
      • test_object_raw_authenticated_bucket_gone
      • test_object_raw_authenticated_object_gone
      • test_abort_multipart_upload_not_found
      • test_atomic_write_bucket_gone

s3-tests bugs

  • Inproper stripping of double-quotes in etag value
    • [x] test_put_object_ifnonmatch_failed
      • Any ETag does not match, no precondition failure
    • [x] test_s3.test_put_object_ifmatch_good
      • s3-tests wrongly string double-quote characters for If-Match header
      • cf: RFC 7232, 2.3. ETag and 3.1 If-Match
      • quick fix
@@ -2132,5 +2132,5 @@ def test_put_object_ifmatch_good():
     eq(got_data, 'bar')
-    key.set_contents_from_string('zar', headers={'If-Match': key.etag.replace('"', '').strip()})
+    key.set_contents_from_string('zar', headers={'If-Match': key.etag.strip()})

Test that fail for Riak CS and also marked as “fails for AWS S3”

  • test_list_buckets_anonymous
    • 403 Forbidden
    • it has @attr of fails_on_aws, should be removed by command line
  • test_put_object_ifnonmatch_nonexisted_good
    • riak cs does not accept PUT Object with If-None-Match: * header for non-existing resource.
    • marked as @attr('fails_on_aws')
    • If-None-Match: * is for avoiding concurrent resource creation
    • cf: RFC 7232, 3.2. If-None-Match
  • test_atomic_dual_conditional_write_1mb
    • Very tricky test case with precondition race. Probably depending on boto implemenetation, when it reads file content / sends request.
    • This test has @attr fails_on_aws, should be skipped.
  • Bucket name validation
    • S3 bucket name must be =< 63
    • cf
    • “Bucket names must be at least 3 and no more than 63 characters long.”
    • These tests have @attr fails_with_subdomain, should be excluded
      • test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_250
      • test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_25[0-5]
      • test_bucket_list_long_name
      • test_bucket_create_naming_dns_long
      • test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dash_at_end
      • test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dot_dot
      • test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dot_dash
      • test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dash_dot

Riak CS Unimplemented APIs

  • POST Object
    • These tests have both @attr(resource‘object’)= and @attr(method‘post’)=
      • test_post_object_anonymous_request
      • test_post_object_authenticated_request
      • test_post_object_set_success_code
      • test_post_object_set_invalid_success_code
      • test_post_object_upload_larger_than_chunk
      • test_post_object_set_key_from_filename
      • test_post_object_ignored_header
      • test_post_object_case_insensitive_condition_fields
      • test_post_object_escaped_field_values
      • test_post_object_success_redirect_action
      • test_post_object_invalid_date_format
      • test_post_object_user_specified_header
      • test_post_object_condition_is_case_sensitive
      • test_post_object_expires_is_case_sensitive
      • test_post_object_missing_expires_condition
      • test_post_object_missing_conditions_list
      • test_post_object_upload_size_limit_exceeded
      • test_post_object_missing_content_length_argument
      • test_post_object_invalid_content_length_argument
      • test_post_object_upload_size_below_minimum
  • CORS
    • CORS is NYI
    • These tests have not specific attr, just include cors as substring as
      @attr(operation='set cors')
      • test_s3.test_set_cors
      • test_s3.test_cors_origin_response
  • Bucket Versioning
    • 405 Method Not Allowed for request to <bucket>/?versioning endpoint
    • These tests have @attr versioning, should be excluded
      • test_versioning_bucket_create_suspend
      • test_versioning_obj_create_read_remove
      • test_versioning_obj_create_read_remove_head
      • test_versioning_obj_suspend_versions
      • test_versioning_obj_suspend_versions_simple
      • test_versioning_obj_create_versions_remove_all
      • test_versioning_obj_create_overwrite_multipart
      • test_s3.test_versioning_obj_list_marker
      • test_s3.test_versioning_copy_obj_version
      • test_s3.test_versioning_multi_object_delete
      • test_s3.test_versioning_multi_object_delete_with_marker
      • test_s3.test_versioning_multi_object_delete_with_marker_create
      • test_s3.test_versioned_object_acl
      • test_s3.test_versioned_concurrent_object_create_concurrent_remove
      • test_s3.test_versioned_concurrent_object_create_and_remove

Not actual errors/failures

  • test_multipart_upload_size_too_small
    • This does not fail, but does if enforce_multipart_part_size=true.
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