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Created October 31, 2023 04:42
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// This file was generated from JSON Schema using quicktype, do not modify it directly.
// To parse and unparse this JSON data, add this code to your project and do:
// cveAPIJSON20, err := UnmarshalCveAPIJSON20(bytes)
// bytes, err = cveAPIJSON20.Marshal()
package main
import "bytes"
import "errors"
import "encoding/json"
func UnmarshalCveAPIJSON20(data []byte) (CveAPIJSON20, error) {
var r CveAPIJSON20
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &r)
return r, err
func (r *CveAPIJSON20) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(r)
type CveAPIJSON20 struct {
Format string `json:"format"`
ResultsPerPage int64 `json:"resultsPerPage"`
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex"`
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults"`
Version string `json:"version"`
// NVD feed array of CVE
Vulnerabilities []DefCveItem `json:"vulnerabilities"`
type DefCveItemClass struct {
Cve CveItem `json:"cve"`
type CveItem struct {
CisaActionDue *string `json:"cisaActionDue,omitempty"`
CisaExploitAdd *string `json:"cisaExploitAdd,omitempty"`
CisaRequiredAction *string `json:"cisaRequiredAction,omitempty"`
CisaVulnerabilityName *string `json:"cisaVulnerabilityName,omitempty"`
Configurations []Config `json:"configurations,omitempty"`
Descriptions []LangString `json:"descriptions"`
EvaluatorComment *string `json:"evaluatorComment,omitempty"`
EvaluatorImpact *string `json:"evaluatorImpact,omitempty"`
EvaluatorSolution *string `json:"evaluatorSolution,omitempty"`
ID string `json:"id"`
LastModified string `json:"lastModified"`
// Metric scores for a vulnerability as found on NVD.
Metrics *Metrics `json:"metrics,omitempty"`
Published string `json:"published"`
References []Reference `json:"references"`
SourceIdentifier *string `json:"sourceIdentifier,omitempty"`
VendorComments []VendorComment `json:"vendorComments,omitempty"`
VulnStatus *string `json:"vulnStatus,omitempty"`
Weaknesses []Weakness `json:"weaknesses,omitempty"`
type ConfigClass struct {
Negate *bool `json:"negate,omitempty"`
Nodes []Node `json:"nodes"`
Operator *Operator `json:"operator,omitempty"`
type NodeClass struct {
CpeMatch []CpeMatch `json:"cpeMatch"`
Negate *bool `json:"negate,omitempty"`
Operator Operator `json:"operator"`
// CPE match string or range
type CpeMatch struct {
Criteria string `json:"criteria"`
MatchCriteriaID string `json:"matchCriteriaId"`
VersionEndExcluding *string `json:"versionEndExcluding,omitempty"`
VersionEndIncluding *string `json:"versionEndIncluding,omitempty"`
VersionStartExcluding *string `json:"versionStartExcluding,omitempty"`
VersionStartIncluding *string `json:"versionStartIncluding,omitempty"`
Vulnerable bool `json:"vulnerable"`
type LangString struct {
Lang string `json:"lang"`
Value string `json:"value"`
// Metric scores for a vulnerability as found on NVD.
type Metrics struct {
// CVSS V2.0 score.
CvssMetricV2 []CvssV2 `json:"cvssMetricV2,omitempty"`
// CVSS V3.0 score.
CvssMetricV30 []CvssV30 `json:"cvssMetricV30,omitempty"`
// CVSS V3.1 score.
CvssMetricV31 []CvssV31 `json:"cvssMetricV31,omitempty"`
type CvssV2Class struct {
ACInsufInfo *bool `json:"acInsufInfo,omitempty"`
BaseSeverity *string `json:"baseSeverity,omitempty"`
CvssData JSONSchemaForCommonVulnerabilityScoringSystemVersion20 `json:"cvssData"`
ExploitabilityScore *float64 `json:"exploitabilityScore,omitempty"`
ImpactScore *float64 `json:"impactScore,omitempty"`
ObtainAllPrivilege *bool `json:"obtainAllPrivilege,omitempty"`
ObtainOtherPrivilege *bool `json:"obtainOtherPrivilege,omitempty"`
ObtainUserPrivilege *bool `json:"obtainUserPrivilege,omitempty"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Type Type `json:"type"`
UserInteractionRequired *bool `json:"userInteractionRequired,omitempty"`
type JSONSchemaForCommonVulnerabilityScoringSystemVersion20 struct {
AccessComplexity *AccessComplexityType `json:"accessComplexity,omitempty"`
AccessVector *AccessVectorType `json:"accessVector,omitempty"`
Authentication *AuthenticationType `json:"authentication,omitempty"`
AvailabilityImpact *CiaType `json:"availabilityImpact,omitempty"`
AvailabilityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"availabilityRequirement,omitempty"`
BaseScore float64 `json:"baseScore"`
CollateralDamagePotential *CollateralDamagePotentialType `json:"collateralDamagePotential,omitempty"`
ConfidentialityImpact *CiaType `json:"confidentialityImpact,omitempty"`
ConfidentialityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"confidentialityRequirement,omitempty"`
EnvironmentalScore *float64 `json:"environmentalScore,omitempty"`
Exploitability *ExploitityType `json:"exploitability,omitempty"`
IntegrityImpact *CiaType `json:"integrityImpact,omitempty"`
IntegrityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"integrityRequirement,omitempty"`
RemediationLevel *RemediationLevelType `json:"remediationLevel,omitempty"`
ReportConfidence *ReportConfidenceType `json:"reportConfidence,omitempty"`
TargetDistribution *TargetDistributionType `json:"targetDistribution,omitempty"`
TemporalScore *float64 `json:"temporalScore,omitempty"`
VectorString string `json:"vectorString"`
// CVSS Version
Version PurpleVersion `json:"version"`
type CvssV30Class struct {
CvssData JSONSchemaForCommonVulnerabilityScoringSystemVersion30 `json:"cvssData"`
ExploitabilityScore *float64 `json:"exploitabilityScore,omitempty"`
ImpactScore *float64 `json:"impactScore,omitempty"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Type Type `json:"type"`
type JSONSchemaForCommonVulnerabilityScoringSystemVersion30 struct {
AttackComplexity *AttackComplexityType `json:"attackComplexity,omitempty"`
AttackVector *AttackVectorType `json:"attackVector,omitempty"`
AvailabilityImpact *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"availabilityImpact,omitempty"`
AvailabilityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"availabilityRequirement,omitempty"`
BaseScore float64 `json:"baseScore"`
BaseSeverity SeverityType `json:"baseSeverity"`
ConfidentialityImpact *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"confidentialityImpact,omitempty"`
ConfidentialityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"confidentialityRequirement,omitempty"`
EnvironmentalScore *float64 `json:"environmentalScore,omitempty"`
EnvironmentalSeverity *SeverityType `json:"environmentalSeverity,omitempty"`
ExploitCodeMaturity *ExploitityType `json:"exploitCodeMaturity,omitempty"`
IntegrityImpact *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"integrityImpact,omitempty"`
IntegrityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"integrityRequirement,omitempty"`
ModifiedAttackComplexity *ModifiedAttackComplexityType `json:"modifiedAttackComplexity,omitempty"`
ModifiedAttackVector *ModifiedAttackVectorType `json:"modifiedAttackVector,omitempty"`
ModifiedAvailabilityImpact *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedAvailabilityImpact,omitempty"`
ModifiedConfidentialityImpact *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedConfidentialityImpact,omitempty"`
ModifiedIntegrityImpact *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedIntegrityImpact,omitempty"`
ModifiedPrivilegesRequired *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedPrivilegesRequired,omitempty"`
ModifiedScope *ModifiedScopeType `json:"modifiedScope,omitempty"`
ModifiedUserInteraction *ModifiedUserInteractionType `json:"modifiedUserInteraction,omitempty"`
PrivilegesRequired *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"privilegesRequired,omitempty"`
RemediationLevel *RemediationLevelType `json:"remediationLevel,omitempty"`
ReportConfidence *ConfidenceType `json:"reportConfidence,omitempty"`
Scope *ScopeType `json:"scope,omitempty"`
TemporalScore *float64 `json:"temporalScore,omitempty"`
TemporalSeverity *SeverityType `json:"temporalSeverity,omitempty"`
UserInteraction *UserInteractionType `json:"userInteraction,omitempty"`
VectorString string `json:"vectorString"`
// CVSS Version
Version FluffyVersion `json:"version"`
type CvssV31Class struct {
CvssData JSONSchemaForCommonVulnerabilityScoringSystemVersion31 `json:"cvssData"`
ExploitabilityScore *float64 `json:"exploitabilityScore,omitempty"`
ImpactScore *float64 `json:"impactScore,omitempty"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Type Type `json:"type"`
type JSONSchemaForCommonVulnerabilityScoringSystemVersion31 struct {
AttackComplexity *AttackComplexityType `json:"attackComplexity,omitempty"`
AttackVector *AttackVectorType `json:"attackVector,omitempty"`
AvailabilityImpact *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"availabilityImpact,omitempty"`
AvailabilityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"availabilityRequirement,omitempty"`
BaseScore float64 `json:"baseScore"`
BaseSeverity SeverityType `json:"baseSeverity"`
ConfidentialityImpact *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"confidentialityImpact,omitempty"`
ConfidentialityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"confidentialityRequirement,omitempty"`
EnvironmentalScore *float64 `json:"environmentalScore,omitempty"`
EnvironmentalSeverity *SeverityType `json:"environmentalSeverity,omitempty"`
ExploitCodeMaturity *ExploitityType `json:"exploitCodeMaturity,omitempty"`
IntegrityImpact *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"integrityImpact,omitempty"`
IntegrityRequirement *CiaRequirementType `json:"integrityRequirement,omitempty"`
ModifiedAttackComplexity *ModifiedAttackComplexityType `json:"modifiedAttackComplexity,omitempty"`
ModifiedAttackVector *ModifiedAttackVectorType `json:"modifiedAttackVector,omitempty"`
ModifiedAvailabilityImpact *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedAvailabilityImpact,omitempty"`
ModifiedConfidentialityImpact *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedConfidentialityImpact,omitempty"`
ModifiedIntegrityImpact *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedIntegrityImpact,omitempty"`
ModifiedPrivilegesRequired *ModifiedType `json:"modifiedPrivilegesRequired,omitempty"`
ModifiedScope *ModifiedScopeType `json:"modifiedScope,omitempty"`
ModifiedUserInteraction *ModifiedUserInteractionType `json:"modifiedUserInteraction,omitempty"`
PrivilegesRequired *AvailabilityImpactEnum `json:"privilegesRequired,omitempty"`
RemediationLevel *RemediationLevelType `json:"remediationLevel,omitempty"`
ReportConfidence *ConfidenceType `json:"reportConfidence,omitempty"`
Scope *ScopeType `json:"scope,omitempty"`
TemporalScore *float64 `json:"temporalScore,omitempty"`
TemporalSeverity *SeverityType `json:"temporalSeverity,omitempty"`
UserInteraction *UserInteractionType `json:"userInteraction,omitempty"`
VectorString string `json:"vectorString"`
// CVSS Version
Version TentacledVersion `json:"version"`
type Reference struct {
Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"`
Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"`
URL string `json:"url"`
type VendorComment struct {
Comment string `json:"comment"`
LastModified string `json:"lastModified"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
type WeaknessClass struct {
Description []LangString `json:"description"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Type string `json:"type"`
type Operator string
const (
And Operator = "AND"
Or Operator = "OR"
type AccessComplexityType string
const (
AccessComplexityTypeHIGH AccessComplexityType = "HIGH"
AccessComplexityTypeLOW AccessComplexityType = "LOW"
AccessComplexityTypeMEDIUM AccessComplexityType = "MEDIUM"
type AccessVectorType string
const (
AccessVectorTypeLOCAL AccessVectorType = "LOCAL"
AccessVectorTypeNETWORK AccessVectorType = "NETWORK"
type AuthenticationType string
const (
AuthenticationTypeNONE AuthenticationType = "NONE"
Multiple AuthenticationType = "MULTIPLE"
Single AuthenticationType = "SINGLE"
type CiaType string
const (
CiaTypeNONE CiaType = "NONE"
Complete CiaType = "COMPLETE"
Partial CiaType = "PARTIAL"
type CiaRequirementType string
const (
CiaRequirementTypeHIGH CiaRequirementType = "HIGH"
CiaRequirementTypeLOW CiaRequirementType = "LOW"
CiaRequirementTypeMEDIUM CiaRequirementType = "MEDIUM"
CiaRequirementTypeNOTDEFINED CiaRequirementType = "NOT_DEFINED"
type CollateralDamagePotentialType string
const (
CollateralDamagePotentialTypeHIGH CollateralDamagePotentialType = "HIGH"
CollateralDamagePotentialTypeLOW CollateralDamagePotentialType = "LOW"
CollateralDamagePotentialTypeNONE CollateralDamagePotentialType = "NONE"
CollateralDamagePotentialTypeNOTDEFINED CollateralDamagePotentialType = "NOT_DEFINED"
LowMedium CollateralDamagePotentialType = "LOW_MEDIUM"
MediumHigh CollateralDamagePotentialType = "MEDIUM_HIGH"
type ExploitityType string
const (
ExploitityTypeHIGH ExploitityType = "HIGH"
ExploitityTypeNOTDEFINED ExploitityType = "NOT_DEFINED"
Functional ExploitityType = "FUNCTIONAL"
ProofOfConcept ExploitityType = "PROOF_OF_CONCEPT"
Unproven ExploitityType = "UNPROVEN"
type RemediationLevelType string
const (
OfficialFix RemediationLevelType = "OFFICIAL_FIX"
RemediationLevelTypeNOTDEFINED RemediationLevelType = "NOT_DEFINED"
TemporaryFix RemediationLevelType = "TEMPORARY_FIX"
Unavailable RemediationLevelType = "UNAVAILABLE"
Workaround RemediationLevelType = "WORKAROUND"
type ReportConfidenceType string
const (
ReportConfidenceTypeCONFIRMED ReportConfidenceType = "CONFIRMED"
ReportConfidenceTypeNOTDEFINED ReportConfidenceType = "NOT_DEFINED"
Unconfirmed ReportConfidenceType = "UNCONFIRMED"
Uncorroborated ReportConfidenceType = "UNCORROBORATED"
type TargetDistributionType string
const (
TargetDistributionTypeHIGH TargetDistributionType = "HIGH"
TargetDistributionTypeLOW TargetDistributionType = "LOW"
TargetDistributionTypeMEDIUM TargetDistributionType = "MEDIUM"
TargetDistributionTypeNONE TargetDistributionType = "NONE"
TargetDistributionTypeNOTDEFINED TargetDistributionType = "NOT_DEFINED"
// CVSS Version
type PurpleVersion string
const (
The20 PurpleVersion = "2.0"
type Type string
const (
Primary Type = "Primary"
Secondary Type = "Secondary"
type AttackComplexityType string
const (
AttackComplexityTypeHIGH AttackComplexityType = "HIGH"
AttackComplexityTypeLOW AttackComplexityType = "LOW"
type AttackVectorType string
const (
AttackVectorTypeLOCAL AttackVectorType = "LOCAL"
AttackVectorTypeNETWORK AttackVectorType = "NETWORK"
AttackVectorTypePHYSICAL AttackVectorType = "PHYSICAL"
type AvailabilityImpactEnum string
const (
TypeHIGH AvailabilityImpactEnum = "HIGH"
TypeLOW AvailabilityImpactEnum = "LOW"
TypeNONE AvailabilityImpactEnum = "NONE"
type SeverityType string
const (
Critical SeverityType = "CRITICAL"
SeverityTypeHIGH SeverityType = "HIGH"
SeverityTypeLOW SeverityType = "LOW"
SeverityTypeMEDIUM SeverityType = "MEDIUM"
SeverityTypeNONE SeverityType = "NONE"
type ModifiedAttackComplexityType string
const (
ModifiedAttackComplexityTypeHIGH ModifiedAttackComplexityType = "HIGH"
ModifiedAttackComplexityTypeLOW ModifiedAttackComplexityType = "LOW"
ModifiedAttackComplexityTypeNOTDEFINED ModifiedAttackComplexityType = "NOT_DEFINED"
type ModifiedAttackVectorType string
const (
ModifiedAttackVectorTypeADJACENTNETWORK ModifiedAttackVectorType = "ADJACENT_NETWORK"
ModifiedAttackVectorTypeLOCAL ModifiedAttackVectorType = "LOCAL"
ModifiedAttackVectorTypeNETWORK ModifiedAttackVectorType = "NETWORK"
ModifiedAttackVectorTypeNOTDEFINED ModifiedAttackVectorType = "NOT_DEFINED"
ModifiedAttackVectorTypePHYSICAL ModifiedAttackVectorType = "PHYSICAL"
type ModifiedType string
const (
ModifiedTypeHIGH ModifiedType = "HIGH"
ModifiedTypeLOW ModifiedType = "LOW"
ModifiedTypeNONE ModifiedType = "NONE"
ModifiedTypeNOTDEFINED ModifiedType = "NOT_DEFINED"
type ModifiedScopeType string
const (
ModifiedScopeTypeCHANGED ModifiedScopeType = "CHANGED"
ModifiedScopeTypeNOTDEFINED ModifiedScopeType = "NOT_DEFINED"
ModifiedScopeTypeUNCHANGED ModifiedScopeType = "UNCHANGED"
type ModifiedUserInteractionType string
const (
ModifiedUserInteractionTypeNONE ModifiedUserInteractionType = "NONE"
ModifiedUserInteractionTypeNOTDEFINED ModifiedUserInteractionType = "NOT_DEFINED"
ModifiedUserInteractionTypeREQUIRED ModifiedUserInteractionType = "REQUIRED"
type ConfidenceType string
const (
ConfidenceTypeCONFIRMED ConfidenceType = "CONFIRMED"
ConfidenceTypeNOTDEFINED ConfidenceType = "NOT_DEFINED"
Reasonable ConfidenceType = "REASONABLE"
Unknown ConfidenceType = "UNKNOWN"
type ScopeType string
const (
ScopeTypeCHANGED ScopeType = "CHANGED"
type UserInteractionType string
const (
UserInteractionTypeNONE UserInteractionType = "NONE"
UserInteractionTypeREQUIRED UserInteractionType = "REQUIRED"
// CVSS Version
type FluffyVersion string
const (
The30 FluffyVersion = "3.0"
// CVSS Version
type TentacledVersion string
const (
The31 TentacledVersion = "3.1"
type DefCveItem struct {
AnythingArray []interface{}
Bool *bool
DefCveItemClass *DefCveItemClass
Double *float64
Integer *int64
String *string
func (x *DefCveItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
x.AnythingArray = nil
x.DefCveItemClass = nil
var c DefCveItemClass
object, err := unmarshalUnion(data, &x.Integer, &x.Double, &x.Bool, &x.String, true, &x.AnythingArray, true, &c, false, nil, false, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if object {
x.DefCveItemClass = &c
return nil
func (x *DefCveItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return marshalUnion(x.Integer, x.Double, x.Bool, x.String, x.AnythingArray != nil, x.AnythingArray, x.DefCveItemClass != nil, x.DefCveItemClass, false, nil, false, nil, true)
type Config struct {
AnythingArray []interface{}
Bool *bool
ConfigClass *ConfigClass
Double *float64
Integer *int64
String *string
func (x *Config) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
x.AnythingArray = nil
x.ConfigClass = nil
var c ConfigClass
object, err := unmarshalUnion(data, &x.Integer, &x.Double, &x.Bool, &x.String, true, &x.AnythingArray, true, &c, false, nil, false, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if object {
x.ConfigClass = &c
return nil
func (x *Config) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return marshalUnion(x.Integer, x.Double, x.Bool, x.String, x.AnythingArray != nil, x.AnythingArray, x.ConfigClass != nil, x.ConfigClass, false, nil, false, nil, true)
// Defines a configuration node in an NVD applicability statement.
type Node struct {
AnythingArray []interface{}
Bool *bool
Double *float64
Integer *int64
NodeClass *NodeClass
String *string
func (x *Node) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
x.AnythingArray = nil
x.NodeClass = nil
var c NodeClass
object, err := unmarshalUnion(data, &x.Integer, &x.Double, &x.Bool, &x.String, true, &x.AnythingArray, true, &c, false, nil, false, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if object {
x.NodeClass = &c
return nil
func (x *Node) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return marshalUnion(x.Integer, x.Double, x.Bool, x.String, x.AnythingArray != nil, x.AnythingArray, x.NodeClass != nil, x.NodeClass, false, nil, false, nil, true)
type CvssV2 struct {
AnythingArray []interface{}
Bool *bool
CvssV2Class *CvssV2Class
Double *float64
Integer *int64
String *string
func (x *CvssV2) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
x.AnythingArray = nil
x.CvssV2Class = nil
var c CvssV2Class
object, err := unmarshalUnion(data, &x.Integer, &x.Double, &x.Bool, &x.String, true, &x.AnythingArray, true, &c, false, nil, false, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if object {
x.CvssV2Class = &c
return nil
func (x *CvssV2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return marshalUnion(x.Integer, x.Double, x.Bool, x.String, x.AnythingArray != nil, x.AnythingArray, x.CvssV2Class != nil, x.CvssV2Class, false, nil, false, nil, true)
type CvssV30 struct {
AnythingArray []interface{}
Bool *bool
CvssV30Class *CvssV30Class
Double *float64
Integer *int64
String *string
func (x *CvssV30) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
x.AnythingArray = nil
x.CvssV30Class = nil
var c CvssV30Class
object, err := unmarshalUnion(data, &x.Integer, &x.Double, &x.Bool, &x.String, true, &x.AnythingArray, true, &c, false, nil, false, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if object {
x.CvssV30Class = &c
return nil
func (x *CvssV30) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return marshalUnion(x.Integer, x.Double, x.Bool, x.String, x.AnythingArray != nil, x.AnythingArray, x.CvssV30Class != nil, x.CvssV30Class, false, nil, false, nil, true)
type CvssV31 struct {
AnythingArray []interface{}
Bool *bool
CvssV31Class *CvssV31Class
Double *float64
Integer *int64
String *string
func (x *CvssV31) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
x.AnythingArray = nil
x.CvssV31Class = nil
var c CvssV31Class
object, err := unmarshalUnion(data, &x.Integer, &x.Double, &x.Bool, &x.String, true, &x.AnythingArray, true, &c, false, nil, false, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if object {
x.CvssV31Class = &c
return nil
func (x *CvssV31) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return marshalUnion(x.Integer, x.Double, x.Bool, x.String, x.AnythingArray != nil, x.AnythingArray, x.CvssV31Class != nil, x.CvssV31Class, false, nil, false, nil, true)
type Weakness struct {
AnythingArray []interface{}
Bool *bool
Double *float64
Integer *int64
String *string
WeaknessClass *WeaknessClass
func (x *Weakness) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
x.AnythingArray = nil
x.WeaknessClass = nil
var c WeaknessClass
object, err := unmarshalUnion(data, &x.Integer, &x.Double, &x.Bool, &x.String, true, &x.AnythingArray, true, &c, false, nil, false, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if object {
x.WeaknessClass = &c
return nil
func (x *Weakness) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return marshalUnion(x.Integer, x.Double, x.Bool, x.String, x.AnythingArray != nil, x.AnythingArray, x.WeaknessClass != nil, x.WeaknessClass, false, nil, false, nil, true)
func unmarshalUnion(data []byte, pi **int64, pf **float64, pb **bool, ps **string, haveArray bool, pa interface{}, haveObject bool, pc interface{}, haveMap bool, pm interface{}, haveEnum bool, pe interface{}, nullable bool) (bool, error) {
if pi != nil {
*pi = nil
if pf != nil {
*pf = nil
if pb != nil {
*pb = nil
if ps != nil {
*ps = nil
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
tok, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
return false, err
switch v := tok.(type) {
case json.Number:
if pi != nil {
i, err := v.Int64()
if err == nil {
*pi = &i
return false, nil
if pf != nil {
f, err := v.Float64()
if err == nil {
*pf = &f
return false, nil
return false, errors.New("Unparsable number")
return false, errors.New("Union does not contain number")
case float64:
return false, errors.New("Decoder should not return float64")
case bool:
if pb != nil {
*pb = &v
return false, nil
return false, errors.New("Union does not contain bool")
case string:
if haveEnum {
return false, json.Unmarshal(data, pe)
if ps != nil {
*ps = &v
return false, nil
return false, errors.New("Union does not contain string")
case nil:
if nullable {
return false, nil
return false, errors.New("Union does not contain null")
case json.Delim:
if v == '{' {
if haveObject {
return true, json.Unmarshal(data, pc)
if haveMap {
return false, json.Unmarshal(data, pm)
return false, errors.New("Union does not contain object")
if v == '[' {
if haveArray {
return false, json.Unmarshal(data, pa)
return false, errors.New("Union does not contain array")
return false, errors.New("Cannot handle delimiter")
return false, errors.New("Cannot unmarshal union")
func marshalUnion(pi *int64, pf *float64, pb *bool, ps *string, haveArray bool, pa interface{}, haveObject bool, pc interface{}, haveMap bool, pm interface{}, haveEnum bool, pe interface{}, nullable bool) ([]byte, error) {
if pi != nil {
return json.Marshal(*pi)
if pf != nil {
return json.Marshal(*pf)
if pb != nil {
return json.Marshal(*pb)
if ps != nil {
return json.Marshal(*ps)
if haveArray {
return json.Marshal(pa)
if haveObject {
return json.Marshal(pc)
if haveMap {
return json.Marshal(pm)
if haveEnum {
return json.Marshal(pe)
if nullable {
return json.Marshal(nil)
return nil, errors.New("Union must not be null")
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