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Created May 4, 2023 06:51
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import type { SvelteComponent } from 'svelte';
export interface ActivityType {
title: HTMLElement | string;
date: Date | string;
src: string;
alt: string;
text?: HTMLElement | string;
export type AlignType = 'text-center' | 'text-left' | 'text-right';
export interface AuthFieldType {
label: string;
fieldtype: string;
required?: boolean;
placeholder?: string;
export type AuthFunctionType = () => Promise<void>;
export type ButtonType = 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset';
export type Buttontypes = 'blue' | 'blue-outline' | 'dark' | 'dark-outline' | 'light' | 'green' | 'green-outline' | 'red' | 'red-outline' | 'yellow' | 'yellow-outline' | 'purple' | 'purple-outline';
export type Buttonshadows = 'blue' | 'green' | 'cyan' | 'teal' | 'lime' | 'red' | 'pink' | 'purple';
export type CarouselIconType = {
next: typeof SvelteComponent;
prev: typeof SvelteComponent;
export interface CheckboxType {
id: string;
label: string;
checked?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
helper?: string;
export type Colors = 'blue' | 'gray' | 'red' | 'yellow' | 'purple' | 'green' | 'indigo' | 'pink' | 'white' | 'custom';
export interface DotType {
top?: boolean;
color?: string;
export interface drawerTransitionParamTypes {
amount?: number;
delay?: number;
duration?: number;
easing?: (t: number) => number;
opacity?: number;
x?: number;
y?: number;
export type drawerTransitionTypes =
| 'fade'
| 'fly'
| 'slide'
| 'blur'
| 'in:fly'
| 'out:fly'
| 'in:slide'
| 'out:slide'
| 'in:fade'
| 'out:fade'
| 'in:blur'
| 'out:blur'
| undefined;
export interface DropdownType {
name: string;
href: string;
divider?: boolean;
export type FormColorType = 'blue' | 'red' | 'green' | 'purple' | 'teal' | 'yellow' | 'orange'
export type Gradientduotones = 'purple2blue' | 'cyan2blue' | 'green2blue' | 'purple2pink' | 'pink2orange' | 'teal2lime' | 'red2yellow';
export interface GroupTimelineType {
title: string | HTMLElement;
src: string;
alt: string;
href?: string;
isPrivate?: boolean;
comment?: string | HTMLElement;
export interface IconType {
name: typeof SvelteComponent;
size?: number;
color?: Colors;
class?: string;
export interface IconTabType {
name: typeof SvelteComponent;
active: boolean;
href: string;
rel?: string;
icon?: typeof SvelteComponent;
iconSize?: number;
export type ImgType = {
src: string;
alt?: string;
export type InputType = 'color' | 'date' | 'datetime-local' | 'email' | 'file' | 'hidden' | 'image' | 'month' | 'number' | 'password' | 'reset' | 'submit' | 'tel' | 'text' | 'time' | 'url' | 'week' | 'search';
export interface InteractiveTabType {
name: string;
id: number;
active?: boolean,
disabled?: boolean,
icon?: typeof SvelteComponent,
iconSize?: number,
content: string | typeof SvelteComponent;
export interface ListGroupItemType {
current?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
href?: string;
[propName: string]: any;
export interface LinkType {
name: string;
href?: string;
rel?: string;
active?: boolean;
export interface ListCardType {
img: ImgType;
field1: string;
field2?: string;
field3?: string;
export interface NavbarType {
name: string;
href: string;
rel?: string;
child?: NavbarType[];
export interface PageType {
pageNum: number;
href: string;
export declare const xs = 'xs'
export declare const sm = 'sm'
export declare const md = 'md'
export declare const lg = 'lg'
export declare const xl = 'xl'
export declare type SizeType = typeof xs | typeof sm | typeof md | typeof lg | typeof xl;
export declare type FormSizeType = typeof sm | typeof md | typeof lg;
export interface PillTabType {
name: string;
selected: boolean;
href: string;
export type ReviewType = {
name: string;
imgSrc: string;
imgAlt: string;
address: string | undefined;
reviewDate: string | undefined;
title: string;
rating: number;
item1: string | undefined;
item2: string | undefined;
item3: string | undefined;
export type SelectOptionType = {
name: string | number;
value: string | number;
export type SidebarType = {
id: number;
name: string;
href?: string;
icon?: typeof SvelteComponent;
iconSize?: number;
iconClass?: string;
iconColor?: string;
rel?: string;
children?: SidebarType[];
subtext?: HTMLElement;
export type SidebarCtaType = {
label: string;
text: HTMLElement;
export interface SiteType {
name: string;
href: string;
img?: string;
export interface SocialMediaLinkType {
parent: string;
children?: LinkType[];
export interface SocialMediaType {
href: string;
icon: typeof SvelteComponent;
iconSize?: number;
iconClass?: string;
export interface TabHeadType {
name: string;
id: number;
export interface TabType {
name: string;
active: boolean;
href: string;
rel?: string;
export interface TableDataHelperType {
start: number;
end: number;
total: number
export type Textsize = 'text-xs' | 'text-sm' | 'text-base' | 'text-lg' | 'text-xl' | 'text-2xl' | 'text-3xl' | 'text-4xl';
export interface TimelineItemType {
date: Date | string;
title: string;
icon?: typeof SvelteComponent;
href?: string;
linkname?: string;
text?: HTMLElement | string;
export interface TimelineItemVerticalType {
date: Date | string;
title: string;
icon?: typeof SvelteComponent;
iconSize?: number;
iconClass?: string;
href?: string;
linkname?: string;
text?: HTMLElement | string;
export interface TimelineItemHorizontalType {
date: Date | string;
title: string;
icon?: typeof SvelteComponent;
iconSize?: number;
iconClass?: string;
text?: HTMLElement | string;
export type ToggleColorType = 'blue' | 'red' | 'green' | 'purple' | 'yellow' | 'teal' | 'orange';
export interface TransitionParamTypes {
delay?: number;
duration?: number;
easing?: (t: number) => number;
css?: (t: number, u: number) => string;
tick?: (t: number, u: number) => void;
export type TransitionTypes = 'fade' | 'fly' | 'slide' | 'blur' | 'in:fly' | 'out:fly' | 'in:slide' | 'out:slide' | 'in:fade' | 'out:fade' | 'in:blur' | 'out:blur';
export interface ButtonClassesTypes {
default?: string;
border?: string;
application?: string;
pagination?: string;
group?: string;
card?: string;
meeting?: string;
video?: string;
custom?: string;
export {};
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