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Created June 1, 2024 00:29
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  • Save shinshin86/984a81b03b806a708c3f0d1b048c20a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shinshin86/984a81b03b806a708c3f0d1b048c20a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This shell script is designed to initialize and run the Omost on Google Colab.
!git clone
%cd Omost
!git checkout add-share-option
!pip install torch torchvision --index-url
!pip install -r requirements.txt
!python --share
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Did you generate any image using Colab?

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(I'm sorry if the meaning has changed due to the language barrier and I'm using a translation app)

Thank you very much.I am now playing Omost on colab pro.
Personally, I continue to connect google drive and use the customized
By copying it and starting it from there, you can change the LLM you use to "omost-dolphin-2.9-llama3-8b-4bits".
I've been doing things like changing the SDXL model to "Lykon/AAM_XL_AnimeMix"...
The relative path "%cd Omost" on the second line is changed to the absolute path "%cd /content/Omost".
This change was made because if it was a relative path, the Omost directory would be nested multiple times and installed each time it was restarted and shut down.

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