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Last active November 7, 2018 17:39
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My first attempt to write and use Perl6 grammars; it seems to work (but it isn't tested extensively)
use v6.c;
# based on my original attempt, enhanced with protos
# and ideas from
grammar JSON-Grammar
token TOP { \s* <json-value> \s* }
proto token json-value { * }
token json-value:sym<true> { <sym> }
token json-value:sym<false> { <sym> }
token json-value:sym<null> { <sym> }
token json-value:sym<string> { <json-string> }
token json-value:sym<number> { <json-number> }
token json-value:sym<array> { <json-array> }
token json-value:sym<object> { <json-object> }
token json-string { '"' ~ '"' <string-char>* }
rule json-object { '{' ~ '}' [ <object-pair>* % ',' ]? }
rule json-array { '[' ~ ']' [ <json-value>* % ',' ]? }
token json-number { <[+-]>? [ \d+ <frac-part>? | <frac-part> ] <exp-part>? }
token frac-part { '.' \d+ }
token exp-part { <[eE]> <[+-]>? \d+ }
proto token string-char { * }
token string-char:sym<escape> { <escape-char> }
token string-char:sym<regular> { <regular-char> }
proto token escape-char { * }
token escape-char:sym<single> { <backslash-char> }
token escape-char:sym<unicode> { <unicode-char> }
token backslash-char { '\\' <[\" \\ \/ b f n r t]> }
token unicode-char { '\\u' <xdigit> ** 4 }
token regular-char { <-[\\ \" \x00 .. \x1F ]> }
rule object-pair { <json-string> ':' <json-value> }
class JSON-to-Perl
my %esc-map = %('\\"/bfnrt'.comb Z=> "\\\"/\b\f\n\r\t".comb);
method TOP($/) { make $<json-value>.made }
method json-value:sym<object>($/) { make $<json-object>.made }
method json-value:sym<array>($/) { make $<json-array>.made }
method json-value:sym<string>($/) { make $<json-string>.made }
method json-value:sym<number>($/) { make $<json-number>.made }
method json-value:sym<true>($/) { make True }
method json-value:sym<false>($/) { make False }
method json-value:sym<null>($/) { make Nil }
method json-number($/) { make +~$/ }
method json-string($/) { make $/.caps».value».made .join }
method json-array($/) { make$/.caps».value».made) }
method json-object($/) { make$/.caps».value».made) }
method object-pair($/) { make $<json-string>.made => $<json-value>.made }
method string-char:sym<regular>($/) { make $<regular-char>.made }
method regular-char($/) { make ~$/ }
method string-char:sym<escape>($/) { make $<escape-char>.made }
method escape-char:sym<single>($/) { make $<backslash-char>.made }
method escape-char:sym<unicode>($/) { make $<unicode-char>.made }
method unicode-char($/) { make$/.substr(2))) }
method backslash-char($/) { make %esc-map{~$/.substr(1)} }
sub MAIN(
Str $file-name, #= a JSON file
) {
my $p = JSON-Grammar.parse($file-name.IO.slurp,
actions => JSON-to-Perl) or die "malformed JSON?";
say $p.made.perl;
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shintakezou commented Nov 7, 2018

I don't know what we are supposed to do when in an object the same key appears several time. This implementation makes an array, so that {"a":"b", "a":10} is the same as {"a":["b",10]}. NodeJS behaves differently: only the value given in the last key survives. So, in the example above, the final object would be {"a":10}. Moreover, NodeJS seems to preserve the ordering, while the resulting Perl6 hash is, well, a hash (not a sequence of pairs), hence the ordering isn't necessarily the same as the JSON object given as input.

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