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Created November 30, 2011 22:06
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update on sto reading
(defn join-sto-fasta-lines [infilespec origin]
(let [[seq-lines gc-lines] (sto-GC-and-seq-lines infilespec)
gc-lines (if (not= origin "")
(concat (take 1 gc-lines) [origin] (drop 1 gc-lines))
recombined-seqs (sort-by
#(-> % second first)
(fn [m l]
(let [[nm sq] (if (.startsWith l "#")
(str/split #"\s{2,}+" l)
(str/split #"\s+" l))
prev (get m nm [(gen-uid) ""])]
(assoc m nm [(first prev)
(str (second prev) sq)])))
{} seq-lines)))
{seq-lines false cons-lines true} (group-by
#(or (.startsWith (first %) "//")
(.startsWith (first %) "#"))
[gc-lines seq-lines cons-lines]))
(defn join-sto-fasta-file
"Block/join unblocked sequence lines in a sto or fasta file. For
sto files ORIGIN is a #=GF line indicating tool origin of file.
For example, '#=GF AU Infernal 1.0.2'. Defaults to nothing."
[in-filespec out-filespec
& {origin :origin :or {origin ""}}]
(let [[gc-lines seq-lines cons-lines] (join-sto-fasta-lines in-filespec origin)]
(io/with-out-writer (fs/fullpath out-filespec)
(doseq [gcl gc-lines] (println gcl))
(doseq [sl seq-lines]
(let [[nm [id sq]] sl]
(cl-format true "~A~40T~A~%" nm sq)))
(doseq [cl cons-lines]
(let [[nm [id sq]] cl]
(cl-format true "~A~40T~A~%" nm sq))))))
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