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Created June 5, 2012 18:32
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Implementation of Nussinov RNA folding algorithm in Clojure. This algorithm will find the optimal structure with the max number of base pairs.
(defn nussinov
"Uses the Nussinov algorithm to compute an optimal RNA structure by
maximizing base pairs in the structure. The function requires an
input string s. The output is a list of base pair locations [i
j]. It will also print out the sequence and the structure so that it
can be visually inspected. An example sequence of 'GGGAAAUCC' will
give the answer ([2 6] [1 7] [0 8]). Locations are 0 based (ie seq
goes from 0 to n-1)."
(let [s (.toUpperCase s)
n (count s)
delta (fn [i j] ;;base pairing score
(let [bp {"AU" 1 "UA" 1 "GC" 1 "CG" 1 "GU" 1 "UG" 1}
b1 (subs s i (inc i))
b2 (subs s j (inc j))]
(get bp (str b1 b2) 0)))
loc (filter #(and (< (second %) n) ;possible locations in the table to fill in
(> (- (second %) (first %)) 3))
(for [k (range (- n 1)) ;;fill in table diagonally
i (range n)]
[i (+ i k 1)]))
gamma (reduce (fn [m [i j]] ;;table of values
(let [g (fn [i j] ;;determines where the
;;current gamma(i,j) score comes from
(max (get m [(inc i) j] 0) ;;i unpaired
(get m [i (dec j)] 0) ;;j unpaired
(+ (get m [(inc i) (dec j)] 0) (delta i j)) ;;i j paired
(apply max (if (empty? (range (inc i) j)) ;;bifurcation
(for [k (range (inc i) j)]
(+ (get m [i k] 0) (get m [(inc k) j] 0)))))))]
(assoc m [i j] (g i j))))
{} loc)
;;traceback starts at [0 n-1]
traceback (loop [x (list [0 (dec n)]) ;;x is stack of positions to check
bp (list)]
(if-not (empty? x)
(let [[i j] (first x)
x (pop x)]
(if (< i j)
(let [ks (filter (fn [k]
(= (+ (get gamma [i k] 0) (get gamma [(inc k) j] 0)) (get gamma [i j] 0)))
(range (inc i) j))]
;(prn i j (get gamma [i j] 0) ks)
(= (get gamma [(inc i) j] 0) (get gamma [i j] 0)) ;;i unpaired
(recur (conj x [(inc i) j])
(= (get gamma [i (dec j)] 0) (get gamma [i j] 0)) ;;j unpaired
(recur (conj x [i (dec j)])
(= (+ (get gamma [(inc i) (dec j)] 0) (delta i j)) (get gamma [i j] 0)) ;;i j base paire
(recur (conj x [(inc i) (dec j)])
(conj bp [i j]))
(not (empty? ks)) ;;bifurcation
(recur (conj x [i (first ks)] [(inc (first ks)) j])
;:else ;;not sure if necessary. only 4 possible conditions
;(recur x
; bp)
(recur x
structure (loop [bp traceback
st (apply str (repeat n "."))]
(if-not (empty? bp)
(let [[i j] (first bp)]
(recur (rest bp)
(str (subs st 0 i) "(" (subs st (inc i) j) ")" (subs st (inc j) n))))
(prn s)
(prn structure)
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