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Created September 20, 2012 13:22
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sudoku solver in clojure
(ns sudoku
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.contrib.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as sets]))
;;;example input for testing
(def grid01
(list "003020600"
;;;example solution to input
(def grid01-sol
(list "483921657"
;;example input hard
(def grid50
(list "300200000"
;;example hardest sudoku in world?
(def hardestsudokuinworld
(list "850002400"
;;;labels and definitions for the columns and rows
(def rowlabel [:A :B :C :D :E :F :G :H :I])
(def collabel [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i])
(def valid-numbers #{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9})
(def rowkeys
(for [r rowlabel
c collabel]
[r c]))
(def colkeys
(for [c collabel
r rowlabel]
[r c]))
(def boxkeys
(for [rk (partition-all 3 rowlabel)
ck (partition-all 3 collabel)]
(for [r rk
c ck]
[r c])))
(defn make-grid
"Builds a map of the starting input puzzle from an input string
formatted to reflect the grid pattern"
(let [grid (into {}
(map (fn [rk l]
(into {} (map (fn [ck v]
[ck (Integer/parseInt v)])
collabel (->> l
(str/split #"")
rowlabel ingrid))]
(defn get-peers
"Gets the related rows, columns, and box of the input square coordinates
sq given as [:row :col]"
(let [[r c] sq
row-check (filter #(= r (first %)) rowkeys)
col-check (filter #(= c (second %)) colkeys)
box-check (first (filter #(some (fn [x] (= x sq)) %) boxkeys))]
[row-check col-check box-check]))
(defn valid-sq?
"Ensures a valid square. sq is given as [:row :col]. Returns a vector of valid guesses."
[sq grid]
(let [checker (fn [check]
(= (sets/intersection (set (map #(get-in grid %) check)) valid-numbers)
(vec (map checker (get-peers sq)))))
(defn valid-puzzle?
"Ensure that all squares are valid in the puzzle. Returns a boolean"
(every? true?
;;scan all squares in the puzzle
(for [r rowlabel
c collabel]
;;make sure each square is valid compared to peers
(every? true? (valid-sq? [r c] grid)))))
(defn valid-guess-set
"Creates a set of valid values a square can be. Returns a set of values."
[sq grid]
(let [get-nums (fn [pos] (set (map #(get-in grid %) pos)))]
(sets/difference valid-numbers ;finds valid numbers by removing already used numbers
(apply sets/union ;union all used numbers
(map get-nums (get-peers sq)))))) ;get the current numbers used by peers
(defn solver
"Solves a sudoku puzzle input as grid. The loop is only allowed to
proceed a certain number of times so that infinite loops cannot
occur. So far 17 is the min number of known starting squares to
solve a valid sudoku. Solver works by branching guesses until a
solution is found. When solution is found, complete=true."
(loop [i (range 64)
cur-m grid
prev-m []
complete false]
(let [guess (for [r rowlabel ;creates set of guesses for each square
c collabel]
(let [v (get-in cur-m [r c])]
(if (= 0 v)
[[r c] (valid-guess-set [r c] cur-m)]
[[r c] (set [v])]
{easy true hard false} (group-by #(= 1 (-> % second count)) guess) ;separates known from unknown
hard (remove nil? (sort-by #(count (second %)) hard))
(if (and (seq i)
(not complete))
(do ;(prn complete)
;(prn "i" i)
;(when (= 0 (first i)) (prn "current map=" cur-m))
;(prn "easy" easy)
;(prn "hard" hard)
(if (= cur-m prev-m)
(do ;(prn "calling self")
(first (remove (fn [grid] ;removes any invalid puzzles
(or (nil? grid)
(not (valid-puzzle? grid))))
(flatten (map (fn [[k cur-guess]]
;;branches to make guesses when guesses are available
;;if no guesses can be made, returns nil as that puzzle
;;is unsolvable
(when-not (empty? cur-guess)
(map #(solver (assoc-in cur-m k %)) cur-guess)))
(take 1 hard))))))
(do ;(prn "recur")
(recur (rest i)
(reduce (fn [m [k v]] ;fills in values known from deduction
(assoc-in m k (first v)))
cur-m easy)
(valid-puzzle? cur-m)))
(defn main
"Solves euler problem 96:
By solving all fifty puzzles find the sum
of the 3-digit numbers found in the top left corner of each
solution grid; for example, 483 is the 3-digit number found in the
top left corner of the solution grid above"
(apply +
(map (fn [[name & rows]]
(let [soln (solver (make-grid rows))]
(str (get-in soln [:A :a])
(get-in soln [:A :b])
(get-in soln [:A :c])))))
(->> (io/read-lines "sudoku.txt")
(partition-all 10)
(defn main-hard []
(map (fn [x]
(->> (str/replace-re #"\." "0" x)
(partition-all 9)
(map #(apply str %) )
(take 2 (io/read-lines "sudoku-hard95.txt"))))
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