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Created March 22, 2017 13:58
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(ns sandbox.cipher
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
(defn rotate [n coll]
(concat (drop n coll) (take n coll)))
(defn caeser-cipher [offset]
(-> (zipmap alphabet (rotate offset alphabet))
(assoc \space \space)))
(defn caeser-encode [offset s]
(let [encode (caeser-cipher offset)]
(apply str (map encode s))))
(defn caeser-decode [offset s]
(let [decode (zipmap (vals (caeser-cipher offset))
(keys (caeser-cipher offset)))]
(apply str (map decode s))))
(->> (caeser-encode 1 "hello there")
(caeser-decode 1))
;;; "hello there"
;;;-----vigenere cipher------------------------------------------------------------
(defn letter->number
"Hash-map to convert letters to number"
(into {\space \space} (map vector alpha (range))))
(defn number->letter
"Hash-map to convert numbers into letters"
(into {\space \space} (map vector (range) alpha)))
;;; build a function to use the vigenere cipher to encode a message with a keyword
;;; we do it in a single step, but it can be seen as letters ->
;;; numbers -> letter. The mod 26 is there to cycle the alphabet
;;; around again, whether you are encoding or decoding.
(defn vigenere-encode [key-word plain-text]
(let [original (letter->number alphabet)
encode (number->letter alphabet)
repeat-keyword (cycle (seq key-word))]
(apply str
(map (fn [k c]
(encode (mod (+ (original k) (original c)) 26))); encode by summing letters
repeat-keyword ; cycle keyword letters
(defn- vigenere-generic
"Generic function that can encode or decode the vignere
cipher. Encode (+), decode (-). The encoding works by 2 letters
together to create a new letter. This is carried by converting the
letters to numbers, summing, and then converting the number back
into a letter. Decoding is the reverse operation whereby the key is
subtracted from the cryto letter to get the original back."
[fun key-word s]
(let [to-number (letter->number alphabet)
to-letter (number->letter alphabet)]
(apply str
(map (fn [letter k]
(to-letter (mod (fun (to-number letter) (to-number k)) 26)))
(cycle (seq key-word))))))
;;; we wrote a generic function, now we don't have to write so much
;;; repeated code. It will be obvious that the only difference between
;;; encoding and decoding is the + or - of the keyword from
;;; plaintext (encode) or cryptotext (decode).
(defn vigenere-decode [key-word s] (vigenere-generic - key-word s))
(defn vigenere-encode [key-word s] (vigenere-generic + key-word s))
(->> (vigenere-encode "key" "function")
(vigenere-decode "key"))
;;; "function"
(def encoded-message
(str "coliwicojqkwbjplvwffjvapvjuikicomitxrxnemtbefickmpeitf
#"(\s|\n)" ""))
(defn likely-repeats-length-n [n s]
(->> (partition-all n 1 s) ; all k-mers of length n
(map #(apply str %)) ; make them strings
(sort-by second >) ; k-mer with most repeats
(defn find-repeats [s]
(filter #(> (second %) 1) (map #(likely-repeats-length-n % s) (range 3 (/ (count s) 2)))))
(defn factors-of [n] (filter #(zero? (rem n %)) (range 1 (inc (/ n 2)))))
(defn find-occurances [match]
(->> encoded-message
(partition-all (count match) 1)
(map-indexed (fn [i x] [i (= (apply str x) match)]))
(filter #(-> % second true? ))
(map first)))
(defn delta-occurances [occurances]
(loop [V occurances
delta []]
(if (>= (count V) 2)
(let [[a b] (take 2 V)]
(recur (rest V)
(conj delta (- b a))))
(defn partition-all-str
([n s] (partition-all-str n n s))
([n step s]
(mapv (fn [i]
(if (< (+ i n) (count s))
(subs s i (+ i n))
(subs s i)))
(range 0 (count s) step))))
(defn transpose [coll] (apply map vector coll))
(defn string->column [n s]
(map (fn [i] (map #(.charAt s %)
(range i (count s) n)))
(range n)))
(defn string->column2 [n s]
(map #(->> (subs s %) ; starting frame
(take-nth n)) ; every n letters
(range n)))
(defn sum [coll] (reduce + coll))
(defn mean [coll] (/ (sum coll) (count coll)))
(defn sqr [x] (* x x))
(def letter-freq
{\a 0.0812, \b 0.0149, \c 0.0271, \d 0.0432,
\e 0.1202, \f 0.023, \g 0.0203, \h 0.0592,
\i 0.0731, \j 0.001, \k 0.0069, \l 0.0398,
\m 0.026099999999999998, \n 0.0695, \o 0.0768,
\p 0.0182, \q 0.0011, \r 0.0602,
\s 0.06280000000000001, \t 0.091, \u 0.0288,
\v 0.0111, \w 0.0209, \x 0.0017000000000000001,
\y 0.021099999999999997, \z 7.000000000000001E-4})
(defn index-of-coincidence [c char-vector]
(let [obs-char-freqs (frequencies char-vector)]
(/ (sum
(map (fn [a]
(if-let [ni (obs-char-freqs a)]
(* ni (- ni 1))
(count char-vector)
(- (count char-vector) 1)
(/ c))))
(def IC (partial index-of-coincidence 26))
(defn chi-sq [char-vector]
(let [obs-char-freqs (frequencies char-vector)
n (count char-vector)]
(map (fn [a]
(let [obs (get obs-char-freqs a 0) ; observed number letter(i)
exp (* (letter-freq a) n)] ; explected number letter(i)
(/ (sqr (- obs exp))
;;; We know that the key is length 3-8. We narrow down the potential
;;; key size by calculating the distances between repeated words and
;;; then identifying common factors of these distances. The
;;; intersection of these factors are likely key sizes
(->> (find-repeats encoded-message) (map first) ; identify repeat words
(mapcat #(delta-occurances (find-occurances %))) ; distance between these repeats
(map (fn [x] (filter #(<= 3 % 8) (factors-of x))))) ; factors b/w 3 and 8
;;; at this point we have narrowed down the key-size to 3,4,6. But we
;;; still have to figure out the key-size and the message. We could
;;; try to brute force it by trying out all letter combinations for 3,
;;; 4, and 6 length words but it is still impossible to read all of
;;; the messages.
;;; Instead of reading every message, we can decode the key by looking
;;; for decoded messages that resemble an english passage. By looking
;;; for letter frequency, we can automatically determine if the
;;; passage looks like it is written in english. We narrow down the
;;; key size by using the index-of-coincidence to calculate common
;;; di-letter frequencies. With the calculated key size, we use the
;;; the chi-square test to identify and retain any decoded messages
;;; that contain similar letter frequency to written english.
(defn crack-code [instr]
(let [key-size (->> (for [i (range 3 9)]
[i (->> (string->column2 i instr) ; make message into columns of length i
(map IC) ; mean IC over letter columns
(sort-by second >)
ffirst)] ; keep the key size with highest IC
(prn :key-size key-size)
(->> (string->column key-size instr)
(map (fn [column] ; decode each column
(let [column (apply str column)]
(->> (for [i (range 26)] ; try every letter
[i (chi-sq (caeser-decode i column))]) ; calculate similarity to english
(sort-by second)
ffirst)))) ; keep the most similar hit
(map (number->letter alphabet))))) ; calculate the key
(crack-code (str/lower-case encoded-message))
;;; instead of the ->> for loop stuff, use reduce! This doesn't work
;;; right now b/c like a fool, i forgot what column is
(reduce (fn [[best-offset cur-chi :as current] i]
(let [col (apply str column)
new-chi (chi-sq (caeser-decode i col))] ; calculate similarity to english
(if (< cur-chi new-chi) ; keep the most similar hit (least significant)
[i new-chi])))
[-1 Integer/MAX_VALUE]
(vec (range 26)))
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