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Last active May 17, 2019 07:02
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Sort python log files using date time. Takes datetime regex as input
import argparse
import re
from datetime import datetime
from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL
from operator import itemgetter
def test_sorted_lines():
input_log_1 = ["2019-05-08 08:44:21,159 : 1 line 1",
"2019-05-08 08:44:22,996 : 1 line 2",
"line 2.1",
"line 2.2",
"2019-05-08 08:44:27,000 : 1 line 3", ]
input_log_2 = ["2019-05-08 08:44:21,158 : 2 line 1",
"2019-05-08 08:44:22,995 : 2 line 2",
"2019-05-08 08:44:26,000 : 2 line 3",
"line 3.1",
"line 3.2", ]
input_log_3 = ["line 0.1",
"line 0.2",
"line 0.3",
"2019-05-08 08:45:00,000 : 3 line 2",
"2019-05-08 08:46:00,000 : 3 line 3", ]
expected_output = [
"2019-05-08 08:44:21,158 : 2 line 1",
"2019-05-08 08:44:21,159 : 1 line 1",
"2019-05-08 08:44:22,995 : 2 line 2",
"2019-05-08 08:44:22,996 : 1 line 2\nline 2.1\nline 2.2",
"2019-05-08 08:44:26,000 : 2 line 3\nline 3.1\nline 3.2",
"2019-05-08 08:44:27,000 : 1 line 3",
"2019-05-08 08:45:00,000 : 3 line 2",
"2019-05-08 08:46:00,000 : 3 line 3",
output = list(sorted_lines([input_log_2, input_log_1, input_log_3], re.compile('(%s)' % r'^[\d :-]{19},\d+')))
assert output == expected_output
def get_datetime(asctime):
return datetime.strptime(asctime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f")
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pattern', help='datetime pattern',
default=r'^[\d :-]{19},\d+')
parser.add_argument('log', nargs='+', type=argparse.FileType(), help="log files")
return parser.parse_args()
def rows(f, datetime_pattern):
non_match = 0
last_row = ()
for line_no, raw_line in enumerate(f, 1):
line = raw_line.rstrip()
match =
if match:
if last_row:
yield last_row
last_row = [, line]
non_match += 1
if last_row != ():
# only do it if last row had something
last_row[1] = last_row[1] + "\n" + line
if last_row:
yield last_row
def print_formatted(start, end):
duration = end['time'] - start['time']
print("%s\t%0.03f" % (end['time'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"), duration.total_seconds()))
def indexed_rows(files, pattern):
for f in files:
for indexed_row in rows(f, pattern):
yield indexed_row
def sorted_lines(files, pattern):
for _, line in sorted(indexed_rows(files, pattern), key=itemgetter(0)):
yield line
def main():
args = parse_args()
datetime_pattern = re.compile('(%s)' % args.pattern)
for line in sorted_lines(args.log, datetime_pattern):
if __name__ == '__main__':
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