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Created September 21, 2012 09:40
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Save shiranGinige/3760640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell script to changes references of all projects under the execution directory
# Calling Convention
# ChangeReference.ps1 "log4net , Version= ......" "new dll path" , "log4net , <new dll infor>"
# Note : This needs script signing before executing. refer
# OR can set the powershell execution policy to unrestricted (at your own risk ;)) > Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
param([String]$ReferenceToRemove , [String]$NewAssemblyPath, [String]$NewAssemblyIncludeInfo)
$xmlns = ""
$projects = ls -r -i *.csproj
foreach($projectPath in $projects)
$proj = [xml](Get-Content $projectPath)
$XPath = [string]::Format("//a:Reference[@Include='{0}']", $ReferenceToRemove)
[System.Console]::WriteLine("Finding reference {0} in {1}", $ReferenceToRemove, $projectPath);
[System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager] $nsmgr = $proj.NameTable
$node = $proj.SelectSingleNode($XPath, $nsmgr)
if ($node)
[System.Console]::WriteLine("Removing the assembly reference {0} in project {1}", $ReferenceToRemove , $projectPath)
#Removing the child
$parentNode = $node.ParentNode;
#Adding a new item
$referenceNode = $proj.CreateElement("Reference", $xmlns);
$referenceNode.SetAttribute("Include", $NewAssemblyIncludeInfo);
$hintPath = $proj.CreateElement("HintPath", $xmlns);
$hintPath.InnerXml = $NewAssemblyPath;
[System.Console]::WriteLine("Cannot find the assembly reference {0} in project {1}", $ReferenceToRemove , $projectPath)
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