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Last active May 16, 2019 08:45
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Manage docker-compose containers with make. With the directory structure in place, run `make deploy` to launch production mode locally.
# root/
# |_ app/
# | |_ Dockerfile
# | |_ secrets.env
# | |_
# |_ web/
# | |_ Dockerfile
# | |_ secrets.env
# | |_
# |_ project.env (PROJECT_NAME=project_1)
# |_ docker-compose.yml
# |_
app ?= app
proj ?= project.env
include $(proj)
export $(shell sed 's/=.*//' $(proj))
.PHONY: help
help: ## Show list of targets
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE := docker-compose.yml
LOGS_TAIL := 200
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE)))
$(error "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE) does not exist.")
build: ## Build project containers
@docker-compose -f "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE)" -p "$(PROJECT_NAME)" build
build-dev: --dev build ## Build DEV project containers
start: ## Start all project containers
@docker-compose -f "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE)" -p "$(PROJECT_NAME)" up -d
start-dev: --dev start ## Start all DEV project containers
stop: ## Stop all project containers
@docker-compose -f "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE)" -p "$(PROJECT_NAME)" stop
stop-dev: --dev stop ## Stop all DEV project containers
status: ## Display status of project containers
@docker ps -f name="$(PROJECT_NAME)"
status-dev: --dev status ## Display status of DEV project containers
logs: ## Display logs of all project containers
-@docker-compose -f "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE)" -p "$(PROJECT_NAME)" logs --follow --tail $(LOGS_TAIL)
logs-dev: --dev logs ## Display logs of all DEV project containers
deploy: build stop start status ## Build and restart project containers
deploy-dev: build-dev stop-dev start-dev status-dev ## Build and restart DEV project containers
destroy: ## Remove all project containers
@docker-compose -f "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE)" -p "$(PROJECT_NAME)" down --remove-orphans
destroy-dev: --dev destroy ## Remove all DEV project containers
@INSTANCE="$(shell docker ps --format '{{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}' -f ancestor='$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(app)' | grep -w '$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(app)' | awk '{ print $$1 }')"; \
(test -n "$$INSTANCE" || { echo "$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(app)> ERROR: App \"$(app)\" not found. Please specify a valid app name."; exit 1; }) && \
echo "$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(app):$$INSTANCE>" && \
docker exec -i -t $${INSTANCE:?} /bin/bash
shell-dev: --dev shell
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