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Last active March 14, 2024 12:16
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run ssh-keyscan to add keys to known_hosts. This is a playbook for ansible
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
sudo: no
- name: run ssh-keyscan to add keys to known_hosts
local_action: shell ssh-keyscan {{ ansible_ssh_host }} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
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Ditch the pipes.

- name: Scan for SSH host keys.
    module: shell
    cmd: ssh-keyscan 2>/dev/null
  changed_when: False
  register: ssh_scan

- name: Update known_hosts.
    module: known_hosts
    key: "{{ item }}"
    name: "{{ ansible_host }}"
  with_items: "{{ ssh_scan.stdout_lines }}"

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@DanielDavis5 this is a good solution as you don't need to use extra hacks. Though to me it was not working if I was redirecting to /dev/null, all the output would be registered to stderr. If I keep ssh-keyscan some-host only, then it works fine.

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