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Created July 18, 2013 06:48
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""" Download an IR remote signal from a Rigol DS1052E and
analyze it for a NEC protocol signal.
Ken Shirriff
import array
import sys
import time
import visa
# Get the USB device, e.g. 'USB0::0x1AB1::0x0588::DS1ED141904883'
instruments = visa.get_instruments_list()
usb = filter(lambda x: 'USB' in x, instruments)
if len(usb) != 1:
print 'Bad instrument list', instruments
scope = visa.instrument(usb[0], timeout=20, chunk_size=1024000) # bigger timeout for long mem
# Oscilloscope can get confused if too many commands arrive too fast
def scopewrite(str):
# Set the scope the way we want it
scopewrite(':ACQ:MEMD LONG') # Long memory type
scopewrite(':CHAN1:COUP DC') # DC coupling
scopewrite(':CHAN1:DISP ON') # Channel 1 on
scopewrite(':CHAN2:DISP OFF') # Channel 1 off
scopewrite(':CHAN1:SCAL 1') # Channel 1 vertical scale 1 volts
scopewrite(':CHAN1:OFFS -2') # Channel 1 vertical offset 2 volts
scopewrite(':TIM:SCAL .01') # 10ms time interval
scopewrite(':TIM:OFFS .05') # Offset time 50 ms
scopewrite(':TRIG:EDGE:SOUR CHAN1') # Edge-trigger from channel 1
scopewrite(':TRIG:EDGE:SWE SING') # Single trigger
scopewrite(':TRIG:EDGE:COUP DC') # DC trigger coupling
scopewrite(':TRIG:EDGE:SLOP NEG') # Trigger on negative edge
scopewrite(':TRIG:EDGE:LEV 2.5') # Trigger at 2.5 volts
# Get the sample rate for processing the input data
sample_rate = scope.ask_for_values(':ACQ:SAMP?')[0]
while 1:
while scope.ask(':TRIG:STAT?') != 'STOP':
# Grab the raw data from channel 1, which will take about 10 seconds
scopewrite(":WAV:POIN:MODE RAW")
rawdata = scope.ask(":WAV:DATA? CHAN1")
# Convert data into high/low values, keeping in mind that rawdata is inverted
# First 10 bytes are header
data = array.array('B', rawdata[10:])
data = map(lambda x: x < 128, data)
# Decode an IR signal in NEC protocol
# For an explanation, see
def decode():
# Process data into list of milliseconds high, milliseconds low, milliseconds high, etc.
regions = []
state = data[0]
pos = 0
for i in range(1, len(data)):
if data[i] != state:
regions.append((i - pos) * 1000. / sample_rate)
pos = i
state = data[i]
if len(regions) < 64 or data[0] != True:
raise Exception('Wrong number of regions: %s' % regions)
# Make sure the received length is within 30% of the expected length
# Otherwise throw an exception
def expect(received, expected):
if received < .7 * expected or received > 1.3 * expected:
raise Exception('Wanted length %f vs %f\n%s' % (received, expected, regions))
# Process the header and 32 bits of data in the IR message
result = 0
expect(regions[1], 9) # 9 ms header mark
expect(regions[2], 4.5) # 4.5ms header space
for i in range(0, 32): # Loop over 32 bits
expect(regions[3 + 2*i], .5625) # 562.5 microseconds mark
if regions[4 + 2*i] > 1.000: # If more than 1 millisecond, must be a 1
expect(regions[4 + 2*i], 1.6875) # 1.6875ms mark for 1 bit
result = (result << 1) | 1
expect(regions[4 + 2*i], .5625) # 562.5 us mark for 0 bit
result = result << 1
return result
print '%x' % decode()
except Exception, e:
print 'Decode failed', e
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