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Last active December 4, 2021 10:12
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allow(dead_code, unused_variables, unreachable_code, unused_must_use)
use std::{collections::HashSet, io::BufRead, thread::current};
fn main() {
let stdin = std::io::stdin();
let lock = stdin.lock();
let mut lines = lock.lines();
let score =;
let score = score
.map(|v| v.parse::<isize>().unwrap())
let mut boards = vec![];
let mut temp_vec = vec![];;
for line in lines {
let line = line.unwrap();
if line == "" {
let temp = temp_vec.join(" ");
let temp = temp
.split(" ")
.flat_map(|v| (v).parse::<isize>().ok())
.map(|v| (v, false))
temp_vec = vec![];
} else {
let temp = temp_vec.join(" ");
let temp = temp
.split(" ")
.flat_map(|v| (v).parse::<isize>().ok())
.map(|v| (v, false))
let mut winner_index = 99999;
let mut no_that_won = 0;
let board_len = boards.len();
let mut solved_board = HashSet::new();
let mut winner_count = 0;
'board_loop: for ss in score {
'break_board: for bb in boards.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let current_index = bb.0;
if solved_board.contains(&current_index) {
let bb = bb.1;
for cell in bb.iter_mut() {
if cell.0 == ss {
cell.1 = true;
for row in bb.chunks(5) {
let count = row.iter().filter(|v| v.1 == true).count();
if count >= 5 {
winner_count += 1;
if winner_count >= board_len {
winner_index = current_index;
no_that_won = ss;
break 'board_loop;
continue 'break_board;
for i in 0..5 {
let count = bb.iter().skip(i).step_by(5).filter(|v| v.1 == true).count();
if count >= 5 {
winner_count += 1;
if winner_count >= board_len {
dbg!("WINNER COL");
winner_index = current_index;
no_that_won = ss;
break 'board_loop;
continue 'break_board;
let board_sum: isize = boards[winner_index]
.filter(|v| (v).1 == false)
.map(|v| (v.0))
dbg!((board_sum) * no_that_won);
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