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Created December 22, 2023 23:07
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C# Dotnet show virtual text warnings/errors in vim virtual text
" Call DotnetRunAndShowVirtualText on file open & save
autocmd BufReadPost,BufWritePost *.cs | call DotnetRunAndShowVirtualText()
" Delete virtual text on a buffer when it is modified
autocmd TextChanged,TextChangedI *.cs lua vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(0, -1, vim.fn.line(".") - 1, vim.fn.line("."))
highlight MyWarningVirtualText guifg=orange
highlight MyErrorVirtualText guifg=red
function! DotnetRunAndShowVirtualText()
lua << EOF
-- Get the name of the currently open file
local target_file = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
-- Clear the existing virtual text from every line
vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(0, -1, 0, -1)
-- Define a handler for the job output
local on_stdout = function(_, data, _)
-- Parse the output
for _, line in ipairs(data) do
-- Split the line into parts
local parts = {}
for part in line:gmatch("%S+") do
table.insert(parts, part)
-- Extract the file path, line number and message
local file_and_line = parts[1]
local message = table.concat(parts, " ", 3)
-- Remove the file name from the end of the message
message = message:gsub(" %[.*%]$", "")
-- Extract the file path and line number from the file and line part
local file_path, line_number = file_and_line:match("^(.-)%((%d+),")
if file_path == target_file and line_number then
-- Convert the line number to a number
line_number = tonumber(line_number)
local highlight_group = line:find("error CS") and "MyErrorVirtualText" or "MyWarningVirtualText"
-- Add virtual text to the line with the error or warning, with spaces added for padding
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_virtual_text(0, -1, line_number - 1, {{" "..message, highlight_group}}, {})
-- Start the job
vim.fn.jobstart("dotnet run", {on_stdout = on_stdout})
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