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Created January 11, 2012 08:48
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init.el basic part
;; basic settings
;; ===============================================================================
;; 日本語設定 (UTF-8)
(set-language-environment "Japanese")
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8-unix)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(set-clipboard-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
;; (setq default-file-name-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
;; (setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(set-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
;; 一時マークモードの自動有効化
(setq-default transient-mark-mode t)
;; emacs-server起動
;; (if window-system (server-start))
;; 行番号表示
(global-linum-mode t)
;; 行、カラム番号をモードラインに表示
(line-number-mode t);
(column-number-mode t);
;; tabの代わりにスペースでインデント
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
;; tab幅4
(setq-default tab-width 4)
(setq tab-width 4)
;; 改行コードを表示
;; (setq eol-mnemonic-dos "(CRLF)")
;; (setq eol-mnemonic-mac "(CR)")
;; (setq eol-mnemonic-unix "(LF)")
;; フォントロックモード (強調表示等) を有効にする
(global-font-lock-mode t)
;; 括弧の対応をハイライト.
(show-paren-mode t)
(setq show-paren-style 'mixed)
(set-face-background 'show-paren-match-face "purple")
(set-face-foreground 'show-paren-match-face nil)
;; 現在行を目立たせる
(global-hl-line-mode t)
(setq hl-line-face 'underline)
;; 行末の空白を強調させる
(setq-default show-trailing-whitespace t)
;; 見た目を変える
;;(set-face-background 'trailing-whitespace "blue")
;;(set-face-underline 'trailing-whitespace t)
;; 行末の空白を削除
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)
;; find-file で大文字小文字を区別しない
(setq completion-ignore-case t)
(setq read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t)
;; 部分一致の補完機能を使う
;; p-bでprint-bufferとか
(partial-completion-mode t)
;; mini buffer の履歴を保存する
(savehist-mode t)
;; mini buffer の履歴数
(setq history-length 100)
;; 最近開いたファイルを保存する数
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 500)
;; C-kで行全体を削除
(setq kill-whole-line t)
;; BSで選択範囲を消す
(delete-selection-mode t)
;; imenu rescan
(setq imenu-auto-rescan t)
;; The local variables list in .emacs と言われるのを抑止
(add-to-list 'ignored-local-variables 'syntax)
;; gzファイルも編集できるようにする
(auto-compression-mode t)
;; D&Dでファイルオープン
(define-key global-map [ns-drag-file] 'ns-find-file)
;; ウィンドウ透過度
;;(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(95 95))
;; メニューバーを消す
;; (menu-bar-mode -1)
;; 時間を表示
;; (display-time)
;; skelton-pair
(global-set-key (kbd "(") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key (kbd "{") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key (kbd "[") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key (kbd "\"") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key (kbd "\'") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(setq skeleton-pair t)
;; abbrev-mode
(setq-default abbrev-mode t)
(read-abbrev-file "~/.emacs.d/abbrev_defs")
(setq save-abbrevs t)
;; cua mode
;; (cua-mode t)
;; (setq cua-enable-cua-keys nil)
;; (setq cua-mode-normal-cursor-color "white")
;; (setq cua-mode-overwrite-cursor-color "red")
;; (setq cua-mode-read-only-cursor-color "green")
;; 削除ファイルをゴミ箱へ
(setq trash-directory "~/.emacs.d/.trash")
(setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
;; バックアップファイルの保存場所を変更
(setq backup-directory "~/.emacs.d/.bak")
(if (and (boundp 'backup-directory)
(not (fboundp 'make-backup-file-name-original)))
(fset 'make-backup-file-name-original
(symbol-function 'make-backup-file-name))
(defun make-backup-file-name (filename)
(if (file-directory-p backup-directory)
(concat backup-directory "/" (file-name-nondirectory filename))
(make-backup-file-name-original filename)))))
;; 自分以外の所有のファイルを sudo で開き直す
(defun file-root-p (filename)
"Return t if file FILENAME created by root."
(eq 0 (nth 2 (file-attributes filename))))
(defun th-rename-tramp-buffer ()
(when (file-remote-p (buffer-file-name))
(format "%s:%s"
(file-remote-p (buffer-file-name) 'method)
(add-hook 'find-file-hook
(defadvice find-file (around th-find-file activate)
"Open FILENAME using tramp's sudo method if it's read-only."
(if (and (file-root-p (ad-get-arg 0))
(not (file-writable-p (ad-get-arg 0)))
(y-or-n-p (concat "File "
(ad-get-arg 0)
" is read-only. Open it as root? ")))
(th-find-file-sudo (ad-get-arg 0))
(defun th-find-file-sudo (file)
"Opens FILE with root privileges."
(interactive "F")
(set-buffer (find-file (concat "/sudo::" file))))
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