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Created July 28, 2020 14:24
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Use a combination of jp2a and imagemagick to print any image as ascii
for path in "$@"; do
# Get the mime-type
MIMETYPE=$(file --mime-type -b "$path")
if [[ "$MIMETYPE" == "image/jpeg" ]]; then
# Use jp2a if image is jpg
jp2a "$path"
elif [[ "$MIMETYPE" =~ image/* ]]; then
# Convert image to temporary jpg
convert "$path" "$TMPPATH" 2>/dev/null
# Did conversion fail?
if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "$path: failed to convert image to jpg"
# Display image
jp2a "$TMPPATH"
# Delete temporary jpg
# Not an image
echo "$path: not an image"
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