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Last active September 20, 2017 08:11
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object CakeBonusQuestion {
type Set = Int=>Boolean
val BOUND_VALUE=1000
private def forall(set:Set, predicate:(Int=>Boolean)):Boolean={
def containsValue(set:Set,element:Int)=set(element)
def isNotInConjecture(value:Int):Boolean =containsValue(set, value) && !predicate(value)
def iterate(value: Int): Boolean = {
if (value > BOUND_VALUE) true
else if (isNotInConjecture(value)) false
else iterate(value + 1)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val resultTrue = forall((a:Int)=> a % 4 == 0, (a:Int)=> a % 2 == 0)
val resultFalse = forall( (a:Int)=> a % 2 == 0, (a:Int)=> a % 4 == 0)
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