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Created September 20, 2018 15:28
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" Author : Shankar (sangha)
"" Searching
set hlsearch " highlight matches
set incsearch " incremental searching
set ignorecase " searches are case insensitive...
set smartcase " ... unless they contain at least one capital letter
" disable vi compatibility (emulation of old bugs)
set nocompatible
"Line Numbering
set number
" UTF-8 Support
set encoding=utf-8
" To add the proper PEP 8 indentation, add the following to your .vimrc:
" This will give you the standard four spaces when you hit tab, ensure your
" line length doesn’t go beyond 80 characters, and store the file in a Unix
" format so you don’t get a bunch of conversion issues when checking into
" GitHub and/or sharing with other users.
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py
\ set tabstop=4
\ set softtabstop=4
\ set shiftwidth=4
\ set textwidth=79
\ set expandtab
\ set autoindent
set colorscheme desert
" expand tabs to spaces
set expandtab
" goto definition with F12
map <F12> <C-]>
set autoindent
set smarttab
" For plugins to load correctly
filetype indent on
filetype on
filetype plugin on
" Show file stats
set ruler
" Blink cursor on error instead of beeping (grr)
set visualbell
" use intelligent indentation for C
set smartindent
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