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Created December 22, 2020 03:58
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Public log As Logger
' ================================== Variables for initVars sub ==================================
Dim dutySlotsSheet As String
Dim dutySlotsStartRow As Integer
Dim dateCol As Integer
Dim dayCol As Integer
Dim firstActualCol As Integer
Dim firstStbCol As Integer
Dim numDutyCols As Integer
Dim pointsCol As Integer
Dim firstCheckCol As Integer
Dim lastCheckCol As Integer
Dim dutyTypeCell As String
Dim monthCell As String
Dim dutyHeaderRow As Integer
Dim dutyType As String
Dim planningmonth As Date
' ================================== end initVars Sub ==================================
Dim slotPoints(2) As Integer ' slotPoints(numberOfPoints) = number of slots with that number of points
Dim slotPoint As Integer
Dim personnel(100) As DutyPersonnel ' Original : Dim personnel(255) as DutyPersonnel
Dim numPersonnel As Integer
Dim slots(100) As DutySlot ' Original : Dim slots(255) As DutySlot
Dim numSlots As Integer
' ================= Variables for Guard Duty planner sheet defined in initVars sub =================
Dim plannerSheet As String
Dim dutyGapCell As String
Dim standbyGapCell As String
Dim minDutyGap As Integer
Dim minStbGap As Integer
' =================================================== end ===========================================
' ================= Automate planning of duties =================
Sub PlanDuties()
initVars ' Initialise variables
Dim numRows As Integer
Dim currentRow As Integer
Dim totalPoints As Integer
totalPoints = 0
Dim numDuties As Integer
numDuties = 0
Dim overUnder As Double
' Track unfulfilled duties to swap
Dim cont As Boolean
Dim ds As DutySlot ' Create ds object from the DutySlot class module
' Iterative variables
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer, m As Integer
Dim slotPointsBackup(2) As Integer
numPersonnel = 0
numSlots = 0
slotPoints(0) = 0
slotPoints(1) = 0
slotPoints(2) = 0
numRows = countRows ' numRows = 52
Set log = New Logger ' Create new Logger object
log.clearLog ' Clear screen
'log.log ("Number of duties per day: " & numDutyCols)
Dim dayHasDuty As Boolean
' ================= Count total points, number of slots, load all slots =================
i = 0
While (i < numRows) ' i < 52
currentRow = dutySlotsStartRow + i ' currentRow = 3 + i(0)
dayHasDuty = False ' If cell is not black
j = 0
While (j < numDutyCols) ' j < 2
'(3 , 3 + 2 * 0 )
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, firstActualCol + 2 * j).Interior.Color <> RGB(0, 0, 0)) Then
dayHasDuty = True
End If
j = j + 1
If (dayHasDuty) Then
j = 0
While (j < numDutyCols) ' j < 2
'(4 , 3 + 2 * 0 )
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, firstActualCol + 2 * j).Interior.Color <> RGB(0, 0, 0)) Then ' Unarmed
' If the day has duty aka not in black colour, the slotPoint will be added up
' slotPoint can only be either 1 or 2.
slotPoint = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, pointsCol).Value
totalPoints = totalPoints + slotPoint
numDuties = numDuties + 1
slotPoints(slotPoint) = slotPoints(slotPoint) + 1
' Create an object of DutySlot with every slot available (not black in colour)
Set slots(numSlots) = New DutySlot
' + Initialise the slot by calling the initialize function
' from DutySlot Class Module
Call slots(numSlots).initialize(currentRow, firstActualCol + 2 * j)
' Increment the next slot
numSlots = numSlots + 1
End If
j = j + 1
End If
i = i + 1
' TODO : What is the slotPointsBackup(0), slotPointsBackup(1), slotPointsBackup(2)
' ================= Create backup for slotPoints, not sure why ? =================
i = 0
While (i < 3)
slotPointsBackup(i) = slotPoints(i)
i = i + 1
overUnder = totalPoints / numDuties
log.log ("Total Points: " & totalPoints)
log.log ("Total Duties: " & numDuties)
log.log ("Avg Points Per Slot: " & overUnder)
' ================= Load all the guards from Points Sheet =================
Dim n As Integer
n = PointsTable.countRows ' n = 41
i = 0
Dim dp As DutyPersonnel
While (i < n)
' Don't count guards who have exemptions ' dutyType = GUARD
If (Not DutyExemptions.PersonnelHasExemption(PointsTable.getName(i + 2)) And PointsTable.getDutyType(i + 2) = dutyType) Then
' Create new guards objects from DutyPersonnel Class Module
Set personnel(numPersonnel) = New DutyPersonnel
personnel(numPersonnel).initialize (PointsTable.getName(i + 2))
numPersonnel = numPersonnel + 1
End If
i = i + 1
log.log ("Number of Duty Personnel: " & numPersonnel) ' numPersonnel = 41
log.log ("Points Per Person: " & (totalPoints / numPersonnel) & vbCrLf) ' vbCrLf means press Enter
' Sort personnel by points in a linear fashion.
' Remove extras from assigning list
slotPoints(2) = slotPoints(2) - DutyExtras.CountTotalMonthExtras
' Debug.Print slotPoints(0) = 0
' Debug.Print slotPoints(1) = 40
' Debug.Print slotPoints(2) = 12
If (slotPoints(2) < 0) Then slotPoints(2) = 0
' ================================== Setup slots ==================================
Dim currentDay As Integer
Dim numVolunteers As Integer
numVolunteers = 0
' This whole While ... Wend chunk of code is for
' 1) Calculating the difficulty of a slot to be assigned to guards
' 2) Allocating volunteer duties
' Note : i is for iterating slots; j is for iterating guards personnel
i = 0
While (i < numSlots) ' While (0 ... 51 < 52 free slots where guards will be assigned)
currentDay = slots(i).day ' TODO : This is NOT currentDay (Mon, Tue, Wed ...),
' it is current Date (1st, 2nd, 3rd).
j = 0
While (j < numPersonnel) ' While (0 ... 40 < 41)
' If personnel A ... AO has committment on the 2nd Then add 1 to the slots(0).difficulty variable.
' This repeat for all the 52 slots.
' If personnel A ... AO has committment on the 2nd Then add 1 to the slots(1).difficulty variable.
' If personnel A ... AO has committment on the 2nd Then add 1 to the slots(2).difficulty variable.
If (personnel(j).getCommitment(currentDay)) Then ' Set difficulty
' If the personnel A has committments for example on the 2nd date of the month,
' add 1 to the Actual guard slot on the 2nd. This will loop for all 41 guards.
slots(i).difficulty = slots(i).difficulty + 1
End If
' Set volunteer
If (personnel(j).getVolunteer(currentDay) And Not personnel(j).getDutyDay(currentDay)) Then
slots(i).setVolunteer (personnel(j).name)
personnel(j).addDutyDay (currentDay)
End If
j = j + 1
' ================= Pre-allocated / Volunteer personnel =================
If (slots(i).personnel <> "") Then ' If slots(0).personnel is Not equal to empty string which means
' it has some name of a duty personnel aka Pre-allocated/Volunteer personnel.
j = 0 ' j is for iterating guards personnel
While (j < numPersonnel) ' 0 ... 40 < 41
If (personnel(j).name = slots(i).personnel) Then ' If personnel(0).name = slots(0).personnel Then
' which means it has found the name of the personnel.
slots(i).setVolunteer (personnel(j).name)
slotPoints(slots(i).points) = slotPoints(slots(i).points) - 1
numVolunteers = numVolunteers + 1
If (personnel(j).getVolunteer(slots(i).day)) Then
log.log (personnel(j).name & " volunteered on " & currentDay)
log.log (personnel(j).name & " was pre-assigned on " & currentDay)
End If
' The below 2 lines are subtracted and added up the points for that day..
' Debug.Print slotPoints(0) = 0
' Debug.Print slotPoints(1) = 40
' Debug.Print slotPoints(2) = 12
personnel(j).removeDuty (slots(i).points)
personnel(j).addDutyDay (slots(i).day)
slots(i).locked = True
End If
j = j + 1
End If
i = i + 1
' ================= Assign number of duties =================
' Assign guards with 2 point slots. If the total number of 2 point slots are empty
' then Assign guards with 1 point slots.
Dim cpp As Integer ' Current Planning Points (points of the slot)
Dim currIndex As Integer
Dim breakPoint As Integer
breakPoint = -1
cpp = 2
currIndex = numPersonnel - 1 ' 40 = 41 - 1
i = 0
' Debug.Print numDuties - DutyExtras.CountTotalMonthExtras - numVolunteers
' (i < 52 - 0 - 49)
While (i < numDuties - DutyExtras.CountTotalMonthExtras - numVolunteers)
If (cpp = 2) Then
personnel(currIndex).addDuty (cpp) ' personnel(40).addDuty(2)
slotPoints(cpp) = slotPoints(cpp) - 1 ' slotPoints(2) = slotPoints(2) - 1
ElseIf (cpp = 1) Then
'If (personnel(currIndex).numberOfDutiesWithPoints(2) > 0 Or slotPoints(cpp) = 1) Then
personnel(currIndex).addDuty (cpp)
slotPoints(cpp) = slotPoints(cpp) - 1
' personnel(currIndex).addDuty (cpp)
' personnel(currIndex).addDuty (cpp)
' slotPoints(cpp) = slotPoints(cpp) - 2
' i = i + 1
'End If
End If
If (slotPoints(cpp) = 0) Then ' If (slotPoints(2) = 0) Then
cpp = cpp - 1 ' after all the '2 point' slots are assigned to guards
' move on to '1 point' slots.
If (cpp = 1 And currIndex > 0) Then breakPoint = currIndex - 1
End If
currIndex = currIndex - 1 ' 39 = 40 -1
If (currIndex = -1) Then
If (breakPoint = -1) Then
currIndex = numPersonnel - 1
currIndex = breakPoint
If (personnel(currIndex).numberOfDutiesWithPoints(1) >= 2) Then
currIndex = numPersonnel - 1
End If
End If
End If
' Debug.Print i ' i = 0, i = 1, i = 1
i = i + 1
' ================= Balance duties based on points =================
cont = True
currIndex = numPersonnel - 1 ' 40 = 41 - 1
i = 0
'Debug.Print "personnel(40).totalPoints", personnel(currIndex).totalPoints ' = 2
'Debug.Print "personnel(0).totalPoints", personnel(i).totalPoints ' = 0
'Debug.Print "personnel(0).dutyPoints", personnel(i).dutyPoints ' = 10 (PPM)
'Debug.Print "personnel(40).dutyPoints", personnel(currIndex).dutyPoints ' = 0.182 (PPM)
While (cont) ' While(True)
If (personnel(currIndex).totalPoints = personnel(i).totalPoints And personnel(i).dutyPoints > 0 And personnel(currIndex).dutyPoints > 0) Then
'(10 - 0.182) / 10 -- What's this formula ?
' The personnel who has more dutyPoints will be swapped with personnel
' who has less dutyPoints if this condition is met (personnel(i).numberOfDutiesWithPoints(1) > 0)
If ((personnel(i).dutyPoints - personnel(currIndex).dutyPoints) / personnel(i).dutyPoints > 0.1) Then
If (personnel(i).numberOfDutiesWithPoints(1) > 0) Then
personnel(i).removeDuty (1) ' Swap duty with personnel who has less dutyPoints
personnel(currIndex).addDuty (1)
End If
End If
cont = False
End If
' Compare the guards from 0,1,2,3 and the guards from 40,39,38,37.
' Compare guards 0 And 40 , 1 And 39 , 2 And 38 ...
currIndex = currIndex - 1
i = i + 1
' ================= Assign extras =================
i = 0
Dim numExtras As Integer
While (i < numPersonnel) 'While (i < 41)
j = 0
numExtras = DutyExtras.PersonnelNumExtras(personnel(i).name)
While (j < numExtras)
personnel(i).addDuty (2)
log.log (personnel(i).name & " has extra")
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
i = 0
While (i < 3)
slotPoints(i) = slotPointsBackup(i)
i = i + 1
' ================= Assign standbys =================
cpp = 2
currIndex = numPersonnel - 1 ' 40 = 41 - 1
i = 0
While (i < numDuties) ' While (i < 52)
If (cpp = 2) Then
personnel(currIndex).addStandby (cpp)
slotPoints(cpp) = slotPoints(cpp) - 1
ElseIf (cpp = 1) Then
If (personnel(currIndex).numberOfDutiesWithPoints(2) > 0 Or slotPoints(cpp) = 1) Then
personnel(currIndex).addStandby (cpp)
slotPoints(cpp) = slotPoints(cpp) - 1
personnel(currIndex).addStandby (cpp)
personnel(currIndex).addStandby (cpp)
slotPoints(cpp) = slotPoints(cpp) - 2
i = i + 1
End If
End If
If (slotPoints(cpp) = 0) Then
cpp = cpp - 1 ' cpp = 2 - 1
End If
currIndex = currIndex - 1
If (currIndex = -1) Then currIndex = numPersonnel - 1
i = i + 1
' This subroutine sorts all 52 slots in a decreasing order of number of points.
' Sort slots and personnel by difficulty.
' The personnel who has many committments will have a higher number of pDifficulty value
' than a personnel who has little committments.
' Print "" to the cell.
log.log ("")
' ======================== Assign Actual duties and stand-by duties(shankar edits) ========================
Dim numDutiesToAssign() As Integer
Dim foundSlot As Boolean
Dim hasClash As Boolean
Dim hasMissingSlot As Boolean
hasMissingSlot = True
Dim numRetries As Integer
numRetries = 0
Dim errorLog(255) As String
Dim numErrors As Integer
numErrors = 0
' While (True And 0 < 1)
While (hasMissingSlot And numRetries < 1)
hasMissingSlot = False
numRetries = numRetries + 1
numErrors = 0
i = 0
While (i < numSlots) ' While (i < 52 free slots where guards will be assigned)
If (Not slots(i).locked) Then
slots(i).personnel = "" 'Assign "" the slot which is not assigned to any personnel
slots(i).standby = ""
End If
i = i + 1 'Loop i from 0 to 51 aka loop 52 times
i = 0
While (i < numPersonnel) ' Loop through each of the 41 total personnel
j = 1 ' j = 1 point WeekDay duties, j = 2 points WeekEnd duties
' Initially numDutiesToAssign is 0.
numDutiesToAssign = personnel(i).numberOfDuties
'numDutiesToAssign consists of the below 3 variables
'numDuties(0) = 0
'numDuties(1) = 0
'numDuties(2) = 0
' TODO : I cannot understand the value from the below code.
' Debug.Print "numDutiesToAssign", numDutiesToAssign(2)
' (1 <= 2)
While (j <= 2) ' Loop through each duty points 1 => Weekday, 2 => Weekend
k = 0
' While ( 0 ... < numDutiesToAssign(1) or numDutiesToAssign(2))
While (k < numDutiesToAssign(j)) ' Loop through each duty
l = 0
foundSlot = False
' (0 ... 51 < 52)
While (l < numSlots) ' While (0 ... 51 < 52) -> Loop through each 52 slots.
' Checks if there is a slot open or it has found solution
' If (Not False And slots(0).personnel = "" And slots(0).points = 1) Then
If (Not foundSlot And slots(l).personnel = "" And slots(l).points = j) Then
m = 0
hasClash = False
' (0 ... 51 < 52)
' Loop through each slot again to check for clashes too near to current slot
While (m < numSlots)
If (Abs(slots(l).day - slots(m).day) <= minDutyGap And personnel(i).name = slots(m).personnel) Then
hasClash = True
End If
m = m + 1
' If the personnel has committment on that particular day,
' then hasClash = True
If (personnel(i).getCommitment(slots(l).day)) Then hasClash = True
' If the personnel is able to take arms And
' the slot is an armed slot,
' then hasClash = False
If (Not personnel(i).armed And slots(l).armed) Then
hasClash = True
End If
' If Not hasClash(False) = True; then
' declare that a slot has been found and assign
' the personnel to that particular slot.
' Next, shuffleSlotsByDifficulty.
If (Not hasClash) Then
foundSlot = True
slots(l).personnel = personnel(i).name
' This is the important part where we can randomise the guards personnel.
End If
End If
l = l + 1
' If slots are not found, Then hasMissingSlot = True
' log to Guard Duty planner sheet
' increment numErrors by 1
If (Not foundSlot) Then
hasMissingSlot = True
' log.log ("Unable to assign " & personnel(i).name & " to a " & j & " point slot")
errorLog(numErrors) = "Unable to assign " & personnel(i).name & " to a " & j & " point slot"
numErrors = numErrors + 1
End If
k = k + 1
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
' ======================== Assign standby duties ========================
' This is the exact same code as before. The comments written previously apply here too.
i = 0
While (i < numPersonnel) ' Loop through each of 41 personnel
j = 1
'Initially, numDutiesToAssign is 0.
'Subsequently, numDutiesToAssign is
numDutiesToAssign = personnel(i).numberOfStandbys
'While (1 <= 2)
While (j <= 2) ' Loop through each duty points
' k is an iterative variable.
k = 0
While (k < numDutiesToAssign(j)) ' Loop through each 1 point / 2 points duty slot.
l = 0
foundSlot = False
While (l < numSlots) ' Loop through each slot
' Check if the slot is vacant or if there is a solution.
If (Not foundSlot And slots(l).standby = "" And slots(l).points = j) Then
m = 0
hasClash = False
While (m < numSlots) ' Loop through each slot again to check for clashes with current slot
If (Abs(slots(l).day - slots(m).day) <= minStbGap And personnel(i).name = slots(m).personnel) Then
hasClash = True
End If
m = m + 1
m = 0
' Loop through each slot again to check for clashes w/ standby too near to current slot
While (m < numSlots)
If (Abs(slots(l).day - slots(m).day) <= minStbGap And personnel(i).name = slots(m).standby) Then
hasClash = True
End If
m = m + 1
If (personnel(i).getCommitment(slots(l).day)) Then hasClash = True
If (Not personnel(i).armed And slots(l).armed) Then
hasClash = True
End If
If (Not hasClash) Then
foundSlot = True
slots(l).standby = personnel(i).name
End If
End If
l = l + 1
If (Not foundSlot) Then
hasMissingSlot = True
' log.log ("Unable to assign " & personnel(i).name & " to a " & j & " point standby slot")
errorLog(numErrors) = "Unable to assign " & personnel(i).name & " to a " & j & " point standby slot"
numErrors = numErrors + 1
End If
k = k + 1
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
' ======================== End of Assign Actual Duties And Assign stand-by ========================
' log.log ("Retried " & numRetries & " times")
If (hasMissingSlot) Then
i = 0
While (i < numErrors)
log.log (errorLog(i))
i = i + 1
End If
i = 0
While (i < numSlots) ' While (i < 52)
'log.log (i & "- " & slots(i).toString)
i = i + 1
' This subroutine is useless.
i = 0
While (i < numPersonnel)
'log.log (i & "- " & personnel(i).toString)
i = i + 1
' Existing points (lower ppm, higher points)
' Duty commitments (more days away, higher points)
' Armed (non-armed +++++++ points make sure put first)
' Assign points to everyone based on their PPM (points per month)
End Sub
' Add duty records from the filled duty slots into the duty records sheet
Sub AddDutyRecords()
Dim numRows As Integer
Dim currentRow As Integer
Dim currentCol As Integer
Dim checkCol As Integer
Dim hasClash As Boolean
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim dayHasDuty As Boolean
numRows = countRows
' Loop through each row
i = 0
While (i < numRows)
currentRow = dutySlotsStartRow + i
' If cell is not black
dayHasDuty = False
j = 0
While (j < numDutyCols)
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, firstActualCol + 2 * j).Interior.Color <> RGB(0, 0, 0)) Then dayHasDuty = True
j = j + 1
If (dayHasDuty) Then
j = 0
While (j < numDutyCols)
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, firstActualCol + 2 * j).Interior.Color <> RGB(0, 0, 0)) Then
DutyRecords.AddDutyRecord Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, firstActualCol + 2 * j).Value, Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Range(monthCell).Value, dutyType, Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, pointsCol).Value
End If
j = j + 1
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
' Check for errors in the current duty slots
Sub CheckForErrors()
Dim numRows As Integer
Dim currentRow As Integer
Dim currentCol As Integer
Dim checkCol As Integer
Dim hasClash As Boolean
Dim dayHasDuty As Boolean
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
numRows = countRows
' Loop through each row
i = 0
While (i < numRows)
currentRow = dutySlotsStartRow + i
' Keep track of clashes
hasClash = False
dayHasDuty = False
j = 0
While (j < numDutyCols)
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, firstActualCol + 2 * j).Interior.Color <> RGB(0, 0, 0)) Then dayHasDuty = True
j = j + 1
' If cell is not black
If (dayHasDuty) Then
' Define checking range
Dim checkRowFirst As Integer
Dim checkRow As Integer
checkRowFirst = currentRow - 2
If (checkRowFirst < dutySlotsStartRow) Then
checkRowFirst = dutySlotsStartRow
End If
Dim checkRowLast As Integer
checkRowLast = currentRow + 2
' Check all 4 col
currentCol = firstActualCol
While (currentCol < pointsCol)
' Check that the cell we're checking is not blank
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, currentCol).Value <> "") Then
' Loop through each row and col
checkCol = firstCheckCol
While (checkCol < pointsCol)
' Loop through +- 2 from current row
checkRow = checkRowFirst
While (checkRow < checkRowLast + 1)
'MsgBox ("checking row " & checkRow & " col " & checkCol)
' Don't check against itself
If Not (currentRow = checkRow And currentCol = checkCol) Then
' Check for clash
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, currentCol).Value = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(checkRow, checkCol).Value) Then
hasClash = True
'MsgBox ("CLASHING " & currentRow & ", " & currentCol & " with " & checkRow & ", " & checkCol)
Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(currentRow, currentCol).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
End If
End If
checkRow = checkRow + 1
checkCol = checkCol + 1
End If
currentCol = currentCol + 1
End If
If (hasClash) Then
'MsgBox ("Ouch! There's a clash at row " & currentRow)
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Sub FindUncommitted()
Dim selectedDate As Integer
Dim output As String
Dim i As Integer
selectedDate = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(ActiveCell.Row, dateCol).Value
' Load everyone
Dim n As Integer
n = PointsTable.countRows
i = 0
output = "Personnel without commitments:" & vbCrLf
Dim dp As DutyPersonnel
While (i < n)
' Don't count with exemptions
If (Not DutyExemptions.PersonnelHasExemption(PointsTable.getName(i + 2)) And PointsTable.getDutyType(i + 2) = dutyType) Then
Set personnel(numPersonnel) = New DutyPersonnel
personnel(numPersonnel).initialize (PointsTable.getName(i + 2))
If (Not personnel(numPersonnel).getCommitment(selectedDate)) Then
output = output & personnel(numPersonnel).name & vbCrLf
End If
numPersonnel = numPersonnel + 1
End If
i = i + 1
MsgBox (output)
End Sub
Sub HighlightCommitments()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim selectedPers As String
Dim pers As DutyPersonnel
Dim currentDate As Integer
selectedPers = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Value
Set pers = New DutyPersonnel
pers.initialize (selectedPers)
i = dutySlotsStartRow
While (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, dateCol).Value <> "")
currentDate = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, dateCol).Value
If (pers.getCommitment(currentDate)) Then
j = firstActualCol
While (j < pointsCol)
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex <> 1) Then
Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = 27
End If
j = j + 1
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Sub HighlightDuties()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim selectedPers As String
selectedPers = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Value
i = dutySlotsStartRow
While (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, dateCol).Value <> "")
j = firstActualCol
While (j < pointsCol)
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex <> 1) Then
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Value = selectedPers) Then
Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = 27
End If
End If
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
End Sub
Sub ResetHighlightCommitments()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim currentDay As String
Dim colo As Integer
i = dutySlotsStartRow
While (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, dateCol).Value <> "")
currentDay = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, dayCol).Value
j = firstActualCol
While (j < pointsCol)
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex <> 1) Then
If (currentDay = "SAT" Or currentDay = "SUN") Then
Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
If (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Value = "") Then
If (currentDay = "SAT" Or currentDay = "SUN") Then
colo = 28
colo = 33
End If
Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = colo
End If
End If
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub shuffleSlotsByDifficulty()
' A brief explanation:
' I am guessing this subroutine randomly shuffles the slots.
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim tempslot As DutySlot
Dim numDutiesWithDiff As Integer
Dim currDiff As Double
Dim toSwap1 As Integer
Dim toSwap2 As Integer
' Call sortSlotsByDifficulty to arrange the slots based on the difficulty value.
i = 2
j = 0
While (j < numSlots) ' While (0 ... 51 < 52)
numDutiesWithDiff = 0
k = j ' k = 0
currDiff = slots(k).difficulty
'Debug.Print "currDiff = ", currDiff
While (k < numSlots) ' While (0 < 52)
If (slots(k).difficulty = currDiff) Then
'Debug.Print "k =", k, "slots(k).difficulty =", slots(k).difficulty
numDutiesWithDiff = numDutiesWithDiff + 1
k = numSlots ' k = 52
End If
k = k + 1
'Debug.Print ""
' This is the output of the above code
' currDiff = 41
' k = 0 slots(k).difficulty = 41
' currDiff = 32
' k = 1 slots(k).difficulty = 32
' currDiff = 30
'k = 2 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 3 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 4 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 5 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 6 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 7 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 8 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 9 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 10 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 11 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 12 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 13 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 14 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 15 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 16 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 17 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'k = 18 slots(k).difficulty = 30
'currDiff = 28
'k = 19 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 20 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 21 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 22 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 23 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 24 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 25 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 26 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 27 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'k = 28 slots(k).difficulty = 28
'currDiff = 22
'k = 29 slots(k).difficulty = 22
'currDiff = 21
'k = 30 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 31 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 32 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 33 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 34 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 35 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 36 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 37 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 38 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'k = 39 slots(k).difficulty = 21
'currDiff = 20
'k = 40 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 41 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 42 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 43 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 44 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 45 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 46 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 47 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 48 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'k = 49 slots(k).difficulty = 20
'currDiff = 2
'k = 50 slots(k).difficulty = 2
'k = 51 slots(k).difficulty = 2
' Look here
' The Rnd function returns a value less than 1 but greater than or equal to zero.
' Before calling Rnd, use the Randomize statement without an argument to
' initialize the random-number generator with a seed based on the system timer.
k = 0
While (k < 100)
toSwap1 = j + CInt(Int(numDutiesWithDiff * Rnd()))
toSwap2 = j + CInt(Int(numDutiesWithDiff * Rnd()))
Set tempslot = slots(toSwap1)
Set slots(toSwap1) = slots(toSwap2)
Set slots(toSwap2) = tempslot
k = k + 1
j = j + numDutiesWithDiff
End Sub
Private Sub sortPersonnelByPoints()
' This subroutine sorts the personnel by points in a linear fashion.
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim highestIndex As Integer
Dim highestPoints As Double
' Create tempPersonnel object with DutyPersonnel class module
Dim tempPersonnel As DutyPersonnel
' Sort personnel by points
i = 0
While (i < numPersonnel - 1) ' While (i < 41 - 1)
j = i ' j = 0
highestIndex = 0
highestPoints = -1
While (j < numPersonnel) ' While (j < 41)
If (personnel(j).dutyPoints > highestPoints) Then
highestPoints = personnel(j).dutyPoints
highestIndex = j
End If
j = j + 1
Set tempPersonnel = personnel(i)
Set personnel(i) = personnel(highestIndex)
Set personnel(highestIndex) = tempPersonnel
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub sortPersonnelByPointsReverse()
' Sort personnel by their duty points in a decreasing order.
' Example : personnel(0).dutyPoints = 10, personnel(1).dutyPoints = 3, personnel(2).dutyPoints = 1
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim highestIndex As Integer
Dim highestPoints As Double
Dim tempPersonnel As DutyPersonnel
' Sort personnel by points
i = 0
While (i < numPersonnel - 1) ' While (i < 41 - 1)
j = i ' j = i = 0
highestIndex = 0
highestPoints = 999
While (j < numPersonnel)
If (personnel(j).dutyPoints < highestPoints) Then
highestPoints = personnel(j).dutyPoints
highestIndex = j
End If
j = j + 1
Set tempPersonnel = personnel(i)
Set personnel(i) = personnel(highestIndex)
Set personnel(highestIndex) = tempPersonnel
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub sortPersonnelByDifficulty()
' Iterative Variables
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim highestIndex As Integer
Dim highestPoints As Integer
Dim tempPersonnel As DutyPersonnel
' Sort personnel by difficulty aka
i = 0
While (i < numPersonnel - 1) ' While (i < 41 - 1)
j = i ' j = i = 0
highestIndex = 0
highestPoints = -1
While (j < numPersonnel) ' While (j < 41)
' personnel(?).difficulty is the total value of
' white cells present (the personnel has no committments for that following day)
' in the personnel's row in committments sheet.
' The personnel who has many committments will have a higher number
' than a personnel who has little committments.
If (personnel(j).difficulty > highestPoints) Then
highestPoints = personnel(j).difficulty
highestIndex = j
End If
j = j + 1
Set tempPersonnel = personnel(i)
Set personnel(i) = personnel(highestIndex)
Set personnel(highestIndex) = tempPersonnel
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub sortSlotsByDifficulty()
' ============ A brief explanation on what this subroutine does ============
' 1 slot is defined as a column for a particular date, for example
' 1st of Nov, 2nd of Nov, 3rd of Nov and so on.
' In this column D for example, there are empty, P, SB slots from all 41 guards.
' Therefore, this subroutine sorts all 52 slots based on the availability of the guards
' in a decreasing order.
' If the availability of the guards is very low for that column, that slot will have a higher difficulty value.
' ===========================================================================
Dim highestDiff As Integer
Dim tempslot As DutySlot
Dim highestIndex As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
i = 0
While (i < numSlots - 1) ' While (0 .. 50 < 52 - 1)
j = i ' j = i = 0
highestIndex = 0
highestDiff = -1
While (j < numSlots) ' While (0 ... 51 < 52)
If (slots(j).difficulty > highestDiff) Then
highestDiff = slots(j).difficulty
highestIndex = j
End If
j = j + 1
Set tempslot = slots(i)
Set slots(i) = slots(highestIndex)
Set slots(highestIndex) = tempslot
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub sortSlotsByPoints()
Dim highestDiff As Integer
Dim tempslot As DutySlot
Dim highestIndex As Integer
' Iterative variables
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
i = 0
While (i < numSlots - 1) ' While (i < 52 - 1)
j = i ' j = 0
highestIndex = 0
highestDiff = -1
' This portion of code select the slot which has the highest number of points.
While (j < numSlots) ' While (j < 52)
If (slots(j).points > highestDiff) Then ' If (slots(0).points > highestDiff) Then
highestDiff = slots(j).points
highestIndex = j
End If
j = j + 1
' this is the original slots(0)
Set tempslot = slots(i)
' Replace original slots(0) with new slots(highestIndex)
Set slots(i) = slots(highestIndex)
' Place the tempSlot in the slots(highestIndex)
Set slots(highestIndex) = tempslot
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub initVars()
dutySlotsSheet = "Duty Slots"
dutySlotsStartRow = 3
dateCol = 1
dayCol = 2
firstActualCol = 3
firstStbCol = 4
numDutyCols = 0
Dim i As Integer
i = 3
While (Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(2, i).Value <> "POINTS")
numDutyCols = numDutyCols + 1 ' numDutyCols = 2
i = i + 2
pointsCol = i ' pointsCol = 7
firstCheckCol = 3
lastCheckCol = 6
dutyTypeCell = "C1" ' Checks if its for Guard or Guard 2 IC
monthCell = "D1"
dutyHeaderRow = 2
dutyType = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Range(dutyTypeCell).Value
planningmonth = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Range(monthCell).Value
plannerSheet = "Guard Duty Planner"
dutyGapCell = "M4"
standbyGapCell = "M5"
minDutyGap = Worksheets(plannerSheet).Range(dutyGapCell).Value
minStbGap = Worksheets(plannerSheet).Range(standbyGapCell).Value
End Sub
Function countRows()
Dim i As Integer
i = dutySlotsStartRow
While (Not IsEmpty(Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(i, 1).Value))
i = i + 1
countRows = i - dutySlotsStartRow
' The return value is 52
End Function
Function getPlanningMonth()
getPlanningMonth = planningmonth
End Function
Function getDutyType()
getDutyType = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Range(dutyTypeCell).Value
End Function
Function getPointsCol()
getPointsCol = pointsCol
End Function
Function getColHeader(col As Integer)
getColHeader = Worksheets(dutySlotsSheet).Cells(dutyHeaderRow, col).Value
End Function
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