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Created November 11, 2019 17:07
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import asyncio
import inspect
import json
import logging
import uuid
from asyncio import Queue, CancelledError
from sanic import Sanic, Blueprint, response
from sanic.request import Request
from typing import Text, List, Dict, Any, Optional, Callable, Iterable, Awaitable
import rasa.utils.endpoints
from rasa.cli import utils as cli_utils
from rasa.constants import DOCS_BASE_URL
from rasa.core import utils
from urlparse import urljoin # pytype: disable=import-error
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urljoin
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UserMessage(object):
"""Represents an incoming message.
Includes the channel the responses should be sent to."""
def __init__(
text: Optional[Text] = None,
output_channel: Optional["OutputChannel"] = None,
sender_id: Optional[Text] = None,
parse_data: Dict[Text, Any] = None,
input_channel: Optional[Text] = None,
message_id: Optional[Text] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> None:
"""Creates a ``UserMessage`` object.
text: the message text content.
output_channel: the output channel which should be used to send
bot responses back to the user.
sender_id: the message owner ID.
parse_data: rasa data about the message.
input_channel: the name of the channel which received this message.
message_id: ID of the message.
metadata: additional metadata for this message.
self.text = text.strip() if text else text
if message_id is not None:
self.message_id = str(message_id)
self.message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
if output_channel is not None:
self.output_channel = output_channel
self.output_channel = CollectingOutputChannel()
if sender_id is not None:
self.sender_id = str(sender_id)
self.sender_id = self.DEFAULT_SENDER_ID
self.input_channel = input_channel
self.parse_data = parse_data
self.metadata = metadata
def register(
input_channels: List["InputChannel"], app: Sanic, route: Optional[Text]
) -> None:
async def handler(*args, **kwargs):
await app.agent.handle_message(*args, **kwargs)
for channel in input_channels:
if route:
p = urljoin(route, channel.url_prefix())
p = None
app.blueprint(channel.blueprint(handler), url_prefix=p)
app.input_channels = input_channels
class InputChannel(object):
def name(cls):
"""Every input channel needs a name to identify it."""
return cls.__name__
def from_credentials(cls, credentials):
return cls()
def url_prefix(self):
def blueprint(
self, on_new_message: Callable[[UserMessage], Awaitable[None]]
) -> Blueprint:
"""Defines a Sanic blueprint.
The blueprint will be attached to a running sanic server and handle
incoming routes it registered for."""
raise NotImplementedError("Component listener needs to provide blueprint.")
def raise_missing_credentials_exception(cls):
raise Exception(
"To use the {} input channel, you need to "
"pass a credentials file using '--credentials'. "
"The argument should be a file path pointing to "
"a yml file containing the {} authentication "
"information. Details in the docs: "
"{}/user-guide/messaging-and-voice-channels/".format(,, DOCS_BASE_URL
def get_output_channel(self) -> Optional["OutputChannel"]:
"""Create ``OutputChannel`` based on information provided by the input channel.
Implementing this function is not required. If this function returns a valid
``OutputChannel`` this can be used by Rasa to send bot responses to the user
without the user initiating an interaction.
``OutputChannel`` instance or ``None`` in case creating an output channel
only based on the information present in the ``InputChannel`` is not
class OutputChannel(object):
"""Output channel base class.
Provides sane implementation of the send methods
for text only output channels."""
def name(cls):
"""Every output channel needs a name to identify it."""
return cls.__name__
async def send_response(self, recipient_id: Text, message: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None:
"""Send a message to the client."""
#print("\nMESSAGE: {}\n".format(str(message)))
if message.get("quick_replies"):
await self.send_quick_replies(
elif message.get("buttons"):
await self.send_text_with_buttons(
recipient_id, message.pop("text"), message.pop("buttons"), **message
elif message.get("text"):
await self.send_text_message(recipient_id, message.pop("text"), **message)
if message.get("custom"):
await self.send_custom_json(recipient_id, message.pop("custom"), **message)
# if there is an image we handle it separately as an attachment
if message.get("image"):
await self.send_image_url(recipient_id, message.pop("image"), **message)
if message.get("attachment"):
await self.send_attachment(
recipient_id, message.pop("attachment"), **message
if message.get("elements"):
await self.send_elements(recipient_id, message.pop("elements"), **message)
async def send_text_message(
self, recipient_id: Text, text: Text, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Send a message through this channel."""
raise NotImplementedError(
"Output channel needs to implement a send message for simple texts."
async def send_image_url(
self, recipient_id: Text, image: Text, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends an image. Default will just post the url as a string."""
await self.send_text_message(recipient_id, "Image: {}".format(image), **kwargs)
async def send_attachment(
self, recipient_id: Text, attachment: Text, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends an attachment. Default will just post as a string."""
await self.send_text_message(
recipient_id, "Attachment: {}".format(attachment), **kwargs
async def send_text_with_buttons(
recipient_id: Text,
text: Text,
buttons: List[Dict[Text, Any]],
**kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends buttons to the output.
Default implementation will just post the buttons as a string."""
await self.send_text_message(recipient_id, text, **kwargs)
for idx, button in enumerate(buttons):
button_msg = cli_utils.button_to_string(button, idx)
await self.send_text_message(recipient_id, button_msg, **kwargs)
async def send_quick_replies(
recipient_id: Text,
text: Text,
quick_replies: List[Dict[Text, Any]],
**kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends quick replies to the output.
Default implementation will just send as buttons."""
await self.send_text_with_buttons(recipient_id, text, quick_replies, **kwargs)
async def send_elements(
self, recipient_id: Text, elements: Iterable[Dict[Text, Any]], **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends elements to the output.
Default implementation will just post the elements as a string."""
# we can't pass the empty "buttons" key of the message through to send_text_with_buttons()
kwargs.pop("buttons", None)
for element in elements:
element_msg = "{title} : {subtitle}".format(
title=element.get("title", ""), subtitle=element.get("subtitle", "")
await self.send_text_with_buttons(
recipient_id, element_msg, element.get("buttons", []), **kwargs
async def send_custom_json(
self, recipient_id: Text, json_message: Dict[Text, Any], **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends json dict to the output channel.
Default implementation will just post the json contents as a string."""
await self.send_text_message(recipient_id, json.dumps(json_message), **kwargs)
class CollectingOutputChannel(OutputChannel):
"""Output channel that collects send messages in a list
(doesn't send them anywhere, just collects them)."""
def __init__(self):
self.messages = []
def name(cls):
return "collector"
def _message(
recipient_id, text=None, image=None, buttons=None, attachment=None, custom=None
"""Create a message object that will be stored."""
obj = {
"recipient_id": recipient_id,
"text": text,
"image": image,
"buttons": buttons,
"attachment": attachment,
"custom": custom,
# filter out any values that are `None`
return utils.remove_none_values(obj)
def latest_output(self):
if self.messages:
return self.messages[-1]
return None
async def _persist_message(self, message) -> None:
self.messages.append(message) # pytype: disable=bad-return-type
async def send_text_message(
self, recipient_id: Text, text: Text, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
for message_part in text.split("\n\n"):
await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id, text=message_part))
async def send_image_url(
self, recipient_id: Text, image: Text, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends an image. Default will just post the url as a string."""
await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id, image=image))
async def send_attachment(
self, recipient_id: Text, attachment: Text, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Sends an attachment. Default will just post as a string."""
await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id, attachment=attachment))
async def send_text_with_buttons(
recipient_id: Text,
text: Text,
buttons: List[Dict[Text, Any]],
**kwargs: Any
) -> None:
await self._persist_message(
self._message(recipient_id, text=text, buttons=buttons)
async def send_custom_json(
self, recipient_id: Text, json_message: Dict[Text, Any], **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id, custom=json_message))
class QueueOutputChannel(CollectingOutputChannel):
"""Output channel that collects send messages in a list
(doesn't send them anywhere, just collects them)."""
def name(cls):
return "queue"
# noinspection PyMissingConstructor
def __init__(self, message_queue: Optional[Queue] = None) -> None:
super(QueueOutputChannel, self).__init__()
self.messages = Queue() if not message_queue else message_queue
def latest_output(self):
raise NotImplementedError("A queue doesn't allow to peek at messages.")
async def _persist_message(self, message) -> None:
await self.messages.put(message) # pytype: disable=bad-return-type
class RestInput(InputChannel):
"""A custom http input channel.
This implementation is the basis for a custom implementation of a chat
frontend. You can customize this to send messages to Rasa Core and
retrieve responses from the agent."""
def name(cls):
return "rest"
async def on_message_wrapper(
on_new_message: Callable[[UserMessage], Awaitable[None]],
text: Text,
queue: Queue,
sender_id: Text,
input_channel: Text,
) -> None:
collector = QueueOutputChannel(queue)
message = UserMessage(text, collector, sender_id, input_channel=input_channel)
await on_new_message(message)
await queue.put("DONE") # pytype: disable=bad-return-type
async def _extract_sender(self, req: Request) -> Optional[Text]:
return req.json.get("sender", None)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _extract_message(self, req: Request) -> Optional[Text]:
return req.json.get("message", None)
def _extract_input_channel(self, req: Request) -> Text:
return req.json.get("input_channel") or
def stream_response(
on_new_message: Callable[[UserMessage], Awaitable[None]],
text: Text,
sender_id: Text,
input_channel: Text,
) -> Callable[[Any], Awaitable[None]]:
async def stream(resp: Any) -> None:
q = Queue()
task = asyncio.ensure_future(
on_new_message, text, q, sender_id, input_channel
result = None # declare variable up front to avoid pytype error
while True:
result = await q.get()
if result == "DONE":
await resp.write(json.dumps(result) + "\n")
await task
return stream # pytype: disable=bad-return-type
def blueprint(self, on_new_message: Callable[[UserMessage], Awaitable[None]]):
custom_webhook = Blueprint(
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
@custom_webhook.route("/", methods=["GET"])
async def health(request: Request):
return response.json({"status": "ok"})
@custom_webhook.route("/webhook", methods=["POST"])
async def receive(request: Request):
sender_id = await self._extract_sender(request)
text = self._extract_message(request)
should_use_stream = rasa.utils.endpoints.bool_arg(
request, "stream", default=False
input_channel = self._extract_input_channel(request)
if should_use_stream:
on_new_message, text, sender_id, input_channel
collector = CollectingOutputChannel()
# noinspection PyBroadException
await on_new_message(
text, collector, sender_id, input_channel=input_channel
except CancelledError:
"Message handling timed out for "
"user message '{}'.".format(text)
except Exception:
"An exception occured while handling "
"user message '{}'.".format(text)
return response.json(collector.messages)
return custom_webhook
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