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Auto Check-In to Southwest Flights
// ==UserScript==
// @name Auto Check-In to Southwest Flights
// @namespace
// @version 1.9
// @author Nicholas Buroojy (
// @contributor Ryan Izzo (
// @contributor JR Hehnly ( @stormchasing)
// @contributor Trevor McClellan (
// @description Automatically check in to Southwest Airline flights at the appropriate time.
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
10/2012 v1.2 Ryan Izzo (
Updated to use new Southwest Check In page, added validation
7/2014 v1.3 Ryan Izzo (
Moved script to GitHub since UserScripts appears dead
10/2014 v1.4 JR Hehnly (@stormchasing)
Added phone number entry to auto-text boarding pass docs to mobile device
3/28/2016 v1.5.1 Trevor McClellan (
Fixed phone number entry system
9/2017 v1.6 JR Hehnly (@stormchasing)
Initial changes to handle new Southwest confirmation lookup page
10/03/2017 v1.6.1 JR Hehnly (@stormchasing)
Got the script to a state where check-in works, but no auto-text boarding pass yet.
Have not determined what event listeners need to be triggered in the phone number form field.
Submits sucessfully if last phone number character is manually typed, but fails validation if it's only filled by the script.
12/2017 v1.7 Ryan Izzo (
- Matching visual styles of page.
- Making countdown timer larger.
- Using constants for page values (hopefully this makes it easier to udpdate later when the pages change).
- Aggregating validation errors to avoid cases where you may have additional, unreported errors preventing submission.
- Commenting out confirmation page for texting boarding pass as this doesnt appear to be fully working.
- Using single input for date and time
2/2/2018 v1.8 Shivang Patel (@shivangp)
- Fixed autoPassengerPage function - now does not have check box and only checkin button
- changed default auto set time to :05 seconds - :02 seems to early
- clear displayCountdown interval so does not cause error on other pages
- removed timeout setTime for displayCountdownWrapper and just called directly
2/19/2019 v1.9 Shivang Patel (@shivangp)
- Added interval to continously click submit button after timer is done, in case time is not perfect
TODO: Use Southwest's server's time instead of the client's clock.
TODO: Test select passenger page.
///////////// CONSTANTS ////////////////
// Check In page
const CHECKIN_FORM_DIV_CLASS = "air-reservation-confirmation-number-search-form";
const CHECKIN_CONF_INPUT_ID = "confirmationNumber";
const CHECKIN_FIRSTNAME_INPUT_ID = "passengerFirstName";
const CHECKIN_LASTNAME_INPUT_ID = "passengerLastName";
const SUBMIT_BUTTON_ID = "form-mixin--submit-button";
const FORM_HEADING_CLASS = 'heading heading_medium retrieve-reservation-form-container--form-title';
const FORM_LABEL_CLASS = 'form-control--label';
const FORM_TEXT_CLASS = 'form-control--label-text';
const REQUIRED_CLASS = 'form--required-indicator';
const BUTTON_DIV_CLASS = 'form-container--search-block';
const BUTTON_CLASS = 'actionable actionable_button actionable_large-button actionable_no-outline actionable_primary button submit-button';
// Review page
const REVIEW_SUBMIT_BUTTON_CLASS = "actionable actionable_button actionable_large-button actionable_no-outline actionable_primary button submit-button air-check-in-review-results--check-in-button";
// Confirmation page
//const CONF_TEXT_ID = "textBoardingPass";
///////////// CHECK IN PAGE ////////////////
var globalDisplayCountdownInterval;
var globalSubmitDate;
//var allDone = false;
var submitNowInterval;
* @brief Submit the check in form on the Southwest Check In Online page.
function submitNow()
var submitButton = document.getElementById(SUBMIT_BUTTON_ID);;
alert('submitNow: An error has occurred: '+ e.message);
* @brief Display the countdown.
* TODO: Some formatting is wrong eg ("1:0:12" means 1 hour and 12 seconds remain). Make sure everything is represented with 2 digits.
function displayCountdown()
var countdown = document.getElementById("countdown");
var timeRemain = globalSubmitDate - new Date();
var days = Math.floor(timeRemain / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var hours = Math.floor(timeRemain / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24;
var minutes = Math.floor(timeRemain / (1000 * 60)) % 60;
//round to the nearest second
var seconds = Math.round(timeRemain / 1000) % 60;
//Don't print negative time.
if (hours < 0 || minutes < 0 || seconds < 0)
countdown.nodeValue = "Checking In...";
var time = '';
//If 0 days remain, omit them.
if (days !== 0)
time += days + "d ";
//If 0 hours remain, omit them.
if (hours !== 0)
time += hours + "h ";
//Add padding to minute
if (minutes !==0 )
//area.innerHTML += "0";
time += minutes + "m ";
//Add padding to second
//if (seconds < 10)
//area.innerHTML += "0";
time += seconds;
time += "s";
countdown.textContent = time;
// has the page changed?
/* clear the display countdown interval - otherwise will get error when trying to update */
/*else if(/confirmation/.test(document.location.href))
if (allDone === false)
alert('displayCountdown: An error has occurred: ' +e.message);
* @brief Updates the countdown every second.
function displayCountdownWrapper()
globalDisplayCountdownInterval = window.setInterval(displayCountdown, 1000);
alert('displayCountdownWrapper:" An error has occurred: ' +e.message);
* @brief Begins the delay at the next even second.
function beginDelay()
var confNumber = document.getElementById(CHECKIN_CONF_INPUT_ID).value;
var firstName = document.getElementById(CHECKIN_FIRSTNAME_INPUT_ID).value;
var lastName = document.getElementById(CHECKIN_LASTNAME_INPUT_ID).value;
var date = document.getElementById("date-input").value;
var time = document.getElementById("time-input").value;
// var phoneArea = document.getElementById("phoneArea").value;
// var phonePrefix = document.getElementById("phonePrefix").value;
// var phoneNumber = document.getElementById("phoneNumber").value;
var errors = "";
if(confNumber === "" || firstName === "" || lastName === "" )
errors += "- Must fill out Confirmation Number, First Name and Last Name.\r";
if(confNumber.length != 6 )
errors += "- Confirmation Number must be 6 characters.\r";
errors += "- Date is not valid.\r";
errors += "- Time is not valid.\r";
if(isValidDate(date) && isValidTime(time)){
//Build the date
var submitDate = new Date(date);
// Parse the date parts to integers
var parts = time.split(":");
var hour = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
var min = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
var sec = parseInt(parts[2], 10);
submitDate.setHours(hour, min, sec, 0);
var now = new Date();
var msRemaining = submitDate - now;
var maxDays = 14;
if(msRemaining < 0)
errors += "- Date/Time must be in the future." + submitDate;
else if(msRemaining > maxDays * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
errors += "- Date/Time cannot be more than " + maxDays + " days in the future." + msRemaining;
/*if (\d\d\d/g) == -1 ||\d\d\d/g) == -1 ||\d\d\d\d/g) == -1) {
errors += "- Invalid phone number.\r";
//save the text number for later
GM_setValue("phoneArea", phoneArea);
GM_setValue("phonePrefix", phonePrefix);
GM_setValue("phoneNumber", phoneNumber);
if(errors.length == 0){
//Install the timeout to submit the form.
window.setTimeout(function() {
submitNowInterval = window.setInterval(submitNow, 500);
}, msRemaining);
globalSubmitDate = submitDate;
//Install a short term timeout to call the countdown wrapper at the beginning of the next second.
//window.setTimeout(displayCountdownWrapper, msRemaining % 1000);
alert('beginDelay: An error has occurred: '+ e.message);
//Validates that the input string is a valid date formatted as "mm/dd/yyyy"
function isValidDate(dateString)
// First check for the pattern
return false;
// Parse the date parts to integers
var parts = dateString.split("/");
var day = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
var month = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
var year = parseInt(parts[2], 10);
// Check the ranges of month and year
if(year < 2017 || year > 2100 || month == 0 || month > 12)
return false;
var monthLength = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];
// Adjust for leap years
if(year % 400 == 0 || (year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0))
monthLength[1] = 29;
// Check the range of the day
return day > 0 && day <= monthLength[month - 1];
//Validates that the input string is a valid date formatted as "mm/dd/yyyy"
function isValidTime(timeString)
// First check for the pattern
return false;
// Parse the date parts to integers
var parts = timeString.split(":");
var hour = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
var min = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
var sec = parseInt(parts[2], 10);
// Check the ranges of month and year
if(hour < 0 || hour > 23 || min < 0 || min > 59 || sec < 0 || sec > 59)
return false;
return true;
* @brief Edits the check in page; Adds Date, time, and Auto Check In button
* TODO Dater and Time picker
function checkInPageFormEdit()
var delayDiv = document.createElement("div");
var dateSelect = document.createElement("span");
//The big label at the top of the menu
var mainLabel = document.createElement("h2");
var mainLabelDiv = document.createElement("div");
mainLabelDiv.textContent = 'Set Check In Date and Time';
dateSelect.innerHTML += "<br/>";
//The date portion.
var today = new Date();
var dateLabel = document.createElement("label");
dateLabel.innerHTML = "<span class=\""+FORM_LABEL_CLASS+"\"><span class=\""+FORM_TEXT_CLASS+"\">Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)</span><span class=\"" +REQUIRED_CLASS+"\">*</span></span>";
var dateInput = document.createElement("input");
// dateInput.setAttribute('onfocus','if(this.value==\'mm\') this.value=\'\';');
// The time portion.
var timeLabel = document.createElement("label");
timeLabel.innerHTML = "<span class=\""+FORM_LABEL_CLASS+"\"><span class=\""+FORM_TEXT_CLASS+"\">Time: (24-hour format hh:mm:ss)</span><span class=\"" +REQUIRED_CLASS+"\">*</span></span>";
var timeInput = document.createElement("input");
// timeInput.setAttribute('onfocus','if(this.value==\'mm\') this.value=\'\';');
//auto-text boarding pass section
/*var autoTextArea = document.createElement("div");
var textLabel = document.createElement("label");
textLabel.innerHTML = " Boarding pass text number:";
var phoneArea = document.createElement("input");
phoneArea.setAttribute('value', GM_getValue("phoneArea") !== undefined ? GM_getValue("phoneArea") : '');
var phonePrefix = document.createElement("input");
phonePrefix.setAttribute('value', GM_getValue("phonePrefix") !== undefined ? GM_getValue("phonePrefix") : '');
var phoneNumber = document.createElement("input");
phoneNumber.setAttribute('value', GM_getValue("phoneNumber") !== undefined ? GM_getValue("phoneNumber") : '');
autoTextArea.innerHTML += "<br/>";
autoTextArea.innerHTML += "<br/>";
autoTextArea.innerHTML += "(";
autoTextArea.innerHTML += ") ";
autoTextArea.innerHTML += " - ";
// The area that displays how much time remains before the form is submitted.
delayDiv.innerHTML += "<br/><br />";
var countdownH2 = document.createElement("h2");
var countdownDiv = document.createElement("div");
countdownDiv.textContent = 'Click to Start ->';
// Auto Check In button
var delayButtonDiv = document.createElement("div");
var delayButton = document.createElement("button");
delayButton.addEventListener("click", beginDelay, true);
var delayButtonSpan = document.createElement("span");
delayButtonSpan.textContent = 'Auto Check in';
alert('checkInPageFormEdit: An error has occurred: ' +e.message);
///////////// SELECT PASSENGER PAGE ////////////////
//automatically select all passengers and submit the form
function autoPassengerPage()
//find error notification
if(document.title == "Error")
// Check all the check boxes.
//var node_list = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
//for (var i = 0; i < node_list.length; i++) {
// var node = node_list[i];
// if (node.getAttribute('type') == 'checkbox') {
// node.checked = true;
// }
//Click the print button
var button = document.getElementsByClassName('air-check-in-review-results--check-in-button')[0];;
alert('autoPassengerPage: An error has occurred: '+ e.message);
///////////// BOARDING DOC DELIVERY PAGE ////////////////
/*function autoTextBoardingDocs()
//find error notification
if (document.title == "Error")
//click the Text button
var button = document.getElementsByClassName(REVIEW_SUBMIT_BUTTON_CLASS)[0];;
window.setTimeout(waitForSendButton, 500);
alert('autoTextBoardingDocs: An error has occurred: '+ e.message);
function waitForTextBoardingPass() {
if(document.getElementById("textBoardingPass") === null) {
window.setTimeout(waitForTextBoardingPass, 100);
} else {
document.getElementById("textBoardingPass").value = parseInt(GM_getValue("phoneArea") + GM_getValue("phonePrefix") + GM_getValue("phoneNumber"));
function waitForSendButton() {
if(document.getElementById(SUBMIT_BUTTON_ID) === null || document.getElementById(CONF_TEXT_ID).value != GM_getValue("phoneArea") + GM_getValue("phonePrefix") + GM_getValue("phoneNumber")) {
document.getElementById(CONF_TEXT_ID).value = parseInt(GM_getValue("phoneArea") + GM_getValue("phonePrefix") + GM_getValue("phoneNumber"));
window.setTimeout(waitForSendButton, 100);
} else {
allDone = true;
//case of the select boarding pass page (regex match the url)
} else {
alert("interval cleared");
/*else if(/confirmation/.test(document.location.href))
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It's not working for me, I get the error on the SW site check confirmation number, name, it's not 24 hours, etc as expected but I never get the script options to set check-in date/time. I've tried in Chrome on 2 different devices. Tapermonkey shows the script is running.

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schmeed commented Oct 14, 2020

Getting the following error:
checkInPageFormEdit: An error has occurred: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of undefined

Tried the recommendation from PiperPilot and it didn't work.

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hdanh00 commented Dec 23, 2020

Seems like the script is ran before the div can fully load, so change



    function checkinDelay () {
    setTimeout (checkinDelay, 2000);

The 2000 is 2 seconds, increase it if you still get the error. I haven't tested if the script works yet, but have a flight soon and can see if it checks me in, but so far, the checkin timer is running.

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Use the 1.9.1 fork on 6/20/21 successfully. Had to refresh the southwest checkin page once to clear a script error. Use a four second offset (flight 14:30, check-in in 14:30:04) and got B4.

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rrosley commented Jul 12, 2021

It did not work for me today, but one weird thing is when I copy and paste the code, I am copying 566 lines of code and what I am getting is only 543 lines of code. Perhaps this is my issue?

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Does anyone know if this checks in all passengers under the single confirmation number? I have three passengers under my confirmation number. Wondering if it only checks in the name that I fill in.

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It did not work for me today, but one weird thing is when I copy and paste the code, I am copying 566 lines of code and what I am getting is only 543 lines of code. Perhaps this is my issue?

Did you try reloading the browser after enabling the script? Try it using an incognito window. If it still doesn't work, try some of the updates from the comments above. You can also try the fork by Medina and use his version 1.91.

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schmeed commented Jul 22, 2021

Does anyone know if this checks in all passengers under the single confirmation number? I have three passengers under my confirmation number. Wondering if it only checks in the name that I fill in.

Yes, it checks in all passengers on the same reservation.

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I've used this script for years and it has been awesome. However, after setting it up to check me in for a flight this morning, I came back later and found my entire IP seems to have been blocked by Southwest -- I'm getting "access denied" from any browser/computer in the house. If I go down the street to Starbucks, or do mobile tethering.. it's fine.

Does anyone know if SWA is now blocking users for this kind of thing?

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ddflink commented Sep 30, 2021

My chrome browser isn't showing a mobile text number, just a date, time and countdown. It worked great and checked in!!
but the browser shows this error at the end: displayCountdown: An error has occurred: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'nodeValue')

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Always worked great. Today I got;
checkInPageFormEdit: An error has occurred: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'appendChild')
and the script doesn't ruin. New update required to work with SWA updates???

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dccannon commented Dec 7, 2021

Just refresh the browser after that error pops up, and you should see it load normally. It looks like some kind of a timing issue with when the element is being added to the page -- e.g., the parent element isn't added yet when it goes to try and append the child.

Simply refreshing the page worked for me, though your mileage may vary.

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schul99 commented Mar 27, 2022

This did not work for me today in TamperMonkey in Google Chrome running on Windows 11. I got the countdown clock running. But I did not get automatically checked in. An error was returned.

Update on 4/4/22. I tried auto check-in again today. This time set the clock for 7 seconds past the minute and it worked. Not sure if that was the difference or it was something else.

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ddflink commented Mar 28, 2022 via email

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napertivo commented Jul 20, 2022

Did not work for me today, I will try again in about 45 hrs. I used a 6 sec delay, I will up it to 7 secs.

btw latest Chrome (103) on Mac (11.6.7)

A couple alerts on the Southwest checkin site:

  1. says "submitNow: An error has occurred: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'click')"
  2. says "checkInPageFormEdit: An error has occurred: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'appendChild')"

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submitNow: An error has occurred: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'click')

Countdown clock worked but not check-in.

Will you fix this?

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Does this still work as of 2023?

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Hello, when I copy this, I only have 543 lines and there is 566 lines of code. What am I doing wrong. Thanks for any help you can give.

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Never mind, I tried the forked link and it seems to work even though it didn't have the same number of lines when pasted in.

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Can confirm, the current code still works.

what does everyone set the trigger time for? i just used one for a checkin at 9:20 and set it for 09:20:00 and it checked in perfectly but only got mid B's. Does it work to set it for something like 1 second before the checkin time and it will keep trying?

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can someone please update the code, it doesn't load anymore. Thank you! :)

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can someone please update the code, it doesn't load anymore. Thank you! :)

It worked for me this week. Sometimes I have to turn the script on/off in tampermonkey and refresh the southwest site.

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danimal1986 commented May 18, 2023

Did Soutwest change something? This has worked in the past, but i cant get it working for a flight next week. It wont give me the extra menu below the "check in" button to set the start time.

I noticed the error message at the top seems different, before it just cant check in till 24 hours. Now it says a bunch of stuff:
We are unable to retrieve your reservation.
Please verify the following:
The confirmation number is entered correctly.
The passenger name on the reservation is entered correctly.
The flight is within 24 hours of departure. Check in is only allowed within 24 hours of your flight.
The reservation was purchased online via®,,, or®. Please note, purchases made through Southwest Groups, Southwest Ticket Counters, or other travel agencies cannot be accessed on

Maybe its something on my end, I'll give it a try later (will update if something changes). I tried deleting the script from TamperMonkey and re creating it

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@danimal1986 Sorry but I am no longer maintaining this code

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danimal1986 commented May 18, 2023

@danimal1986 Sorry but I am no longer maintaining this code

Dang, something must have been updated and nuked it....ohh well, thanks for doing the work on this. RIP

Edit: Somehow it started working again! Not sure what happened.
Edit2: i think it may have been the site i was using. i didn't have the..../index.html at the end. May have been it.

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imbroke9374 commented May 18, 2023

The code still works as of today got mid B's, the only thing is error "submitNow: An error has occurred: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'click')"

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The code still works as of today got mid B's, the only thing is error "submitNow: An error has occurred: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'click')"

I think the issue i was having was that i was using "" and not ""
Previously i remember getting the same error as you, i would just check back in and it would take me to the page to text/email my boarding pass.

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