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Created July 8, 2013 17:55
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output from sbt test
[info] ReplSuite:
[info] - simple foreach with accumulator
[info] - external vars
[warn] /home/shivaram/projects/spark/core/src/test/scala/spark/FileServerSuite.scala:49: method toURL in class File is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
[warn] val partitionSumsWithSplit = nums.mapPartitionsWithSplit {
[warn] ^
[info] - external classes
[info] - external functions
[warn] Note: /home/shivaram/projects/spark/streaming/src/test/java/spark/streaming/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[warn] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[info] - external functions that access vars
[info] - broadcast vars
[info] - interacting with files
[info] - local-cluster mode
[info] Passed: : Total 8, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 8, Skipped 0
[info] BagelSuite:
[info] - halting by voting
[info] - halting by message silence
[warn] two warnings found
[info] - large number of iterations
[warn] Note: /home/shivaram/projects/spark/core/src/test/scala/spark/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[warn] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[info] - using non-default persistence level
[info] Passed: : Total 4, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 4, Skipped 0
[info] LogisticRegressionSuite:
[info] - logistic regression
[info] ALSSuite:
[info] - rank-1 matrices
[info] - rank-2 matrices
[info] RidgeRegressionSuite:
[info] - multi-collinear variables
[info] KMeansSuite:
[info] - single cluster
[info] - glom
[info] - mapPartitions
[info] - groupByKey
[info] - reduceByKey
[info] - reduce
[info] - count
[info] - countByValue
[info] - mapValues
[info] - flatMapValues
[info] - cogroup
[info] - join
[info] - updateStateByKey
[info] - updateStateByKey - object lifecycle
[info] - slice
[info] - forgetting of RDDs - map and window operations
[info] WindowOperationsSuite:
[info] - window - basic window
[info] - window - tumbling window
[info] - window - larger window
[info] - window - non-overlapping window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - basic reduction
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - key already in window and new value added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - new key added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - key removed from window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - larger slide time
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - big test
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - basic reduction
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - key already in window and new value added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - new key added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - key removed from window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - larger slide time
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - big test
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse and filter functions - big test
[info] - groupByKeyAndWindow
[info] - countByWindow
[info] - countByValueAndWindow
[info] InputStreamsSuite:
[info] - socket input stream
[info] - flume input stream
[info] - file input stream
[info] - actor input stream
[info] - kafka input stream
[info] CheckpointSuite:
[info] - basic rdd checkpoints + dstream graph checkpoint recovery
[info] - recovery with map and reduceByKey operations
[info] - recovery with invertible reduceByKeyAndWindow operation
[info] - recovery with updateStateByKey operation
[info] - recovery with file input stream
[info] Passed: : Total 94, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 94, Skipped 0
[info] NextIteratorSuite:
[info] - one iteration
[info] - two iterations
[info] - empty iteration
[info] - close is called once for empty iterations
[info] - close is called once for non-empty iterations
[info] UnpersistSuite:
[info] - unpersist RDD
[info] PairRDDFunctionsSuite:
[info] - groupByKey
[info] - groupByKey with duplicates
[info] - groupByKey with negative key hash codes
[info] - groupByKey with many output partitions
[info] - reduceByKey
[info] - reduceByKey with collectAsMap
[info] - reduceByKey with many output partitons
[info] - reduceByKey with partitioner
[info] - join
[info] - join all-to-all
[info] - leftOuterJoin
[info] - rightOuterJoin
[info] - join with no matches
[info] - join with many output partitions
[info] - groupWith
[info] - zero-partition RDD
[info] - keys and values
[info] - default partitioner uses partition size
[info] - default partitioner uses largest partitioner
[info] - subtract
[info] - subtract with narrow dependency
[info] - subtractByKey
[info] - subtractByKey with narrow dependency
[info] - foldByKey
[info] - foldByKey with mutable result type
[info] JdbcRDDSuite:
[info] - basic functionality
[info] ZippedPartitionsSuite:
[info] - print sizes
[info] AccumulatorSuite:
[info] - basic accumulation
[info] - value not assignable from tasks
[info] - add value to collection accumulators
[info] - value not readable in tasks
[info] - collection accumulators
[info] - localValue readable in tasks
[info] UISuite:
[info] - jetty port increases under contention
[info] - jetty binds to port 0 correctly
[info] - string formatting of time durations
[info] - reading last n bytes of a file
[info] FileServerSuite:
[info] - Distributing files locally
[info] - Distributing files locally using URL as input
[info] - Dynamically adding JARS locally
[info] - Distributing files on a standalone cluster
[info] - Dynamically adding JARS on a standalone cluster
[info] ShuffleNettySuite:
[info] - groupByKey with compression
[info] - shuffle non-zero block size
[info] - shuffle serializer
[info] - zero sized blocks
[info] - zero sized blocks without kryo
[info] BroadcastSuite:
[info] - basic broadcast
[info] - broadcast variables accessed in multiple threads
[info] BlockManagerSuite:
[info] - StorageLevel object caching
[info] - BlockManagerId object caching
[info] - master + 1 manager interaction
[info] - master + 2 managers interaction
[info] - removing block
[info] - removing rdd
[info] - reregistration on heart beat
[info] - reregistration on block update
[info] - reregistration doesn't dead lock
[info] - in-memory LRU storage
[info] - in-memory LRU storage with serialization
[info] - in-memory LRU for partitions of same RDD
[info] - in-memory LRU for partitions of multiple RDDs
[info] - on-disk storage
[info] - disk and memory storage
[info] - disk and memory storage with getLocalBytes
[info] - disk and memory storage with serialization
[info] - disk and memory storage with serialization and getLocalBytes
[info] - LRU with mixed storage levels
[info] - in-memory LRU with streams
[info] - LRU with mixed storage levels and streams
[info] - negative byte values in ByteBufferInputStream
[info] - overly large block
[info] - block compression
[info] - block store put failure
[info] MapOutputTrackerSuite:
[info] - compressSize
[info] - decompressSize
[info] - master start and stop
[info] - master register and fetch
[info] - master register and unregister and fetch
[info] - remote fetch
[info] - memoryBytesToString
[info] - copyStream
[info] - memoryStringToMb
[info] - splitCommandString
[info] JobLoggerSuite:
[info] - inner method
[info] - inner variables
[info] - interface functions
[info] ClosureCleanerSuite:
[info] - closures inside an object
[info] - closures inside a class
[info] - closures inside a class with no default constructor
[info] - closures that don't use fields of the outer class
[info] - nested closures inside an object
[info] - nested closures inside a class
[info] ThreadingSuite:
[info] - accessing SparkContext form a different thread
[info] - accessing SparkContext form multiple threads
[info] - accessing multi-threaded SparkContext form multiple threads
[info] - parallel job execution
[info] ParallelCollectionSplitSuite:
[info] - one element per slice
[info] - one slice
[info] - equal slices
[info] - non-equal slices
[info] - splitting exclusive range
[info] - splitting inclusive range
[info] - empty data
[info] - zero slices
[info] - negative number of slices
[info] - exclusive ranges sliced into ranges
[info] - inclusive ranges sliced into ranges
[info] - large ranges don't overflow
[info] - random array tests
[info] - random exclusive range tests
[info] - random inclusive range tests
[info] - exclusive ranges of longs
[info] - inclusive ranges of longs
[info] - exclusive ranges of doubles
[info] - inclusive ranges of doubles
[info] TaskContextSuite:
[info] - Calls executeOnCompleteCallbacks after failure
[info] ShuffleSuite:
[info] - groupByKey with compression
[info] - shuffle non-zero block size
[info] - shuffle serializer
[info] - zero sized blocks
[info] - zero sized blocks without kryo
[info] CheckpointSuite:
[info] - basic checkpointing
[info] - RDDs with one-to-one dependencies
[info] - ParallelCollection
[info] - BlockRDD
[info] - ShuffledRDD
[info] - UnionRDD
[info] - CartesianRDD
[info] - CoalescedRDD
[info] - CoGroupedRDD
[info] - ZippedRDD
[info] - CheckpointRDD with zero partitions
[info] - basic types
[info] - pairs
[info] - Scala data structures
[info] - custom registrator
[info] RDDSuite:
[info] - basic operations
[info] - SparkContext.union
[info] - aggregate
[info] - basic caching
[info] - caching with failures
[info] - empty RDD
[info] - cogrouped RDDs
[info] - zipped RDDs
[info] - partition pruning
[info] - mapWith
[info] - flatMapWith
[info] - filterWith
[info] - top with predefined ordering
[info] - top with custom ordering
[info] - takeSample
[info] DistributionSuite:
[info] - summary
[info] SizeEstimatorSuite:
[info] - simple classes
[info] - strings
[info] - primitive arrays
[info] - object arrays
[info] - 32-bit arch
[info] - 64-bit arch with no compressed oops
[info] PipedRDDSuite:
[info] - basic pipe
[info] - advanced pipe
[info] - pipe with env variable
[info] - pipe with non-zero exit status
[info] DistributedSuite:
[info] - task throws not serializable exception
[info] - local-cluster format
[info] - simple groupByKey
[info] - groupByKey where map output sizes exceed maxMbInFlight
[info] - accumulators
[info] - broadcast variables
[info] - repeatedly failing task
[info] - caching
[info] - caching on disk
[info] - caching in memory, replicated
[info] - caching in memory, serialized, replicated
[info] - caching on disk, replicated
[info] - caching in memory and disk, replicated
[info] - caching in memory and disk, serialized, replicated
[info] - compute without caching when no partitions fit in memory
[info] - compute when only some partitions fit in memory
[info] - passing environment variables to cluster
[info] - recover from node failures
[info] - recover from repeated node failures during shuffle-map
[info] - recover from repeated node failures during shuffle-reduce
[info] - recover from node failures with replication
[info] - unpersist RDDs
[info] - job should fail if TaskResult exceeds Akka frame size
[info] SortingSuite:
[info] - sortByKey
[info] - large array
[info] - large array with one split
[info] - large array with many partitions
[info] - sort descending
[info] - sort descending with one split
[info] - sort descending with many partitions
[info] - more partitions than elements
[info] - empty RDD
[info] - partition balancing
[info] - partition balancing for descending sort
[info] LocalSchedulerSuite:
[info] - Local FIFO scheduler end-to-end test
[info] - Local fair scheduler end-to-end test
[info] FailureSuite:
[info] - failure in a single-stage job
[info] - failure in a two-stage job
[info] - failure because task results are not serializable
[info] RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite:
[info] - write
[info] ClusterSchedulerSuite:
[info] - FIFO Scheduler Test
[info] - Fair Scheduler Test
[info] - Nested Pool Test
[info] DAGSchedulerSuite:
[info] - zero split job
[info] - run trivial job
[info] - local job
[info] - run trivial job w/ dependency
[info] - cache location preferences w/ dependency
[info] - trivial job failure
[info] - run trivial shuffle
[info] - run trivial shuffle with fetch failure
[info] - ignore late map task completions
[info] - run trivial shuffle with out-of-band failure and retry
[info] - recursive shuffle failures
[info] - cached post-shuffle
[info] DriverSuite:
[info] - driver should exit after finishing
[info] FileSuite:
[info] - text files
[info] - text files (compressed)
[info] - SequenceFiles
[info] - SequenceFile (compressed)
[info] - SequenceFile with writable key
[info] - SequenceFile with writable value
[info] - SequenceFile with writable key and value
[info] - implicit conversions in reading SequenceFiles
[info] - object files of ints
[info] - object files of complex types
[info] - write SequenceFile using new Hadoop API
[info] - read SequenceFile using new Hadoop API
[info] - file caching
[info] PartitioningSuite:
[info] - HashPartitioner equality
[info] - RangePartitioner equality
[info] - HashPartitioner not equal to RangePartitioner
[info] - partitioner preservation
[info] - partitioning Java arrays should fail
[info] - zero-length partitions should be correctly handled
[info] SparkListenerSuite:
[info] - local metrics
[info] Passed: : Total 281, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 281, Skipped 0
[success] Total time: 814 s, completed Jul 8, 2013 10:49:57 AM
[info] ReplSuite:
[info] - simple foreach with accumulator
[info] - external vars
[warn] /home/shivaram/projects/spark/core/src/test/scala/spark/FileServerSuite.scala:49: method toURL in class File is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
[warn] val partitionSumsWithSplit = nums.mapPartitionsWithSplit {
[warn] ^
[info] - external classes
[info] - external functions
[warn] Note: /home/shivaram/projects/spark/streaming/src/test/java/spark/streaming/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[warn] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[info] - external functions that access vars
[info] - broadcast vars
[info] - interacting with files
[info] - local-cluster mode
[info] Passed: : Total 8, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 8, Skipped 0
[info] BagelSuite:
[info] - halting by voting
[info] - halting by message silence
[warn] two warnings found
[info] - large number of iterations
[warn] Note: /home/shivaram/projects/spark/core/src/test/scala/spark/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[warn] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[info] - using non-default persistence level
[info] Passed: : Total 4, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 4, Skipped 0
[info] LogisticRegressionSuite:
[info] - logistic regression
[info] ALSSuite:
[info] - rank-1 matrices
[info] - rank-2 matrices
[info] RidgeRegressionSuite:
[info] - multi-collinear variables
[info] KMeansSuite:
[info] - single cluster
[info] - glom
[info] - mapPartitions
[info] - groupByKey
[info] - reduceByKey
[info] - reduce
[info] - count
[info] - countByValue
[info] - mapValues
[info] - flatMapValues
[info] - cogroup
[info] - join
[info] - updateStateByKey
[info] - updateStateByKey - object lifecycle
[info] - slice
[info] - forgetting of RDDs - map and window operations
[info] WindowOperationsSuite:
[info] - window - basic window
[info] - window - tumbling window
[info] - window - larger window
[info] - window - non-overlapping window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - basic reduction
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - key already in window and new value added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - new key added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - key removed from window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - larger slide time
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow - big test
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - basic reduction
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - key already in window and new value added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - new key added into window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - key removed from window
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - larger slide time
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse function - big test
[info] - reduceByKeyAndWindow with inverse and filter functions - big test
[info] - groupByKeyAndWindow
[info] - countByWindow
[info] - countByValueAndWindow
[info] InputStreamsSuite:
[info] - socket input stream
[info] - flume input stream
[info] - file input stream
[info] - actor input stream
[info] - kafka input stream
[info] CheckpointSuite:
[info] - basic rdd checkpoints + dstream graph checkpoint recovery
[info] - recovery with map and reduceByKey operations
[info] - recovery with invertible reduceByKeyAndWindow operation
[info] - recovery with updateStateByKey operation
[info] - recovery with file input stream
[info] Passed: : Total 94, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 94, Skipped 0
[info] NextIteratorSuite:
[info] - one iteration
[info] - two iterations
[info] - empty iteration
[info] - close is called once for empty iterations
[info] - close is called once for non-empty iterations
[info] UnpersistSuite:
[info] - unpersist RDD
[info] PairRDDFunctionsSuite:
[info] - groupByKey
[info] - groupByKey with duplicates
[info] - groupByKey with negative key hash codes
[info] - groupByKey with many output partitions
[info] - reduceByKey
[info] - reduceByKey with collectAsMap
[info] - reduceByKey with many output partitons
[info] - reduceByKey with partitioner
[info] - join
[info] - join all-to-all
[info] - leftOuterJoin
[info] - rightOuterJoin
[info] - join with no matches
[info] - join with many output partitions
[info] - groupWith
[info] - zero-partition RDD
[info] - keys and values
[info] - default partitioner uses partition size
[info] - default partitioner uses largest partitioner
[info] - subtract
[info] - subtract with narrow dependency
[info] - subtractByKey
[info] - subtractByKey with narrow dependency
[info] - foldByKey
[info] - foldByKey with mutable result type
[info] JdbcRDDSuite:
[info] - basic functionality
[info] ZippedPartitionsSuite:
[info] - print sizes
[info] AccumulatorSuite:
[info] - basic accumulation
[info] - value not assignable from tasks
[info] - add value to collection accumulators
[info] - value not readable in tasks
[info] - collection accumulators
[info] - localValue readable in tasks
[info] UISuite:
[info] - jetty port increases under contention
[info] - jetty binds to port 0 correctly
[info] - string formatting of time durations
[info] - reading last n bytes of a file
[info] FileServerSuite:
[info] - Distributing files locally
[info] - Distributing files locally using URL as input
[info] - Dynamically adding JARS locally
[info] - Distributing files on a standalone cluster
[info] - Dynamically adding JARS on a standalone cluster
[info] ShuffleNettySuite:
[info] - groupByKey with compression
[info] - shuffle non-zero block size
[info] - shuffle serializer
[info] - zero sized blocks
[info] - zero sized blocks without kryo
[info] BroadcastSuite:
[info] - basic broadcast
[info] - broadcast variables accessed in multiple threads
[info] BlockManagerSuite:
[info] - StorageLevel object caching
[info] - BlockManagerId object caching
[info] - master + 1 manager interaction
[info] - master + 2 managers interaction
[info] - removing block
[info] - removing rdd
[info] - reregistration on heart beat
[info] - reregistration on block update
[info] - reregistration doesn't dead lock
[info] - in-memory LRU storage
[info] - in-memory LRU storage with serialization
[info] - in-memory LRU for partitions of same RDD
[info] - in-memory LRU for partitions of multiple RDDs
[info] - on-disk storage
[info] - disk and memory storage
[info] - disk and memory storage with getLocalBytes
[info] - disk and memory storage with serialization
[info] - disk and memory storage with serialization and getLocalBytes
[info] - LRU with mixed storage levels
[info] - in-memory LRU with streams
[info] - LRU with mixed storage levels and streams
[info] - negative byte values in ByteBufferInputStream
[info] - overly large block
[info] - block compression
[info] - block store put failure
[info] MapOutputTrackerSuite:
[info] - compressSize
[info] - decompressSize
[info] - master start and stop
[info] - master register and fetch
[info] - master register and unregister and fetch
[info] - remote fetch
[info] - memoryBytesToString
[info] - copyStream
[info] - memoryStringToMb
[info] - splitCommandString
[info] JobLoggerSuite:
[info] - inner method
[info] - inner variables
[info] - interface functions
[info] ClosureCleanerSuite:
[info] - closures inside an object
[info] - closures inside a class
[info] - closures inside a class with no default constructor
[info] - closures that don't use fields of the outer class
[info] - nested closures inside an object
[info] - nested closures inside a class
[info] ThreadingSuite:
[info] - accessing SparkContext form a different thread
[info] - accessing SparkContext form multiple threads
[info] - accessing multi-threaded SparkContext form multiple threads
[info] - parallel job execution
[info] ParallelCollectionSplitSuite:
[info] - one element per slice
[info] - one slice
[info] - equal slices
[info] - non-equal slices
[info] - splitting exclusive range
[info] - splitting inclusive range
[info] - empty data
[info] - zero slices
[info] - negative number of slices
[info] - exclusive ranges sliced into ranges
[info] - inclusive ranges sliced into ranges
[info] - large ranges don't overflow
[info] - random array tests
[info] - random exclusive range tests
[info] - random inclusive range tests
[info] - exclusive ranges of longs
[info] - inclusive ranges of longs
[info] - exclusive ranges of doubles
[info] - inclusive ranges of doubles
[info] TaskContextSuite:
[info] - Calls executeOnCompleteCallbacks after failure
[info] ShuffleSuite:
[info] - groupByKey with compression
[info] - shuffle non-zero block size
[info] - shuffle serializer
[info] - zero sized blocks
[info] - zero sized blocks without kryo
[info] CheckpointSuite:
[info] - basic checkpointing
[info] - RDDs with one-to-one dependencies
[info] - ParallelCollection
[info] - BlockRDD
[info] - ShuffledRDD
[info] - UnionRDD
[info] - CartesianRDD
[info] - CoalescedRDD
[info] - CoGroupedRDD
[info] - ZippedRDD
[info] - CheckpointRDD with zero partitions
[info] - basic types
[info] - pairs
[info] - Scala data structures
[info] - custom registrator
[info] RDDSuite:
[info] - basic operations
[info] - SparkContext.union
[info] - aggregate
[info] - basic caching
[info] - caching with failures
[info] - empty RDD
[info] - cogrouped RDDs
[info] - zipped RDDs
[info] - partition pruning
[info] - mapWith
[info] - flatMapWith
[info] - filterWith
[info] - top with predefined ordering
[info] - top with custom ordering
[info] - takeSample
[info] DistributionSuite:
[info] - summary
[info] SizeEstimatorSuite:
[info] - simple classes
[info] - strings
[info] - primitive arrays
[info] - object arrays
[info] - 32-bit arch
[info] - 64-bit arch with no compressed oops
[info] PipedRDDSuite:
[info] - basic pipe
[info] - advanced pipe
[info] - pipe with env variable
[info] - pipe with non-zero exit status
[info] DistributedSuite:
[info] - task throws not serializable exception
[info] - local-cluster format
[info] - simple groupByKey
[info] - groupByKey where map output sizes exceed maxMbInFlight
[info] - accumulators
[info] - broadcast variables
[info] - repeatedly failing task
[info] - caching
[info] - caching on disk
[info] - caching in memory, replicated
[info] - caching in memory, serialized, replicated
[info] - caching on disk, replicated
[info] - caching in memory and disk, replicated
[info] - caching in memory and disk, serialized, replicated
[info] - compute without caching when no partitions fit in memory
[info] - compute when only some partitions fit in memory
[info] - passing environment variables to cluster
[info] - recover from node failures
[info] - recover from repeated node failures during shuffle-map
[info] - recover from repeated node failures during shuffle-reduce
[info] - recover from node failures with replication
[info] - unpersist RDDs
[info] - job should fail if TaskResult exceeds Akka frame size
[info] SortingSuite:
[info] - sortByKey
[info] - large array
[info] - large array with one split
[info] - large array with many partitions
[info] - sort descending
[info] - sort descending with one split
[info] - sort descending with many partitions
[info] - more partitions than elements
[info] - empty RDD
[info] - partition balancing
[info] - partition balancing for descending sort
[info] LocalSchedulerSuite:
[info] - Local FIFO scheduler end-to-end test
[info] - Local fair scheduler end-to-end test
[info] FailureSuite:
[info] - failure in a single-stage job
[info] - failure in a two-stage job
[info] - failure because task results are not serializable
[info] RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite:
[info] - write
[info] ClusterSchedulerSuite:
[info] - FIFO Scheduler Test
[info] - Fair Scheduler Test
[info] - Nested Pool Test
[info] DAGSchedulerSuite:
[info] - zero split job
[info] - run trivial job
[info] - local job
[info] - run trivial job w/ dependency
[info] - cache location preferences w/ dependency
[info] - trivial job failure
[info] - run trivial shuffle
[info] - run trivial shuffle with fetch failure
[info] - ignore late map task completions
[info] - run trivial shuffle with out-of-band failure and retry
[info] - recursive shuffle failures
[info] - cached post-shuffle
[info] DriverSuite:
13/07/08 10:49:34 WARN Utils: Your hostname, R9EKCBR resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface vmnet8)
13/07/08 10:49:34 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
13/07/08 10:49:36 WARN Utils: Your hostname, R9EKCBR resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface vmnet8)
13/07/08 10:49:36 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
[info] - driver should exit after finishing
[info] FileSuite:
[info] - text files
[info] - text files (compressed)
[info] - SequenceFiles
[info] - SequenceFile (compressed)
[info] - SequenceFile with writable key
[info] - SequenceFile with writable value
[info] - SequenceFile with writable key and value
[info] - implicit conversions in reading SequenceFiles
[info] - object files of ints
[info] - object files of complex types
[info] - write SequenceFile using new Hadoop API
[info] - read SequenceFile using new Hadoop API
[info] - file caching
[info] PartitioningSuite:
[info] - HashPartitioner equality
[info] - RangePartitioner equality
[info] - HashPartitioner not equal to RangePartitioner
[info] - partitioner preservation
[info] - partitioning Java arrays should fail
[info] - zero-length partitions should be correctly handled
[info] SparkListenerSuite:
[info] - local metrics
[info] Passed: : Total 281, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 281, Skipped 0
[success] Total time: 814 s, completed Jul 8, 2013 10:49:57 AM
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