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Forked from jrochkind/gist:4260448
Created April 14, 2013 22:16
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# An experiment for a capistrano 'stage' that can actually be used to
# deploy multiple feature branches at once.
# Intended to be installed config/deploy/feature_demo , when using cap
# multi-stage support: add 'feature_demo' to 'stages' in `config/deploy.rb` too.
# Run from a git feature branch `cap feature_demo deploy` to deploy to
# single machine we have all our feature demos on.
# Name of feature branch will be taken from current git checkout.
# Will be deployed to /opt/feature_demos/name_of_feature, from
# git branch name_of_feature, AND an httpd conf will be created telling
# passenger to deploy that app, woo.
# cap feature_demo deploy
# You WILL need to manually restart apache if this is the first time
# you've deployed that feature demo.
# If you want to deploy a different branch than your current checkout:
# cap feature_demo deploy -S branch=some_branch
# If you want to reference the deployed feature by something other than
# branch name:
# cap feature_demo deploy -S feature=something_else
# feature name is used for directory path of checkout, Apache
# subUri, etc. shouldn't have spaces, should be a nice token.
# If you are done with a feature demo and want to wipe it from disk etc,
# cap feature_demo deploy:cleanup_feature_demo
# (Have to use `feature` or `branch` args matching how you created it)
# not using any of our special roles for cronjobs, for a feature
# demo we just want a basic app deploy.
server "demo.server.tld", :app, :web
unless exists? :branch
set :branch do
branch = `git symbolic-ref -q HEAD`.sub(%r{^refs/heads/}, '').chomp
raise"feature_demo cap stage only works if you have a checked out feature branch!") if branch == "master"
unless exists? :feature
set(:feature) { fetch :branch }
# have to tell it the SubURI we'll be deploying at for asset
# precompilation.
set :asset_env, "#{asset_env} RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/#{feature}"
set :deploy_to, "/opt/feature_demos/#{feature}"
# I can never get capistrano sudo to work anyway, all places
# we're going to write to just need to be writeable by the user
set :use_sudo, false
# We have a 'demo' Rails environment defined, which has config settings
# very production-like, but uses non-production database and other external
# APIs.
set :rails_env, "demo"
# For rvm-ified machine on blacklight.library
require 'rvm/capistrano'
set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.3'
# No reason to keep old releases in our feature_demo checkouts
set :keep_releases, 1
set(:webroot, "/var/www/html") unless exists? :webroot
set(:apache_conf_dir, "/etc/httpd/conf.d") unless exists? :apache_conf_dir
unless exists? :apache_conf_file
set(:apache_conf_file_path) { File.join(apache_conf_dir, "#{feature}.conf") }
namespace :deploy do
task :passenger_apache_conf, :roles => [:web] do
apache_conf = <<-EOS
RackBaseURI /#{feature}
<Directory #{deploy_to}>
RailsEnv #{rails_env}
Options -MultiViews
put apache_conf, apache_conf_file_path
task :passenger_symlink, :roles => [:web] do
run "ln -sf #{File.join(deploy_to, "current", "public")} #{File.join(webroot, feature)}"
before "deploy:restart", "deploy:passenger_symlink", "deploy:passenger_apache_conf"
# Want to clean up a feature branch?
# cap deploy:cleanup_feature_demo
namespace :deploy do
task :cleanup_feature_demo, :roles => [:web] do
run "rm -rf #{deploy_to}"
run "rm -rf #{File.join(webroot, feature)}"
run "rm -rf #{File.join(apache_conf_dir, "#{feature}.conf")}"
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