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Last active September 1, 2023 22:06
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Script to upscale videos using OpenCV and ffmpeg
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Written by Shivasiddharth a.k.a Sid
# Youtube channel
# Share this script without removing the author's name
# This piece of script Upscales or Downscales videos using Opencv
# If the original video has an audio stream,
# it will merge the audio from the source file with the scaled video
# Usage: python3 -i "Sample.mp4" -o "Sample_Upscaled.mp4" -r 1920 1080
import cv2
import subprocess
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys
import argparse
def scale_video(sourcevideopath, upscaledvideopath, scalingresolution):
videosourcename = sourcevideopath
sourcevideo = cv2.VideoCapture(videosourcename)
destvideo = "Upscaled_Video.mp4"
sourcefps = sourcevideo.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
totalframes = int(sourcevideo.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
format = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
newresolution = scalingresolution
scaledvideo = cv2.VideoWriter(destvideo, format, sourcefps, newresolution)
pbar = tqdm(total=totalframes)
while True:
ret, frame =
if ret == True:
b = cv2.resize(frame,newresolution,fx=0,fy=0, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
p = subprocess.Popen("ffprobe -show_streams -print_format json " + sourcevideopath, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
streams = p.communicate()[0]
streams = streams.decode('utf-8')
if 'audio' in streams.lower():
print("Extracting audio from source video.........")
print("")"ffmpeg -i " + sourcevideopath + " sourceaudio.mp3", shell=True)
print("Merging source audio and upscaled video.........")
print("")"ffmpeg -i " + destvideo + " -i sourceaudio.mp3 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 " + upscaledvideopath, shell=True)
print("No audio stream found.........")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-i', type=str,
metavar='Source video path', required=True,
help='Path to source file.')
parser.add_argument('-o', type=str,
metavar='Scaled video path', required=True,
help='Path to scaled file.')
parser.add_argument('-r', type=int, nargs='+',
metavar='Desired video resolution', required=True,
help='Desired video output resolution.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.i and not i:
raise Exception('Missing -i Input option')
if not args.o and not o:
raise Exception('Missing -o Output option')
if not args.r and not r:
raise Exception('Missing -r Resolution option')
scale_video(args.i, args.o, tuple(args.r))
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I tried to up scale a 144p video to 720p and it didn't work the video file just got bigger in size with no quality changes at all

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TheHimanshuRastogi commented Dec 24, 2022

I tried to up scale a 144p video to 720p and it didn't work the video file just got bigger in size with no quality changes at all

It was because a 144p video is a very low resolution while cv2 just upscales (increases width & height and maintains aspect ratio) each frame one by one and it has nothing to do with enhancing quality, if you want to improve the quality of a video, for example, restoring an old video, then you should consider some AI software that enhances the quality of each frame one by one.

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