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Chat GPT prompt for generating first pass malli schemas:
I have a set of react components written in ClojureScript. These components form the design system of a react-native application. I want to introduce prop type checking for these components using the Malli Spec Library.
Here's an example of how we spec a component
(def ?schema
[:map {:closed false}
[:networks {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential :any]]]
[:container-style {:optional true} [:maybe :map]]
[:theme :schema.common/theme]]]]
(defn view-internal
[{:keys [networks container-style theme] :as params}]
(reagent/with-let [total-width (reagent/atom nil)]
{:accessibility-label :network-routing
:style (style/container container-style theme)
:on-layout #(reset! total-width (oops/oget % "nativeEvent.layout.width"))}
(when @total-width
^{:key (str "network-routing-" (count networks))}
[:f> f-network-routing-bars (assoc params :total-width @total-width)])]
(doseq [[_ living-timeout] @timeouts]
(js/clearTimeout living-timeout)))))
(def view
(schema/instrument #'view-internal ?schema)))
There are a few things we do:
1. Create a `?schema` variable
2. Define the schema as an open map
3. It's better to err on the side of keeping types optional
4. Use function schemas, ie use `:=>`, `:catn` and the return type should be `:any`
5. Make sure the schema is correct or you'll be fired
6. Point out if the function uses are variable that are not marked explicitly in the arguments
Here's another example:
(ns quo.components.wallet.progress-bar.view
[ :as style]
[quo.theme :as quo.theme]
[react-native.core :as rn]
[schema.core :as schema]))
(def ?schema
[:map {:closed false}
[:customization-color {:optional true} [:maybe :schema.common/customization-color]]
[:theme :schema.common/theme]
[:progressed-value {:optional true} [:maybe [:or :string :int]]]
[:full-width? {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]]]]
(defn- view-internal
[{:keys [full-width?] :as props}]
{:accessibility-label :progress-bar
:style (style/root-container props)}
(when full-width?
[rn/view {:style (style/progressed-bar props)}])])
(def view
(schema/instrument #'view-internal ?schema)))
In the next steps, I'll give you a new component for which I need the schema to be made. If you understand the instruction reply with a yes or no. Only yes or no, don't give any explanations.
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After entering this prompt, GPT will reply with a yes.

The in the next prompt, you can paste the component you want to generate the spec for:

Generate a schema for this component

(defn- view-internal
  [{:keys [full-width?] :as props}]
   {:accessibility-label :progress-bar
    :style               (style/root-container props)}
   (when full-width?
     [rn/view {:style (style/progressed-bar props)}])])

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