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Created July 19, 2016 02:25
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Count the lines of various files, ignoring lines that start with //

I've written this like a billion times because it's fun. The above code is pretty gross but it works...

It will kind of ignore commented lines, assuming those lines are commented out with //.

import os
from os.path import join
comments = 0
loc = 0
locByExt = {}
totalLines = 0
ignore = ["node_modules", ".git"]
fileExts = [".js", ".json", ".scss", ".pug"]
# this is the stuff relevant for me to throw in here... you can change to your liking
skipFiles = ["showdown.js", "showdown.min.js", "html5shiv.min.js"]
for root, dirs, fileNames in os.walk("."):
newDirs = []
for i in dirs:
if i in ignore:
print("\tskipping directory", i)
dirs[:] = newDirs
for fileName in fileNames:
currentExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1]
if os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] not in fileExts \
or fileName in skipFiles:
print("\tskipping file", fileName)
prevLoc = loc
with open(join(root, fileName), mode='r') as file:
for line in file:
totalLines += 1
if line.strip().startswith("//"):
comments += 1
elif line.strip() != "":
loc += 1
print("+", loc - prevLoc, "added by", fileName)
locByExt[currentExt] = locByExt.get(currentExt, 0) + loc - prevLoc
print("LOC", loc)
print("Comments", comments)
print("Total lines", totalLines)
import pprint
print("LOC by Ext")
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