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Created March 5, 2018 21:55
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ofColor::white のwarning対策 ### ADD ###追加
#pragma once
#include "ofConstants.h"
#include "ofColor.h"
#include "ofPoint.h"
#include "ofMatrix4x4.h"
#include "ofRectangle.h"
#include "ofTypes.h"
/// \cond INTERNAL
/// \endcond
//### ADD ######################
// reffered from
extern template struct ofColor_<unsigned char>;
/// \name Color
/// \{
/// \brief Sets the draw color with r,g,b, 0-255. For example, red would
/// be: ofSetColor(255,0,0). This affects not only the color of shapes drawn
/// with ofDrawRectangle(), ofDrawCircle(), etc, but also the tint of images and
/// textures.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofSetColor(0,0,255); //set the color to blue
/// ofDrawRectangle(10,10,100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetColor(int r, int g, int b);
/// \brief Sets the draw color with r,g,b,a 0-255.
/// For alpha (transparency), you must first enable transparent blending
/// (turned off by default for performance reasons) with
/// ofEnableAlphaBlending()
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofEnableAlphaBlending(); // turn on alpha blending
/// ofSetColor(255,0,0,127); // red, 50% transparent
/// ofDrawRectangle(20,20,100,100);
/// ofDisableAlphaBlending(); // turn it back off, if you don't need it
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetColor(int r, int g, int b, int a);
void ofSetColor(const ofColor & color);
void ofSetColor(const ofColor & color, int _a);
void ofSetColor(int gray);
Add ofSetHsbColor by shugohirao
void ofSetHsbColor(int h = ofRandom(255), int s = 30, int b =230, int a = 230){
//h = ofRandom(110,160); //light blue
ofColor col;
col.setHsb(h, s, b, a);
/// Sets the draw color with r,g,b, passed in as a hex. Hex is a conventient
/// way to write colors.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofSetColor(0xffffff); // white (255,255,255)
/// ofSetColor(0x000000); // black (0,0,0);
/// ofSetColor(0x00ff00); // green (0,255,0);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetHexColor( int hexColor );
/// \brief Draw shapes as outlines with the current draw color.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofSetColor(0,0,255);
/// ofNoFill();
/// ofDrawRectangle(10,10,100,100); //draws only the outline in blue
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofNoFill();
/// \brief Draw shapes filled with the current draw color.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofSetColor(0,0,255);
/// ofFill();
/// ofDrawRect(10,10,100,100); //draws the rectangle filled in blue
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofFill();
ofFillFlag ofGetFill();
/// \}
/// \name Background Color
/// \{
/// \brief Returns the current background color as an ofColor.
ofColor ofGetBackgroundColor();
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofGetBackgroundColor instead",ofColor ofGetBackground());
/// \brief Sets the background color.
/// It takes as input r,g,b (0-255). The background is
/// cleared automatically, just before the draw() command, so if the background
/// color is not changing, you could call this inside of setup() (once, at the
/// start of the application). If the background color is changing, you can call
/// this inside of update().
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::setup(){
/// ofBackground(255,0,0); // Sets the background color to red
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofBackground(int r, int g, int b, int a=255);
void ofBackground(int brightness, int alpha = 255);
void ofBackground(const ofColor & c);
/// \brief Sets the background color using a hex color value.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::setup(){
/// ofBackgroundHex(0xff0000); // Sets the background color to red
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofBackgroundHex(int hexColor, int alpha = 255);
/// \brief Sets the background color to a gradient.
/// It takes as input 2 ofColor() objects and a Gradient Mode.
/// Must be called in the draw() function.
/// Accepted modes are:
/// - Circular: `OF_GRADIENT_CIRCULAR`
/// - Linear: `OF_GRADIENT_LINEAR`
/// - Bar: `OF_GRADIENT_BAR`
/// **Background Gradient: Circular:**
/// ![Background Gradient Circular](bkgGradient_circular.png)
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofColor colorOne(255, 0, 0);
/// ofColor colorTwo(0, 0, 0);
/// ofBackgroundGradient(colorOne, colorTwo, OF_GRADIENT_CIRCULAR);
/// // Sets the background to a circular gradient
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// **Background Gradient: Linear:**
/// ![Background Gradient Linear](bkgGradient_linear.png)
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofColor colorOne(255, 0, 0);
/// ofColor colorTwo(0, 0, 0);
/// ofBackgroundGradient(colorOne, colorTwo, OF_GRADIENT_LINEAR);
/// // Sets the background to a linear gradient
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// **Background Gradient: Bar:**
/// ![Background Gradient Bar](bkgGradient_bar.png)
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofColor colorOne(255, 0, 0);
/// ofColor colorTwo(0, 0, 0);
/// ofBackgroundGradient(colorOne, colorTwo, OF_GRADIENT_BAR);
/// // Sets the background to a bar gradient
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofBackgroundGradient(const ofColor& start, const ofColor& end, ofGradientMode mode = OF_GRADIENT_CIRCULAR);
/// \brief Sets the background color. It takes as input r,g,b (0-255). The
/// background is cleared automatically, just before the draw() command, so
/// if the background color is not changing, you could call this inside
/// setup() (once, at the start of the application). If the background color
/// is changing, you can call this inside update().
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::setup(){
/// ofSetBackgroundColor(255,0,0); // Sets the background color to red
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetBackgroundColor(int r, int g, int b, int a=255);
void ofSetBackgroundColor(int brightness, int alpha = 255);
void ofSetBackgroundColor(const ofColor & c);
/// \brief Sets the background color using a hex color value.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::setup(){
/// ofSetBackgroundColorHex(0xff0000); // Sets the background color to red
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetBackgroundColorHex(int hexColor, int alpha = 255);
/// \brief Sets the background clearing function to be auto (default) or not. If non-
/// auto, then background clearing will not occur per frame (at the start of
/// draw) but rather, whenever ofBackground is called.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::setup(){
/// ofSetBackgroundAuto(false); //disable automatic background redraw
/// }
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// if(ofGetFrameNum() % 10 == 0){
/// // draws a black background every 10 frames
/// ofSetBackground(0,0,0);
/// }
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetBackgroundAuto(bool bManual); // default is true
bool ofGetBackgroundAuto();
/// \brief Clears the color and depth bits of current renderer and replaces it with
/// an RGB color.
/// When drawing to the screen, ofClear() will clear the screen entirely.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw() {
/// ofClear(255, 0, 0);
/// // Clears current screen and replaces it with red.
/// // Screen will render as a flat color.
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// When using the openGL renderer and drawing into an
/// [FBO][1], ofClear() will clear that buffer rather than the main
/// screen.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw() {
/// ofFbo myFbo;
/// myFbo.allocate(300, 300);
/// myFbo.begin();
/// ofClear(255, 0, 0);
/// // Clears FBO buffer and replaces it with red.
/// // No effect in current drawing screen.
/// myFbo.end();
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// ofClear() is based on [glClear][2].
/// [1]:
/// [2]:
void ofClear(float r, float g, float b, float a=0);
/// \brief Clears the color and depth bits of current renderer and replaces it with a
/// grayscale value.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofClear(128);
/// // Clears current screen and replaces it with a grayscale value.
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofClear(float brightness, float a=0);
/// \brief Clears the color and depth bits of current renderer and replaces it with
/// an ofColor.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofColor myColor(0, 0, 255);
/// ofClear(myColor);
/// // Clears current screen and replaces it with myColor.
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofClear(const ofColor & c);
void ofClearAlpha();
// OF's access to settings (bgAuto, origin, corner mode):
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofGetBackgroundAuto instead",bool ofbClearBg());
/// \}
/// \name 2D Primitives Drawing
/// \{
/// \brief Draws a triangle, with the three points: (x1,y1),(x2, y2),(x3, y3).
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawTriangle(50,10,10,40,90,40);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawTriangle(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2,float x3, float y3);
void ofDrawTriangle(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,float x3, float y3,float z3);
void ofDrawTriangle(const ofPoint & p1, const ofPoint & p2, const ofPoint & p3);
/// \brief Draws a circle, centered at x,y, with a given radius.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawCircle(150,150,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// Please keep in mind that drawing circle with different outline color and
/// fill requires calling ofNoFill and ofSetColor for drawing stroke and
/// ofFill and again ofSetColor for filled solid color circle.
void ofDrawCircle(float x, float y, float radius);
void ofDrawCircle(float x, float y, float z, float radius);
void ofDrawCircle(const ofPoint & p, float radius);
/// \brief Draws an ellipse from point (x,y) with a given width (w) and height (h).
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawEllipse(10,10,50,30);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawEllipse(float x, float y, float width, float height);
void ofDrawEllipse(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height);
void ofDrawEllipse(const ofPoint & p, float width, float height);
/// Draws a line between two points: (x1,y1),(x2,y2).
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawLine(10,10,100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawLine(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2);
void ofDrawLine(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2);
void ofDrawLine(const ofPoint & p1, const ofPoint & p2);
/// \brief Draws a rectangle from point x,y with a given width and height.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawRect(10,10,100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectangle(float x1,float y1,float w,float h);
/// \brief Draws an rectangle from the given rectangle.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofRectangle rect;
/// rect.x = 10;
/// rect.y = 10;
/// rect.width = 100;
/// rect.height = 100;
/// ofDrawRectangle(rect);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectangle(const ofRectangle & r);
/// \brief Draws an rectangle from point p, with a given width and height.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofPoint p; // create a point P
/// p.x = 10; // set the x of the point
/// p.y = 10; // set the y of the point
/// ofDrawRectangle(p, 80, 80); // Draw the rectangle
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectangle(const ofPoint & p,float w,float h);
/// Draws an rectangle from point X, Y at depth Z with a given width and height.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawRectangle(10,10,-100, 80, 80); // Draw a rectangle at 100 pixels in depth
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectangle(float x,float y,float z,float w,float h);
/// \brief Draws a rounded rectangle from the given rectangle using given
/// radius.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofRectangle myRect;
/// myRect.x = 10;
/// myRect.y = 10;
/// myRect.width = 100;
/// myRect.height = 100;
/// ofDrawRectRounded(myRect, 10);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectRounded(const ofRectangle & b, float r);
/// \brief Draws a rectangle from point p with a given width, height and radius of
/// rounded corners.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofPoint p;
/// p.set ( 10, 10 );
/// ofDrawRectRounded( p, 100, 100, 10 );
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectRounded(const ofPoint & p, float w, float h, float r);
/// \brief Draws a rectangle from point X, Y with a given width, height and radius of
/// rounded corners.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawRectRounded(10, 10, 100, 100, 10);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectRounded(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r);
/// \brief Draws a rectangle from point X, Y, at depth Z with a given width, height and
/// radius of rounded corners.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawRectRounded(10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 10);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectRounded(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float r);
/// \brief Draws a rounded rectangle from point X, Y, at depth Z with a given width,
/// height and radius of rounded corners.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawRectRounded(10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 10);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectRounded(const ofPoint & p, float w, float h, float topLeftRadius,
float topRightRadius,
float bottomRightRadius,
float bottomLeftRadius);
/// \brief Draws a rounded rectangle from the given rectangle using different given
/// radius for each of the corners.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofRectangle myRect;
/// myRect.x = 10;
/// myRect.y = 10;
/// myRect.width = 100;
/// myRect.height = 100;
/// ofDrawRectRounded( myRect, 10, 20, 30, 40 );
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectRounded(const ofRectangle & b, float topLeftRadius,
float topRightRadius,
float bottomRightRadius,
float bottomLeftRadius);
/// \brief Draws a rounded rectangle from point X, Y, at depth Z with a given width,
/// height and different radius for each rounded corner.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawRectRounded(10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 10, 20, 30, 40);
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofDrawRectRounded(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float topLeftRadius,
float topRightRadius,
float bottomRightRadius,
float bottomLeftRadius);
/// \brief Draws a curve from point (x1, y1) to point (x2, y2). The curve is shaped by
/// the two control points (x0,y0) and (x3,y3).
void ofDrawCurve(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3);
/// \brief Draws a 3-dimensional curve from point (x1, y1, z1) to point (x2, y2, z2).
/// The curve is shaped by the two control points (x0, y0, z0) and (x3, y3, z3).
void ofDrawCurve(float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3);
void ofDrawBezier(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3);
void ofDrawBezier(float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3);
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawTriangle instead",void ofTriangle(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2,float x3, float y3));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawTriangle instead",void ofTriangle(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,float x3, float y3,float z3));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawTriangle instead",void ofTriangle(const ofPoint & p1, const ofPoint & p2, const ofPoint & p3));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawCircle instead",void ofCircle(float x, float y, float radius));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawCircle instead",void ofCircle(float x, float y, float z, float radius));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawCircle instead",void ofCircle(const ofPoint & p, float radius));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawEllipse instead",void ofEllipse(float x, float y, float width, float height));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawEllipse instead",void ofEllipse(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawEllipse instead",void ofEllipse(const ofPoint & p, float width, float height));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawLine instead",void ofLine(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawLine instead",void ofLine(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawLine instead",void ofLine(const ofPoint & p1, const ofPoint & p2));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectangle instead",void ofRect(float x1,float y1,float w,float h));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectangle instead",void ofRect(const ofRectangle & r));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectangle instead",void ofRect(const ofPoint & p,float w,float h));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectangle instead",void ofRect(float x,float y,float z,float w,float h));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectRounded instead",void ofRectRounded(const ofRectangle & b, float r));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectRounded instead",void ofRectRounded(const ofPoint & p, float w, float h, float r));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectRounded instead",void ofRectRounded(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectRounded instead",void ofRectRounded(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float r));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectRounded instead",void ofRectRounded(const ofPoint & p, float w, float h, float topLeftRadius,
float topRightRadius,
float bottomRightRadius,
float bottomLeftRadius));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectRounded instead",void ofRectRounded(const ofRectangle & b, float topLeftRadius,
float topRightRadius,
float bottomRightRadius,
float bottomLeftRadius));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawRectRounded instead",void ofRectRounded(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float topLeftRadius,
float topRightRadius,
float bottomRightRadius,
float bottomLeftRadius));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawCurve instead",void ofCurve(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawCurve instead",void ofCurve(float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawBezier instead",void ofBezier(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofDrawBezier instead",void ofBezier(float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3));
/// \}
/// \name Custom Shapes Drawing
/// \{
/// \brief Start drawing a new shape. Needs to be followed by a list of
/// vertex points and lastly a call to ofEndShape().
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// //draws a star
/// ofBeginShape();
/// ofVertex(400,135);
/// ofVertex(215,135);
/// ofVertex(365,25);
/// ofVertex(305,200);
/// ofVertex(250,25);
/// ofEndShape();
/// ~~~~
/// \sa ofEndShape()
void ofBeginShape();
/// \brief Specifies a single point of a shape. To be called between ofBeginShape() and
/// ofEndShape().
void ofVertex(float x, float y);
void ofVertex(float x, float y, float z);
void ofVertex(ofPoint & p);
void ofVertices(const vector <ofPoint> & polyPoints);
/// \brief Specifies a single point of a shape. The difference from ofVertex is that
/// the line describing the edge of the shape between two points will be a
/// curve as opposed to a straight line. The curve is automatically generated
/// using the catmull from formula.
/// This function has to be called between ofBeginShape() and ofEndShape().
void ofCurveVertex(float x, float y);
void ofCurveVertex(float x, float y, float z);
void ofCurveVertex(ofPoint & p);
/// \brief Draws a curve through a series of vertices stored as a vector of
/// ofPoints. Should be called between ofBeginShape() and ofEndShape().
void ofCurveVertices(const vector <ofPoint> & curvePoints);
/// \brief Describes a bezier curve through three points of a shape. To be called
/// between ofBeginShape() and ofEndShape().
void ofBezierVertex(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3);
void ofBezierVertex(const ofPoint & p1, const ofPoint & p2, const ofPoint & p3);
void ofBezierVertex(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3);
/// \brief This tells the program that your shape is finished and that it should now
/// draw it to the screen.
/// This function must be called otherwise you will not see your shape.
/// \param bClose If you set it to true it will automatically close your
/// shape for you. Default false.
void ofEndShape(bool bClose = false);
/// \brief Allows you to draw multiple contours within one shape. Call this
/// between ofBeginShape() and ofEndShape() to create a new contour for your
/// shape.
/// \param bClose If set to true then the previous contour will be
/// automatically closed. Default false
void ofNextContour(bool bClose = false); // for multi contour shapes!
/// \}
/// \name Text Drawing
/// \{
/// \brief Set the bitmap drawing mode
/// Valid modes:
void ofSetDrawBitmapMode(ofDrawBitmapMode mode);
/// \brief Draws a bitmapped string, on screen, at point (x,y).
/// For example, you can write some text on screen like this:
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofDrawBitmapString("hi!!", 100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// Your strings can even be multiline:
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// ofDrawBitmapString("a test
/// of multiline
/// text", 100,100);
/// ~~~~
/// you can also using dynamically generated strings. For example, to print
/// the frame rate:
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// string fpsStr = "frame rate: "+ofToString(ofGetFrameRate(), 2);
/// ofDrawBitmapString(fpsStr, 100,100);
/// ~~~~
/// \note ofDrawBitmapString wraps a glut function that uses glDrawPixels. On
/// some graphics cards, you may discover that glDrawPixels is slow (or even,
/// very slow). If so, you might want to investigate using ofTrueTypeFont
/// with a small typeface, non-anti-aliased, as a suitable alternative.
/// \sa ofTrueTypeFont
template<typename T>
void ofDrawBitmapString(const T & textString, float x, float y);
template<typename T>
void ofDrawBitmapString(const T & textString, const ofPoint & p);
template<typename T>
void ofDrawBitmapString(const T & textString, float x, float y, float z);
void ofDrawBitmapString(const string & textString, float x, float y, float z);
void ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight(string text, const ofPoint& position, const ofColor& background = ofColor::black, const ofColor& foreground = ofColor::white);
void ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight(string text, int x, int y, const ofColor& background = ofColor::black, const ofColor& foreground = ofColor::white);
/// \}
/// \name Rendering Settings
/// \{
/// \brief Resets openGL screen coordinates and values back to OF defaults.
void ofSetupGraphicDefaults();
void ofSetupScreen();
/// \brief Tells you if rectangle drawing mode is set to drawn from the center or drawn
/// from the top left corner, as set with the ofSetRectMode() function.
/// Default is `OF_RECTMODE_CORNER`
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// if(ofGetRectMode() == OF_RECTMODE_CORNER){
/// ofDrawRea10,10,80,80);
/// }
/// else {
/// ofDrawRectangle(50,50,80,80);
/// }
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \sa ofSetRectMode()
ofRectMode ofGetRectMode();
/// \brief Sets the resolution for the ofDrawCircle command. By default, the circle is 22
/// points, but if you need to draw larger circles, you can adjust the
/// resolution using this command. All circles are cached in openGL using a
/// display list for optimization purposes.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofSetCircleResolution(10);
/// ofDrawCircle(150,150,100); //draws a rough circle
/// ofSetCircleResolution(100);
/// ofDrawCircle(450,150,100); //draws a fine circle
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetCircleResolution(int res); // if there 22 is a problem, you can change it here
void ofSetCurveResolution(int res);
/// \brief Sets the width of the ofDrawLine() called after.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofSetLineWidth(1); // set line width to 1
/// ofDrawLine(10,10,100,100); // draw thin line
/// ofSetLineWidth(10); // set line width to 10
/// ofDrawLine(10,100,100,10); // draw fat line
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetLineWidth(float lineWidth);
/// \brief Set depth testing on or off to either sort by z-depth (`true`)
/// or draw order (`false`).
void ofSetDepthTest(bool depthTest);
/// \brief Turns on depth testing so rendering happens according to z-depth rather
/// than draw order.
/// \sa ofDisableDepthTest()
void ofEnableDepthTest();
/// \brief Turn off depth testing so rendering happens in draw order rather than by
/// z-depth.
/// Turning off depth test is useful for combining 3d scenes with 2d
/// overlays such as a control panel.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofPushMatrix();
/// ofTranslate( ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2, 0 );
/// ofEnableDepthTest();
/// ofSetColor(255);
/// ofDrawSphere(0,0,100,60);
/// ofSetColor(255,0,255);
/// ofDrawSphere(50,0,50,100);
/// ofDisableDepthTest();
/// ofSetColor(0);
/// ofDrawRectangle(75,75,120,30);
/// ofSetColor(255);
/// ofDrawBitmapString("Some bubbles.",85,90);
/// ofPopMatrix();
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \sa ofEnableDepthTest()
void ofDisableDepthTest();
/// \brief Sets and enables the blend mode for drawing. The options are:
/// There is a blendingExample in the openFrameworks examples > graphics
void ofEnableBlendMode(ofBlendMode blendMode);
/// \brief Disable the current blend mode.
void ofDisableBlendMode();
/// \brief Turn on point sprite.
/// Textures can be mapped onto points. By default, point size is 1pt. So
/// texture is not shown correctly. You can change point size by
/// `glPointSize(GLfloat size).
void ofEnablePointSprites();
/// \brief Turn off point sprites
void ofDisablePointSprites();
/// \brief Turns on alpha blending (which is on by default since OF version 0.8.0).
/// It simply wraps opengl commands that enable blending, and turn on a common
/// blend mode.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofEnableAlphaBlending(); // turn on alpha blending
/// ofSetColor(255,0,0,127); // red, 50% transparent
/// ofDrawRectangle(20,20,100,100); // draws the rect with alpha
/// ofDisableAlphaBlending(); // turn off alpha
/// ofDrawRectangle(120,20,100,100); // draws the rect without alpha
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofEnableAlphaBlending(); // this just turns on and off opengl blending, the common mode
/// \brief Turn off alpha blending.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofEnableAlphaBlending(); // turn on alpha blending
/// ofSetColor(255,0,0,127); // red, 50% transparent
/// ofDrawRectangle(20,20,100,100); // draws the rect with alpha
/// ofDisableAlphaBlending(); // turn off alpha
/// ofDrawRectangle(120,20,100,100); // draws the rect without alpha
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \sa ofEnableAlphaBlending()
void ofDisableAlphaBlending();
void ofEnableSmoothing();
/// \brief Turn off smoothing. Currently, this only works for lines. You can draw a
/// filled object, and then draw the outline with smoothing enabled to get
/// smoothing effects on filled shapes.
void ofDisableSmoothing();
/// Enables anti-aliasing (smoothing) for lines.
void ofEnableAntiAliasing();
/// \brief Turns off anti-aliasing (smoothing).
void ofDisableAntiAliasing();
// drawing style - combines color, fill, blending and smoothing
ofStyle ofGetStyle();
/// \brief Set the current style of the ofGraphics.
/// \param style contains information of the graphics style such as
/// ofColor, ofFill, polyMode and others.
/// \sa See ofStyle for more details.
void ofSetStyle(ofStyle style);
/// \brief Saves the current style settings for the ofGraphics after its call.
/// Usage of ofPushStyle and ofPopStyle allow users to have more control of
/// certain graphics elements. All the style that applies to certain elements
/// is controled using ofStyle class. See ofStyle type.
/// In the following example the properties of being red and filled only applies to the ellipse:
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofPushStyle(); // push the current style for use later
/// ofFill();
/// ofSetColor(255,0,0);
/// ofDrawEllipse(30,10,40,40);
/// ofPopStyle(); // recall the pushed style
/// ofDrawCircle(10,10,5);
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// sa ofPopStyle()
void ofPushStyle();
/// \brief Restores the prior style settings. It needs to be called after ofPushStyle.
/// \sa ofPushStyle()
void ofPopStyle();
/// \brief Sets the drawing behavior for overlapping parts of the same polygon.
/// Possible modes are:
void ofSetPolyMode(ofPolyWindingMode mode);
/// \brief Sets the mode for drawing rectangles and other rectangular objects, if
/// they are corner aligned, or drawn so that the x,y position is the center
/// of the rectangle. possible options are `OF_RECTMODE_CENTER` and
/// `OF_RECTMODE_CORNER`. This affects not only how ofDrawRectangle() objects are drawn,
/// but also ofTexture (and therefore ofImage) objects.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofSetRectMode(OF_RECTMODE_CORNER); //set rectangle mode to the corner
/// ofDrawRectangle(10,10,80,80);
/// ofSetRectMode(OF_RECTMODE_CENTER); //set rectangle mode to the center
/// ofDrawRectangle(50,50,80,80);
/// // both rectangles are drawn at the same place
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofSetRectMode(ofRectMode mode);
/// \}
/// \name Transformation
/// \{
/// \brief Saves the current coordinate system allowing users to develop specific
/// movements in some graphic objects. ofPopMatrix needs to be called after.
/// In the following example we only rotate the square.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofPushMatrix(); // push the current coordinate position
/// ofRotateX(90); // change the coordinate system
/// ofDrawRea10,10,40,40); // draw a rect
/// ofPopMatrix() // recall the pushed coordinate position
/// ofDrawCircle(10, 10, 5); // draw a circle
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofPushMatrix();
/// \brief Restores the prior coordinate system.
/// \sa ofPushMatrix()
void ofPopMatrix();
/// \brief Query the current (oF internal) Transformation Matrix state.
ofMatrix4x4 ofGetCurrentMatrix(ofMatrixMode matrixMode);
/// \brief Query the current (oF internal) Orientation Matrix state.
/// \note The matrix returned is the matrix openFrameworks uses internally
/// to calculate the (final, oriented) projection matrix as it is
/// passed on to the GPU.
/// Currently, only GL Programmable Renderer and GL Renderer
/// implement ofGetCurrentOrientationMatrix.
ofMatrix4x4 ofGetCurrentOrientationMatrix();
/// \brief Query the current (oF internal) Normal Matrix state.
/// \note The matrix returned is the transposed of the inverse of the
/// view matrix
/// Currently, only GL Programmable Renderer and GL Renderer
/// implement ofGetCurrentNormalMatrix.
ofMatrix4x4 ofGetCurrentNormalMatrix();
/// \brief Translate by (x,y,z) vector of our coordinate system.
/// The call of ofTranslate() modifies graphics positions.
/// Use ofPushMatrix() and ofPopMatrix() to save and restore the untranslated
/// coordinate system.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofTranslate(100, 100, 0); // move the coordinate system to position x 100 and y 100 and make that zero.
/// ofDrawRectangle(0, 0, 10, 10); // draw a rect at that position
/// }
/// ~~~~
void ofTranslate(float x, float y, float z = 0);
void ofTranslate(const ofPoint & p);
void ofScale(float xAmnt, float yAmnt, float zAmnt = 1);
void ofScale(const ofPoint & p);
/// \brief Produces a rotation around the vector (vecX,vecY,vecZ).
/// All graphics drawn after ofRotate is called are rotated. Use ofPushMatrix()
/// and ofPopMatrix() to save and restore the unrotated coordinate system.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofRotate(50, 1, 0.5, 0); //rotates the coordinate system 50 degrees along the x-axis and 25 degrees on the y-axis
/// ofDrawRectangle(20,20,100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \param degrees Specifies the angle of rotation, in degrees.
/// \param vecX specifies the x coordinates of a vector
/// \param vecY specifies the y coordinates of a vector
/// \param vecZ specifies the z coordinates of a vector
void ofRotate(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ);
/// \brief Rotate around the z-axis
void ofRotate(float degrees);
/// \brief Produces a rotation around the X-axis of our coordinate
/// system represented by the vector (1,0,0).
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofRotateX(45); //rotates the coordinate system 45 degrees around the x-axis
/// ofDrawRectangle(20,20,100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \param degrees Specifies the angle of rotation, in degrees.
void ofRotateX(float degrees);
/// \brief Produces a rotation around the Y-axis of our coordinate
/// system represented by the vector (0,1,0).
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofRotateY(45); //rotates the coordinate system 45 degrees around the y-axis
/// ofDrawRectangle(20,20,100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \param degrees Specifies the angle of rotation, in degrees.
void ofRotateY(float degrees);
/// \brief Produces a rotation around the Z-axis of our coordinate
/// system represented by the vector (0,0,1).
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::draw(){
/// ofRotateZ(45); //rotates the coordinate system 45 degrees around the z-axis
/// ofDrawRectangle(20,20,100,100);
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \param degrees Specifies the angle of rotation, in degrees.
void ofRotateZ(float degrees);
/// \}
/// \name Matrix Transformation
/// \{
void ofLoadIdentityMatrix (void);
void ofLoadMatrix (const ofMatrix4x4 & m); // Andreas: I've included both a ofMatrix4x4* and a float* version here,
void ofLoadMatrix (const float *m); // ideally we would always use ofMatrix4x4, but in a lot of temporary
void ofMultMatrix (const ofMatrix4x4 & m); // ofMatrix4x4 objects when interacting with non-OF code
void ofMultMatrix (const float *m);
void ofSetMatrixMode(ofMatrixMode matrixMode);
void ofLoadViewMatrix(const ofMatrix4x4 & m);
void ofMultViewMatrix(const ofMatrix4x4 & m);
ofMatrix4x4 ofGetCurrentViewMatrix();
/// \}
/// \name Viewport Setup
/// \{
/// \brief Stores the current viewport and matrix settings
void ofPushView();
/// \brief Restores the viewport and matrix settings set by ofPushView()
void ofPopView();
/// \brief Get if view is flipped vertically
bool ofIsVFlipped();
/// \brief Setup the drawing viewport
/// \param viewport A rectangle describing the size and position of the viewport.
/// If the width or height are set to 0, it will assume the size to be the window
/// size (ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight())
void ofViewport(ofRectangle viewport);
/// \brief Setup the drawing viewport
/// \param x The x position of the viewport
/// \param y The y position of the viewport
/// \param width The width of the viewport, defaults to ofGetWidth()
/// \param height The height of the viewport, defaults to ofGetHeight()
void ofViewport(float x = 0, float y = 0, float width = -1, float height = -1, bool vflip=ofIsVFlipped());
/// \brief Get the position and size of the current viewport
/// \returns A rectangle describing the viewport
ofRectangle ofGetCurrentViewport();
/// \brief Get the position and size of the native viewport
/// \returns A rectangle describing the viewport
ofRectangle ofGetNativeViewport();
/// \brief Get the width of the current viewport
/// \returns A width in pixels
int ofGetViewportWidth();
/// \brief Get the height of the current viewport
/// \returns A height in pixels
int ofGetViewportHeight();
// if nearDist or farDist are 0 assume defaults (calculated based on width / height)
void ofSetupScreenPerspective(float width = -1, float height = -1, float fov = 60, float nearDist = 0, float farDist = 0);
void ofSetupScreenOrtho(float width = -1, float height = -1, float nearDist = -1, float farDist = 1);
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("ofSetupScreenPerspective() doesn't accept orientation and vflip parameters anymore, use ofSetOrientation() to specify them",
void ofSetupScreenPerspective(float width, float height, ofOrientation orientation, bool vFlip = ofIsVFlipped(), float fov = 60, float nearDist = 0, float farDist = 0)
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("ofSetupScreenOrtho() doesn't accept orientation and vflip parameters anymore, use ofSetOrientation() to specify them",
void ofSetupScreenOrtho(float width, float height, ofOrientation orientation, bool vFlip = ofIsVFlipped(), float nearDist = -1, float farDist = 1)
int ofOrientationToDegrees(ofOrientation orientation);
void ofSetCoordHandedness(ofHandednessType handedness);
ofHandednessType ofGetCoordHandedness();
/// \}
/// \name Screen Saving
/// \{
/// \brief Begin rendering to a PDF file.
/// openFrameworks allows rendering of 2D graphics to pdf via the
/// ofCairoRenderer. ofBeginSaveScreenAsPDF() is called before drawing. When
/// done drawing call ofEndSaveScreenAsPDF() to output the file.
/// ~~~~{.cpp}
/// void ofApp::setup(){
/// ofBeginSaveScreenAsPDF("screenshot.pdf", false);
/// ofSetColor(54,54,54);
/// ofDrawEllipse(100,100,200,200);
/// ofEndSaveScreenAsPDF();
/// }
/// ~~~~
/// \sa End drawing with ofEndSaveScreenAsPDF()
void ofBeginSaveScreenAsPDF(string filename, bool bMultipage = false, bool b3D = false, ofRectangle outputsize = ofRectangle(0,0,0,0));
/// \brief Terminates draw to PDF through ofCairoRenderer and outputs the file.
/// \sa ofBeginSaveScreenAsPDF()
void ofEndSaveScreenAsPDF();
/// \brief Begin rendering to a SVG file.
/// \sa ofEndSaveScreenAsSVG(), ofBeginSaveScreenAsPDF()
void ofBeginSaveScreenAsSVG(string filename, bool bMultipage = false, bool b3D = false, ofRectangle outputsize = ofRectangle(0,0,0,0));
/// \brief Terminates draw to SVG and outputs the file.
/// \sa ofBeginSaveScreenAsSVG()
void ofEndSaveScreenAsSVG();
/// \}
template<typename T>
void ofDrawBitmapString(const T & textString, const ofPoint & p){
ofDrawBitmapString(textString, p.x, p.y, p.z);
template<typename T>
void ofDrawBitmapString(const T & textString, float x, float y){
ofDrawBitmapString(textString, x, y, 0.0f);
template<typename T>
void ofDrawBitmapString(const T & textString, float x, float y, float z){
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