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Created February 27, 2021 06:02
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(use gauche.test)
(use lang.c.parser)
(define (test-c-tokenize str expect)
(test* (string-append "\"" str "\"") expect (c-tokenize (string->list str))))
(test-section "CARM 2.3 tokens")
(test-c-tokenize "forwhile;" '((ident forwhile) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "forx;" '((ident forx) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "foox;" '((ident foox) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "xfor;" '((ident xfor) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "foo;" '((ident foo) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "b>x;" '((ident b) > (ident x) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "b->x;" '((ident b) -> (ident x) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "b--x;" '((ident b) -- (ident x) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "b---x;" '((ident b) -- - (ident x) |;|))
(test-section "integer constants")
(test-c-tokenize "0L;" '((literal long-int "0L") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0l;" '((literal long-int "0l") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0U;" '((literal unsigned-int "0U") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0u;" '((literal unsigned-int "0u") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "1234;" '((literal int "1234") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "012;" '((literal int "012" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0x12;" '((literal int "0x12") |;|))
(test-section "character constants")
(test-c-tokenize "'a';" '((char (#\a)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'A';" '((char (#\A)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "' ';" '((char (#\space)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'?';" '((char (#\?)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'\\r';" '((char (#\return)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'\\0';" '((char (#\null)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'\"';" '((char (#\")) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'\\377';" '((char (#\xff)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'%';" '((char (#\%)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'\\23';" '((char (#\x13)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'8';" '((char (#\8)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'\\\\';" '((char (#\\)) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "'ABCD';" '((char (#\A #\B #\C #\D)) |;|))
(test-section "floating point constants")
(test-c-tokenize "0.;" '((literal double "0." ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "3e1;" '((literal double "3e1" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "3.14159;" '((literal double "3.14159") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize ".0;" '((literal double ".0" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "1.0E-3;" '((literal double "1.0E-3" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "1e-3;" '((literal double "1e-3" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "1.0;" '((literal double "1.0" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0.00034;" '((literal double "0.00034") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "2e+9;" '((literal double "2e+9" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "1.0f;" '((literal float "1.0f" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "1.0e67L;" '((literal long-double "1.0e67L") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "1.37E+6L;" '((literal long-double "1.37E+6L") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0E1L;" '((literal long-double "0E1L" ) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0x1.0p1;" '((literal double "0x1.0p1") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "0x1.0;" '((literal double "0x1.0") |;|))
(test-section "string constants")
(test-c-tokenize "\"abra\"" '((string "abra")))
(test-c-tokenize "\"\";" '((string "") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "\"\\\"\";" '((string "\"") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "\"Copyright 2000 \\\nTexas Instruments. \""
'((string "\"Copyright 2000 \\\nTexas Instruments. \"")))
(test-section "other")
(test-c-tokenize "X++Y;" '((ident X) ++ (ident Y) |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "-12ul;" '(- (literal unsigned-long-int "12ul") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "x**2;" '((ident x) * * (literal int "2") |;|))
(test-c-tokenize "A*=B;" '((ident A) *= (ident B) |;|))
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