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phase 0 unit 2 week 1 boggle class challenge
class BoggleBoard
def initialize(board)
@board = board
def create_word(*coords) { |coord| @board[coord.first][coord.last]}.join("")
def get_row(row)
def get_col(col)
def get_coor(row,col)
def get_diagonal(start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col)
raise IndexError, "Not a diagonal" if (start_row - end_row).abs != (start_col - end_col).abs
if start_col > end_col
start_row, end_row = end_row, start_row
start_col, end_col = end_col, start_col
diagonal = []
(end_col - start_col).times do
diagonal << @board[start_row][start_col]
start_col += 1
start_row < end_row ? start_row += 1 : start_row -= 1
diagonal << @board[start_row][start_col]
def print
0..@board.length.times do |i|
puts get_row(i+1).join
puts get_col(i+1).join
dice_grid = [["b", "r", "a", "e"],
["i", "o", "d", "t"],
["e", "c", "l", "r"],
["t", "a", "k", "e"]]
boggle =
puts boggle.create_word([2,1], [1,1], [1,2], [0,3]) == "code"
puts boggle.create_word([0,1], [0,2], [1,2]) == "rad"
puts boggle.create_word([3,0], [3,1], [2,1], [3,2], [2,2], [3,3]) == "tackle"
puts boggle.create_word([0,0], [1,1], [2,2], [1,2]) == "bold"
puts boggle.create_word([1,2], [1,1], [2,1], [3,2]) == "dock"
puts boggle.get_row(2) == %w[i o d t]
puts boggle.get_row(3) == %w[e c l r]
puts boggle.get_row(4) == %w[t a k e]
puts boggle.get_col(1) == %w[b i e t]
puts boggle.get_col(2) == %w[r o c a]
puts boggle.get_col(3) == %w[a d l k]
boggle.print #=>
#take Woo! Real word!
puts boggle.get_coor(3,2) == "k"
puts "---------------------------"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(0,0,3,3).join == "bole"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(1,0,0,1).join == "ir"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(1,0,3,2).join == "ick"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(3,1,1,3).join == "alt"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(3,3,0,0).join == "bole"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(0,1,1,0).join == "ir"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(3,2,1,0).join == "ick"
puts boggle.get_diagonal(1,3,3,1).join == "alt"
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shkurkin commented Nov 5, 2013

The real challenge here was the diagonal class. The current implementation works, but it seems hackish to me, which usually means that there's a better way that I'm not seeing.
One big take-away from the diagonal function was that most of my problems come from not fully understanding the thing I'm working on. Ruby is expressive, easy and predictable. Real world problems aren't. For the diagonal, I spent a good amount of time coming up with a mental model of accessing diagonals in the array that the computer would understand. I eventually came up with:

  1. read the diagonal left to right (convert to make this happen if necessary), this way the next cell will always be col+1
  2. compare rows in the start position and end position the see whether the diagonal goes up or down.
  3. end_col - start_col to see how long the diagonal is

If you have a different method, please post! I would love to improve this.

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