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Last active January 1, 2016 14:19
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[Mysql] places의 전체 레코드의 category (부모 category 포함) 조회방법


id name parent index
1 맛집 0 0
3 로컬정보 0 2
4 치킨 3 0
5 중식 3 1
6 피자/스파게티 3 2
10 전체 3 0
11 마트 3 1
12 병원 3 2
13 성형외과 12 0


id name category
1 TEST 1 4
2 TEST 2 13
3 TEST 3 13

필요한 결과

place_id category_id
1 4
1 1
2 13
2 12
2 3
3 13
3 12
3 3

결국 임시 테이블을 생성하여 사용 (어차피 검색엔진쪽으로 인덱싱용이니...)


drop function if exists insertCategoryData$$
create function insertCategoryData(placeid int, categoryid int) RETURNS INT
    INSERT INTO `place_category_list` (`place_id`, `category_id`, `parent`)
    SELECT placeid, @r AS _id, ( SELECT @r := parent FROM category WHERE id = _id ) AS parent
    FROM ( SELECT @r :=categoryid ) vars, category h
    WHERE @r <> 0;
    return 1;
end $$

drop procedure if exists createCategoryList$$
create procedure createCategoryList()
    DROP TABLE if exists `place_category_list`;
    CREATE TABLE `place_category_list` (
      `place_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `category_id` INT NULL,
      `parent` INT NULL);
    SELECT insertCategoryData(`places`.`id`, `places`.`category`) FROM `places`;
end $$

drop procedure if exists getCategoryList$$
create procedure getCategoryList()
    CALL createCategoryList();
    SELECT `place_id`, `category_id` FROM `place_category_list`;
    DROP TABLE `place_category_list`;
end $$


Call getCategoryList();
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