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Created June 14, 2020 20:20
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Bar plot with multiple start and end points on a single date
# Check the following image to see output:
# Answer to
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
data = np.array([
["Client", "Task", "Start Time", "End Time"],
["client-A", "task-a", "2020-06-10 11:10", "2020-06-10 11:25"],
["client-B", "task-b", "2020-06-10 11:30", "2020-06-10 13:54"],
["client-B", "task-a", "2020-06-10 17:34", "2020-06-10 18:00"],
["client-D", "task-e", "2020-06-11 08:05", "2020-06-11 12:45"],
["client-C", "task-d", "2020-06-11 15:15", "2020-06-11 17:01"],
["client-A", "task-a", "2020-06-11 19:10", "2020-06-11 20:18"],
["client-A", "task-c", "2020-06-11 20:18", "2020-06-11 21:36"],
["client-C", "task-a", "2020-06-12 08:02", "2020-06-12 08:25"],
["client-D", "task-e", "2020-06-12 08:45", "2020-06-12 09:55"],
["client-E", "task-d", "2020-06-12 10:00", "2020-06-12 11:07"],
["client-B", "task-c", "2020-06-12 11:11", "2020-06-12 12:30"]
data = data[1:, :] # Remove header
# Get all unique days in a sorted list and make dictionary using this
days_list = sorted(list(set([date[:10] for date in data[:, 2]])))[::-1]
days = { day: i+1 for i, day in enumerate(days_list) }
# Make a colormapping based on which client
clients = sorted(list(set(data[:, 0])))
colormapping = { client: f"C{i}" for i, client in enumerate(clients) }
# Save just the start time and end time for each entry as datetime
start_times = [dt.datetime.strptime(date[11:], "%H:%M") for date in data[:, 2]]
end_times = [dt.datetime.strptime(date[11:], "%H:%M") for date in data[:, 3]]
# Go through all data points and add corresponding vertices
verts, colors, texts = [], [], []
for i, d in enumerate(data):
client, task, date_str = d[0], d[1], d[2]
day_num = days[date_str[:10]]
start_date = mdates.date2num(start_times[i])
end_date = mdates.date2num(end_times[i])
v = [(start_date, day_num - .4),
(start_date, day_num + .4),
(end_date, day_num + .4),
(end_date, day_num - .4),
(start_date, day_num - .4)
texts.append((start_date, day_num, task[-1].upper()))
# Make PolyCollection and scale
bars = PolyCollection(verts, facecolors=colors, edgecolors=("black",))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Set ticks to show every 30 minutes and in specific format
xticks = mdates.MinuteLocator(byminute=[0, 30])
# Set y-axis to be dates
ax.set_yticks(range(1, len(days_list) + 1))
# Add task text to plot
for (start_date, day_num, task) in texts:
plt.text(start_date+.003, day_num-.03, task, color="w")
# Create legend based on clients
plt.legend(handles=[mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=client)
for client, color in colormapping.items()])
# Add grid and show
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