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Last active October 11, 2015 22:57
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DCSS Bot Repeater
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Irssi;
use warnings;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '1.00';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Jared Tyler Miller',
contact => '',
name => 'DCSS Bot Repeater',
description => 'Repeats ##crawl bots ' .
'that reference a nick' .
'that you specify.',
license => 'Public Domain',
print CLIENTCRAP "loading $VERSION!";
my $root_server = "freenode";
my $bot_name = "OCTOTROG";
my $root_chan = "##crawl";
my $target_server = "lunarnet";
my @target_chan = qw(#changeme);
my $ts = Irssi::server_find_tag($target_server);
my $rs = Irssi::server_find_tag($root_server);
my %commands = (
'Sizzell' => ['%whereis','%dump'],
'Wenzell' => ['??','!abyss','!aplayers','!apt','!cdefine','!cheers','!cmdinfo','!coffee',
'Gretell' => ['@??','@whereis'],
'Sequell' => ['!chars','!cmdinfo','!deathsby','!deathsin','!gamesby','!gkills','!help','!hs',
'apocalypsebot' => ['!time'],
'Henzell' => [],
$bot_name => ['!add', '!rem', '!watched', '!help']
sub check_if_command {
# check if $msg starts with a command
my ($nick, $msg, $chan) = @_;
my $count = 0;
for my $bot ( keys %commands ) {
foreach my $command ( @{ $commands{$bot} } ) {
if ((index $msg, $command) eq 0) {
my $clean_msg = add_to_command($nick, trim($msg), trim($command));
if ($bot eq $bot_name) {
if ($command eq '!add') {
add_nick(lc $clean_msg);
} elsif ($command eq '!rem') {
rem_nick(lc $clean_msg);
} elsif ($command eq '!watched') {
} elsif ($command eq '!help') {
public_msg($chan, uc 'type !cmdinfo to see a list of all the bot commands. '.
'!watched will list all nicks being monitored. !add/!rem to change list. '.
'??death yak, ??death yak[2], @??death yak. praise be to trog.')
} else {
private_msg($bot, $command . ' ' . $clean_msg);
sub add_nick {
my $nick = shift;
my @nicks = split(/ +/, Irssi::settings_get_str("crawlwatchnicks"));
my $found_nick = 0;
my $message;
foreach my $n (@nicks) {
if ($n eq $nick) {
$found_nick = 1;
if ($found_nick) {
$message = uc $nick . ' already in watch list. praise be to trog.';
} else {
push @nicks, $nick;
@nicks = sort @nicks;
Irssi::settings_set_str("crawlwatchnicks", join(" ", @nicks));
$message = uc 'i added ' . $nick . '. praise be to trog.';
public_msg($target_chan[0], $message);
sub rem_nick {
my $nick = shift;
my @nicks = split(/ +/, Irssi::settings_get_str("crawlwatchnicks"));
my @new_nicks = ();
my $found = 0;
my $message;
foreach my $n (@nicks) {
if ($n ne $nick) {
push @new_nicks, $n;
} else {
$message = uc 'i removed ' . $nick . '. praise be to trog.';
$found = 1;
if (!$found) {
$message = uc 'no nick with that name';
public_msg($target_chan[0], $message);
Irssi::settings_set_str("crawlwatchnicks", join(" ", @new_nicks));
sub list_nicks {
public_msg($target_chan[0], uc 'i am watching ' . Irssi::settings_get_str("crawlwatchnicks") . '. praise be to trog.');
sub process_msg {
my $msg = shift;
sub add_to_command {
# stupid hack to add your nick to $msg if nick isn't provided
my ($nick, $msg, $command) = @_;
my $new_msg;
if ($msg eq $command) {
$new_msg = $nick;
} else {
$new_msg = substr($msg, length($command));
return trim($new_msg);
sub trim($) {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub public_msg {
my ($chan, $msg) = @_;
$ts->send_message($chan, $msg, 0);
sub private_msg {
my ($bot, $msg) = @_;
$rs->send_message($bot, $msg, 1)
sub dispatch {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $mask, $chan) = @_;
# if coming from target channel
if (lc($chan) eq lc($target_chan[0])) {
check_if_command($nick, trim($msg), $target_chan[0]);
# root channel
if (lc($chan) eq lc($root_chan)) {
# return unless the nick is in the keys
return unless (grep {lc($_) eq lc($nick)} keys %commands);
# return unless the $player is found in the $text
return unless (grep { lc($msg) =~ /\b\Q$_\E\b/i } split(" ", Irssi::settings_get_str("crawlwatchnicks")));
# return unless (grep {lc($msg) =~ lc($_)} split(/ +/, Irssi::settings_get_str("crawlwatchnicks")));
# send command if $text contains any @player names
foreach (@target_chan) {
public_msg($_, $msg)
sub priv_dispatch {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $mask) = @_;
# return unless the nick is in the keys
if (grep {lc($_) eq lc($nick)} keys %commands) {
public_msg($target_chan[0], $msg)
} else {
$server->send_message($nick, uc $bot_name . uc ' does not concern himself with private messages', 1)
Irssi::signal_add("message public", "dispatch");
Irssi::signal_add("message private", "priv_dispatch");
Irssi::settings_add_str("crawlwatch", "crawlwatchnicks", "");
print CLIENTCRAP "/set crawlwatchnicks ed edd eddy ...";
print CLIENTCRAP "Watched nicks: " . Irssi::settings_get_str("crawlwatchnicks");
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