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Created March 23, 2023 22:51
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cycle through your personal colorschemes
" cyclecolors.vim
" cycle through colorschemes
function! CycleColors(direction)
let colorschemes = split(globpath(expand("~/.vim/colors/"), "*.vim"), "\n")
let colorscheme_names = map(colorschemes, {_,v -> fnamemodify(v, ':t:r')})
let current_color_index = index(colorscheme_names, g:colors_name)
let next_colorscheme = a:direction == '→' ? current_color_index + 1 : current_color_index - 1
let next_colorscheme = (next_colorscheme + len(colorscheme_names)) % len(colorscheme_names)
execute 'colorscheme ' . colorscheme_names[next_colorscheme]
echo colorscheme_names[next_colorscheme]
nnoremap <silent> <Right> :call CycleColors('→')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Left> :call CycleColors('←')<CR>
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