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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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A quick and dirty implementation of game of life
// instantiate GameOfLife and run it.
$gol = new GameOfLife();
* Class IOHelper
* Some misc utility functions for dealing with I/O on CLI
abstract class IOHelper
* Get a line from STDIN but trim it according to first parameter
* @param bool $trim
* @return string
public static function getLineFromCli($trim = true)
$line = fgets(STDIN);
if ($trim) {
$line = trim($line);
return $line;
* Prints a fancy representation of a 2D array
* @param $matrix
public static function echoMatrix($matrix)
foreach ($matrix as $row) {
foreach ($row as $column) {
if (!is_scalar($column))
throw new Exception(__FUNCTION__ . " can only deal with 2D data.");
echo "\t$column ";
echo self::lineBreak();
* A fancy line break function
* @param int $count
* @return string
public static function lineBreak($count = 1)
$lineBreak = "<br />";
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || !isset($_SERVER['HOSTNAME']))
$lineBreak = PHP_EOL;
return str_repeat($lineBreak, $count);
* Class GameOfLife
* The actual implementation of game of life.
class GameOfLife
* How many time units shall we execute?
const UNIT_COUNT = 100;
* What should be the height of the matrix we get from user?
const HEIGHT = 5;
* What should be the width of the matrix we get from user?
const WIDTH = 5;
* Are we running under test mode?
const TEST = false;
* How many tests shall we run when running under Test mode:
* How many tests shall we run?
* @var null
protected $numberOfTests = null;
* The actual container containing the matrices user provides.
* @var array
protected $testMatrices = array();
* Fire up the engine
public function run()
* Get the value of how many tests shall we execute
protected function getNumberOfTests()
if (self::TEST) {
$this->numberOfTests = self::TEST_NUMBER_OF_TESTS;
do {
//echo IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo "Please input number of tests to run: ";
$this->numberOfTests = IOHelper::getLineFromCli();
} while (!$this->validateNumberOfTests());
* Validate if the provided value for numberOfTests is legal or not.
* @return bool
protected function validateNumberOfTests()
try {
// wohooo, what are you try to do by giving me a non-int?
if (!ctype_digit($this->numberOfTests)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Number of tests must be integer");
// way too less/many tests? greedy much?
if (intval($this->numberOfTests) < 1 || intval($this->numberOfTests) > 100) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Number of tests must be between 1-100");
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e)
echo $e->getMessage() . IOHelper::lineBreak();
return false;
return true;
* Get the matrices from user.
protected function getMatrices()
// So I don't forget what this script expects when I try it at 3am on a Saturday.
//echo "Please input " . self::HEIGHT . " lines, each consisting of " . self::WIDTH ." characters." . IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo "Characters can only be 1s and 0s." . IOHelper::lineBreak(2);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numberOfTests; $i++) {
//echo "Gathering data for Test #" . ($i + 1) . IOHelper::lineBreak();
$this->testMatrices[$i] = array();
$j = 0;
do {
if (self::TEST) {
$lineContent = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat("01", self::WIDTH)), 0, self::WIDTH);
} else {
//echo "Gathering row #" . ($j + 1) . IOHelper::lineBreak();
$lineContent = $this->getMatrixRowFromCli();
if ($lineContent !== false) {
// we need to push it to matrix only if it is legit and only then would we move to next.
$this->testMatrices[$i][$j] = str_split($lineContent);
} while ($j < self::HEIGHT);
// Share the magically built matrix out of plain lines, cool?
//echo "Compiled matrix for Test # " . ($i + 1) . IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo IOHelper::lineBreak(2);
* Get a single line from CLI for a matrix
* @return string
protected function getMatrixRowFromCli()
// Get a single row for Matrix from cli
$lineContent = IOHelper::getLineFromCli();
return ($this->validateMatrixRow($lineContent))? $lineContent : false;
* Validate the line collected against a set of rules.
* @param $line
* @return bool
protected function validateMatrixRow($line)
try {
// is it long enough? is it only of 0s and 1s?
if (strlen($line) != self::WIDTH) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Row does not have " . self::WIDTH . " characters. Please retry!");
} else if (!preg_match('~^[01]+$~', $line)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Row contains invalid data. Please retry!");
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e)
echo $e->getMessage() . IOHelper::lineBreak();
return false;
return true;
* Checks if matrices have at least one alive cell
* @param $matrices
* @return bool
protected function hasAtLeastOneAliveCell($matrices)
$atLeastOneAlive = false;
foreach ($matrices as $matrix) {
if (array_sum($matrix) > 0) {
$atLeastOneAlive = true;
return $atLeastOneAlive;
* Run the time units
protected function runUnits()
foreach ($this->testMatrices as $key => & $testMatrix) {
for ($unit = 0; $unit < self::UNIT_COUNT; $unit++) {
//echo "State of test # " . ($key + 1) . " before unit" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo "Running Unit # " . ($unit + 1) . " on unit # " . ($key + 1) . IOHelper::lineBreak();
// Only do the actual test if matrix is not all zeros.
if (!$this->hasAtLeastOneAliveCell($testMatrix)) {
// get out of loop for this matrix.
//echo "Matrix is all zeros. Skipping rest of tests" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo "State of test # " . ($key + 1) . " after unit" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo IOHelper::lineBreak();
* Run a single unit on a given matrix
* @param array $matrix
* @return array
protected function runUnit(array & $matrix)
$rowCount = count($matrix);
for ($row = 0; $row < $rowCount; $row++) {
$columnCount = count($matrix[$row]);
for ($col = 0; $col < $columnCount; $col++) {
// if column is 0 then we are at start of row, the left of start should be the last column. Otherwise we just jump back one column.
$left = ($col) ? ($col - 1) : ($columnCount - 1);
// if we have reached the last column, the right of that should be the first. Otherwise we just hop one column forward.
$right = ($col < ($columnCount - 1)) ? ($col + 1) : 0;
// if row is 0 then we are at start of matrix, the top of start should be the last row. Otherwise we just jump back one row.
$top = ($row) ? ($row - 1) : ($rowCount - 1);
// if we have reached the last row, the bottom of that should be the first. Otherwise we just hop one row forward.
$bottom = ($row < ($rowCount - 1)) ? ($row + 1) : 0;
echo "I am at ($row, $col)" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "Looking for neighbors at: " . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "top, left = ($top, $left) = {$matrix[$top][$left]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "top, center = ($top, $col) = {$matrix[$top][$col]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "top, right = ($top, $right) = {$matrix[$top][$right]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "center, left = ($row, $left) = {$matrix[$row][$left]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "center, right = ($row, $right) = {$matrix[$row][$right]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "bottom, left = ($bottom, $left) = {$matrix[$bottom][$left]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "bottom, center = ($bottom, $col) = {$matrix[$bottom][$col]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
echo "bottom, right = ($bottom, $right) = {$matrix[$bottom][$right]}" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
$neighborsAliveCount = $matrix[$top][$left] + $matrix[$top][$col] + $matrix [$top][$right] + // add the top row of neighbors.
$matrix[$row][$left] + $matrix[$row][$right] + // add own row's left and right
$matrix[$bottom][$left] + $matrix[$bottom][$col] + $matrix[$bottom][$right]; // add the bottom row of neighbors;
// If I was alive but I had less than 2 alive neighbors(loneliness) or had more than 3(lack of space), I'd die.
if (($matrix[$row][$col]) && ($neighborsAliveCount < 2 || $neighborsAliveCount > 3)) {
//echo "I am now dead" . IOHelper::lineBreak(2);
$matrix[$row][$col] = 0;
continue; // need this continue so it does not evaluate the second test.
// If I was dead but I had 3 alive neighbors, I would come back to life.
if (!$matrix[$row][$col] && $neighborsAliveCount === 3) {
//echo "I became alive" . IOHelper::lineBreak(2);
$matrix[$row][$col] = 1;
continue; // we don't really need this continue.
//echo "I remain unchanged";
//echo IOHelper::lineBreak(2);
return $matrix;
* Given the current state of testMatrices, devise results
protected function deviseResults()
//echo "Devising Results." . IOHelper::lineBreak();
foreach ($this->testMatrices as $key => $testMatrix) {
$atLeastOneAlive = $this->hasAtLeastOneAliveCell($testMatrix);
//echo "Test # " . ($key + 1) . ": ";
echo ($atLeastOneAlive) ? "YES" : "NO";
echo IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo "Matrix after " . self::UNIT_COUNT . " units:" . IOHelper::lineBreak();
//echo IOHelper::lineBreak(2);
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