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Created September 9, 2018 15:51
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'use strict';
var Assert = {};
Assert.GE = function(key, value, bound) {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) throw new Error(key + ' must be an integer');
if (!Number.isInteger(bound)) throw new Error(key + ' bound not an integer');
if (value < bound) throw new Error(key + ' must be at least ' + bound);
Assert.LE = function(key, value, bound) {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) throw new Error(key + ' must be an integer');
if (!Number.isInteger(bound)) throw new Error(key + ' bound not an integer');
if (value > bound) throw new Error(key + ' must be at most ' + bound);
Assert.P2 = function(key, value) {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) throw new Error(key + ' must be an integer');
if (value <= 0) throw new Error(key + ' must be greater than 0');
if (value & (value - 1)) throw new Error(key + ' must be a power of 2');
// Hashes assigned by Hash() instead of using multiple return destructuring:
// We want to avoid allocating millions of objects just to return 2 hashes.
var H1 = 0;
var H2 = 0;
// Tabulation hash function:
function Hash(key, keyOffset, keySize) {
// Assigning to a local variable is faster than to a global variable:
var h1 = 0;
var h2 = 0;
var i = 0;
while (i < keySize) {
// Minimize cache misses by interleaving both tables into a single table:
// Minimize variable assignments by reusing k as an index into TABLE:
// Unrolled to process 4 bytes at a time:
h1 ^= (
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 0) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 0]] ^
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 1) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 1]] ^
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 2) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 2]] ^
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 3) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 3]]
h2 ^= (
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 4) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 0]] ^
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 5) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 1]] ^
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 6) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 2]] ^
TABLE[(((i << 1) + 7) << 8) + key[keyOffset + i + 3]]
i += 4;
H1 = h1;
H2 = h2;
// Slot lookup table, given 8-bits, return the index of an empty slot (if any):
// We use this to find an empty slot in a single branch.
var SLOT = (function() {
var slots = 8;
var table = new Uint8Array(1 << slots);
for (var index = 0; index < table.length; index++) {
for (var slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++) {
if ((index & (1 << slot)) === 0) break;
table[index] = slot;
return table;
// Interleaved entropy table used by tabulation hash function:
var TABLE = (function() {
var word = 4;
var table = new Int32Array(64 * 256 * 2);
var buffer = require('crypto').randomBytes(table.length * word);
for (var index = 0, length = table.length; index < length; index++) {
table[index] = buffer.readInt32LE(index * word);
return table;
// A fallback for when valueSize is 0 and the user does not pass a value buffer:
var VALUE = Buffer.alloc(0);
function HashTable(keySize, valueSize, buffers=8, elements=1024, size=0) {
Assert.GE('keySize', keySize, HashTable.KEY_MIN);
Assert.LE('keySize', keySize, HashTable.KEY_MAX);
Assert.GE('valueSize', valueSize, HashTable.VALUE_MIN);
Assert.LE('valueSize', valueSize, HashTable.VALUE_MAX);
Assert.GE('buffers', buffers, HashTable.BUFFERS_MIN);
Assert.LE('buffers', buffers, HashTable.BUFFERS_MAX);
Assert.P2('buffers', buffers);
Assert.GE('elements', elements, HashTable.ELEMENTS_MIN);
Assert.LE('elements', elements, HashTable.ELEMENTS_MAX);
Assert.GE('size', size, HashTable.SIZE_MIN);
Assert.LE('size', size, HashTable.SIZE_MAX);
// We can optimize the hash function significantly if key is a multiple of 4:
if (keySize % 4) throw new Error('keySize must be a multiple of 4');
this.keySize = keySize;
this.valueSize = valueSize;
this.tables = new Array(buffers);
this.bucket = HashTable.bucket(keySize, valueSize);
var buckets = HashTable.buckets(this.bucket, buffers, elements, size);
if (buckets * this.bucket > HashTable.BUFFER_MAX) {
for (var offset = 0; offset < buffers; offset++) {
this.tables[offset] = new Table(keySize, valueSize, this.bucket, buckets);
this.capacity = buffers * buckets * 8;
this.length = 0;
this.mask = buffers - 1;
this.mode = 0; // 1 = resizing with set(), 2 = evicting with cache().
HashTable.prototype.cache = function(key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset) {
if (this.mode === 1) throw new Error(HashTable.ERROR_MODE);
this.mode = 2;
if (this.valueSize === 0) {
value = VALUE;
valueOffset = 0;
Hash(key, keyOffset, this.keySize);
var table = this.tables[(((H1 >> 24) << 8) | (H2 >> 24)) & this.mask];
var result = table.cache(H1, H2, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
if (result === 0) this.length++;
return result;
HashTable.prototype.exist = function(key, keyOffset) {
Hash(key, keyOffset, this.keySize);
var table = this.tables[(((H1 >> 24) << 8) | (H2 >> 24)) & this.mask];
return table.exist(H1, H2, key, keyOffset);
HashTable.prototype.get = function(key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset) {
if (this.valueSize === 0) {
value = VALUE;
valueOffset = 0;
Hash(key, keyOffset, this.keySize);
var table = this.tables[(((H1 >> 24) << 8) | (H2 >> 24)) & this.mask];
return table.get(H1, H2, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
Object.defineProperty(HashTable.prototype, 'load', {
get: function() {
return this.length / this.capacity;
HashTable.prototype.set = function(key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset) {
if (this.mode === 2) throw new Error(HashTable.ERROR_MODE);
this.mode = 1;
if (this.valueSize === 0) {
value = VALUE;
valueOffset = 0;
Hash(key, keyOffset, this.keySize);
var h1 = H1;
var h2 = H2;
var table = this.tables[(((h1 >> 24) << 8) | (h2 >> 24)) & this.mask];
var result = table.set(h1, h2, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
if (result === 1) return 1;
if (result === 0) {
return 0;
for (var resize = 1; resize <= 2; resize++) {
var buckets = table.buckets;
if (table.resize(buckets << resize)) {
this.capacity -= buckets * 8;
this.capacity += table.buckets * 8;
var result = table.set(h1, h2, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
if (result === 1) return 1;
if (result === 0) {
return 0;
throw new Error(HashTable.ERROR_SET);
Object.defineProperty(HashTable.prototype, 'size', {
get: function() {
var size = this.capacity / 8 * this.bucket;
Assert.GE('size', size, 0);
return size;
HashTable.prototype.unset = function(key, keyOffset) {
Hash(key, keyOffset, this.keySize);
var table = this.tables[(((H1 >> 24) << 8) | (H2 >> 24)) & this.mask];
var result = table.unset(H1, H2, key, keyOffset);
if (result === 1) this.length--;
return result;
// Constants:
HashTable.KEY_MIN = 4;
HashTable.KEY_MAX = 64;
HashTable.VALUE_MIN = 0;
HashTable.VALUE_MAX = 67108864;
HashTable.BUFFERS_MIN = 1;
HashTable.BUFFERS_MAX = 8192; // Javascript Arrays degrade at 10,000 elements.
HashTable.ELEMENTS_MIN = 0;
HashTable.ELEMENTS_MAX = 68719476736;
HashTable.SIZE_MIN = 0;
HashTable.SIZE_MAX = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
HashTable.BUCKETS_MIN = 2;
HashTable.BUCKETS_MAX = 65536;
HashTable.BUFFER_MAX = require('buffer').kMaxLength;
Assert.GE('BUFFER_MAX', HashTable.BUFFER_MAX, 0);
Assert.LE('BUFFER_MAX', HashTable.BUFFER_MAX, Math.pow(2, 32) - 1);
Assert.GE('SLOT.length', SLOT.length, 256);
Assert.LE('SLOT.length', SLOT.length, 256);
Assert.GE('TABLE.length', TABLE.length, HashTable.KEY_MAX * 256 * 2);
Assert.LE('TABLE.length', TABLE.length, HashTable.KEY_MAX * 256 * 2);
// Too many elements or buffer allocation limit reached, add more buffers:
HashTable.ERROR_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED = 'maximum capacity exceeded';
// cache() and set() methods are mutually exclusive:
// Once cache() is called, the table switches to non-resizing, caching mode.
// Once set() is called, the table switches to resizing, second position mode.
// This enables several optimizations and is safer:
// 1. cache() does not need to scan second position for an element.
// 2. cache() can assume all elements are in first position when refiltering.
// 3. cache() might otherwise evict an element that was inserted using set().
HashTable.ERROR_MODE = 'cache() and set() methods are mutually exclusive';
// This might indicate an adversarial attack, or weak tabulation hash entropy:
HashTable.ERROR_SET = 'set() failed despite multiple resize attempts';
HashTable.bucket = function(keySize, valueSize) {
Assert.GE('keySize', keySize, HashTable.KEY_MIN);
Assert.LE('keySize', keySize, HashTable.KEY_MAX);
Assert.GE('valueSize', valueSize, HashTable.VALUE_MIN);
Assert.LE('valueSize', valueSize, HashTable.VALUE_MAX);
if (keySize % 4) throw new Error('keySize must be a multiple of 4');
// Bucket includes padding for 64-byte cache line alignment:
var bucket = Math.ceil((20 + (keySize + valueSize) * 8) / 64) * 64;
Assert.GE('bucket', bucket, 0);
return bucket;
HashTable.buckets = function(bucket, buffers, elements, size) {
Assert.GE('bucket', bucket, 20 + HashTable.KEY_MIN * 8);
if (bucket % 64) throw new Error('bucket must be a multiple of 64');
Assert.GE('buffers', buffers, HashTable.BUFFERS_MIN);
Assert.LE('buffers', buffers, HashTable.BUFFERS_MAX);
Assert.P2('buffers', buffers);
Assert.GE('elements', elements, HashTable.ELEMENTS_MIN);
Assert.LE('elements', elements, HashTable.ELEMENTS_MAX);
Assert.GE('size', size, HashTable.SIZE_MIN);
Assert.LE('size', size, HashTable.SIZE_MAX);
// Allocate buckets based on the total size or expected number of elements:
if (size > 0) {
// Use floor() to avoid exceeding size:
var power = Math.floor(Math.log2(Math.max(1, size / buffers / bucket)));
} else {
// Use ceil() to avoid resizing:
var power = Math.ceil(Math.log2(Math.max(1, elements * 1.1 / buffers / 8)));
var buckets = Math.pow(2, power);
if (buckets < HashTable.BUCKETS_MIN) buckets = HashTable.BUCKETS_MIN;
if (buckets > HashTable.BUCKETS_MAX) buckets = HashTable.BUCKETS_MAX;
Assert.GE('buckets', buckets, HashTable.BUCKETS_MIN);
Assert.LE('buckets', buckets, HashTable.BUCKETS_MAX);
Assert.P2('buckets', buckets);
return buckets;
function Table(keySize, valueSize, bucket, buckets) {
this.keySize = keySize;
this.valueSize = valueSize;
this.bucket = bucket;
this.buckets = buckets;
this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(this.bucket * this.buckets);
// Reduce branching through unrolled copy methods:
this.copyKey = this.copy(keySize) || this.copyKeyGeneric;
this.copyValue = this.copy(valueSize) || this.copyValueGeneric;
// Replace modulus with fast bitwise AND (buckets must be a power of 2):
this.mask = this.buckets - 1;
// Optimize global variable lookup:
this.SLOT = SLOT;
Table.prototype.assign = function(
) {
this.buffer[bucket + 9] |= (1 << slot); // Mark the slot as present.
this.buffer[bucket + 9 + 1 + slot] = tag; // Assign the element's tag.
this.copyKey(key, keyOffset, this.buffer, this.keyOffset(bucket, slot));
this.valueOffset(bucket, slot)
Table.prototype.cache = function(h1, h2, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset) {
// See comments in set():
var tag = (h1 >> 16) & 255;
var b1 = (h1 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var b2 = (h2 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var f1 = (tag >> 4) & 7;
var f2 = 1 << (tag & 7);
if (this.buffer[b1 + f1] & f2) {
var s1 = this.scan(b1, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s1 < 8) {
// Mark the element as recently used:
this.buffer[b1 + 18] |= (1 << s1);
this.copyValue(value, valueOffset, this.buffer, this.valueOffset(b1, s1));
return 1;
// Evict the least recently used slot in first position:
var s3 = this.evict(b1);
var eviction = this.buffer[b1 + 9] & (1 << s3);
if (eviction) {
// Mark the slot as empty so that the element is excluded from its filter:
this.buffer[b1 + 9] &= ~(1 << s3);
// Reset the old element's filter:
this.filterReset(b1, this.buffer[b1 + 9 + 1 + s3] & 7);
// Add the new element in its place:
this.assign(b1, tag, s3, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
// Add the new element to its filter (this can be a different filter):
this.buffer[b1 + f1] |= f2;
// Mark the element as recently used:
this.buffer[b1 + 18] |= (1 << s3);
return eviction ? 2 : 0;
Table.prototype.copy = function(size) {
switch (size) {
case 0: return this.copy00;
case 4: return this.copy04;
case 8: return this.copy08;
case 16: return this.copy16;
case 20: return this.copy20;
case 32: return this.copy32;
case 48: return this.copy48;
case 64: return this.copy64;
case 128: return this.copy128;
case 256: return this.copy256;
return undefined;
Table.prototype.copyKeyGeneric = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
var size = this.keySize;
var groups = size >>> 2;
while (groups--) {
t[tO + 0] = s[sO + 0];
t[tO + 1] = s[sO + 1];
t[tO + 2] = s[sO + 2];
t[tO + 3] = s[sO + 3];
tO += 4;
sO += 4;
size -= 4;
while (size--) t[tO++] = s[sO++];
Table.prototype.copyValueGeneric = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
var size = this.valueSize;
if (size < 128) {
var groups = size >>> 3;
while (groups--) {
t[tO + 0] = s[sO + 0];
t[tO + 1] = s[sO + 1];
t[tO + 2] = s[sO + 2];
t[tO + 3] = s[sO + 3];
t[tO + 4] = s[sO + 4];
t[tO + 5] = s[sO + 5];
t[tO + 6] = s[sO + 6];
t[tO + 7] = s[sO + 7];
tO += 8;
sO += 8;
size -= 8;
while (size--) t[tO++] = s[sO++];
} else {
s.copy(t, tO, sO, sO + size);
Table.prototype.copy00 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {};
Table.prototype.copy04 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
t[tO + 0] = s[sO + 0];
t[tO + 1] = s[sO + 1];
t[tO + 2] = s[sO + 2];
t[tO + 3] = s[sO + 3];
Table.prototype.copy08 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
t[tO + 0] = s[sO + 0];
t[tO + 1] = s[sO + 1];
t[tO + 2] = s[sO + 2];
t[tO + 3] = s[sO + 3];
t[tO + 4] = s[sO + 4];
t[tO + 5] = s[sO + 5];
t[tO + 6] = s[sO + 6];
t[tO + 7] = s[sO + 7];
Table.prototype.copy16 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
t[tO + 0] = s[sO + 0];
t[tO + 1] = s[sO + 1];
t[tO + 2] = s[sO + 2];
t[tO + 3] = s[sO + 3];
t[tO + 4] = s[sO + 4];
t[tO + 5] = s[sO + 5];
t[tO + 6] = s[sO + 6];
t[tO + 7] = s[sO + 7];
t[tO + 8] = s[sO + 8];
t[tO + 9] = s[sO + 9];
t[tO + 10] = s[sO + 10];
t[tO + 11] = s[sO + 11];
t[tO + 12] = s[sO + 12];
t[tO + 13] = s[sO + 13];
t[tO + 14] = s[sO + 14];
t[tO + 15] = s[sO + 15];
Table.prototype.copy20 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
t[tO + 0] = s[sO + 0];
t[tO + 1] = s[sO + 1];
t[tO + 2] = s[sO + 2];
t[tO + 3] = s[sO + 3];
t[tO + 4] = s[sO + 4];
t[tO + 5] = s[sO + 5];
t[tO + 6] = s[sO + 6];
t[tO + 7] = s[sO + 7];
t[tO + 8] = s[sO + 8];
t[tO + 9] = s[sO + 9];
t[tO + 10] = s[sO + 10];
t[tO + 11] = s[sO + 11];
t[tO + 12] = s[sO + 12];
t[tO + 13] = s[sO + 13];
t[tO + 14] = s[sO + 14];
t[tO + 15] = s[sO + 15];
t[tO + 16] = s[sO + 16];
t[tO + 17] = s[sO + 17];
t[tO + 18] = s[sO + 18];
t[tO + 19] = s[sO + 19];
Table.prototype.copy32 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
t[tO + 0] = s[sO + 0];
t[tO + 1] = s[sO + 1];
t[tO + 2] = s[sO + 2];
t[tO + 3] = s[sO + 3];
t[tO + 4] = s[sO + 4];
t[tO + 5] = s[sO + 5];
t[tO + 6] = s[sO + 6];
t[tO + 7] = s[sO + 7];
t[tO + 8] = s[sO + 8];
t[tO + 9] = s[sO + 9];
t[tO + 10] = s[sO + 10];
t[tO + 11] = s[sO + 11];
t[tO + 12] = s[sO + 12];
t[tO + 13] = s[sO + 13];
t[tO + 14] = s[sO + 14];
t[tO + 15] = s[sO + 15];
t[tO + 16] = s[sO + 16];
t[tO + 17] = s[sO + 17];
t[tO + 18] = s[sO + 18];
t[tO + 19] = s[sO + 19];
t[tO + 20] = s[sO + 20];
t[tO + 21] = s[sO + 21];
t[tO + 22] = s[sO + 22];
t[tO + 23] = s[sO + 23];
t[tO + 24] = s[sO + 24];
t[tO + 25] = s[sO + 25];
t[tO + 26] = s[sO + 26];
t[tO + 27] = s[sO + 27];
t[tO + 28] = s[sO + 28];
t[tO + 29] = s[sO + 29];
t[tO + 30] = s[sO + 30];
t[tO + 31] = s[sO + 31];
Table.prototype.copy48 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
this.copy32(s, sO + 0, t, tO + 0);
this.copy16(s, sO + 32, t, tO + 32);
Table.prototype.copy64 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
this.copy32(s, sO + 0, t, tO + 0);
this.copy32(s, sO + 32, t, tO + 32);
Table.prototype.copy128 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
this.copy32(s, sO + 0, t, tO + 0);
this.copy32(s, sO + 32, t, tO + 32);
this.copy32(s, sO + 64, t, tO + 64);
this.copy32(s, sO + 96, t, tO + 96);
Table.prototype.copy256 = function(s, sO, t, tO) {
this.copy32(s, sO + 0, t, tO + 0);
this.copy32(s, sO + 32, t, tO + 32);
this.copy32(s, sO + 64, t, tO + 64);
this.copy32(s, sO + 96, t, tO + 96);
this.copy32(s, sO + 128, t, tO + 128);
this.copy32(s, sO + 160, t, tO + 160);
this.copy32(s, sO + 192, t, tO + 192);
this.copy32(s, sO + 224, t, tO + 224);
Table.prototype.equal = function(a, aOffset, b, bOffset, size) {
while (size--) {
if (a[aOffset++] != b[bOffset++]) return 0;
return 1;
// Evict an element using the CLOCK eviction policy which approximates LRU:
Table.prototype.evict = function(bucket) {
// After the CLOCK hand wraps, we are guaranteed an eviction:
var tick = 8 + 1;
while (tick--) {
// Find the slot pointed to by CLOCK hand:
var slot = this.buffer[bucket + 18 + 1];
// Increment CLOCK hand regardless of whether slot was recently used:
this.buffer[bucket + 18 + 1] = (this.buffer[bucket + 18 + 1] + 1) & 7;
// Evict slot if slot was not recently used:
if ((this.buffer[bucket + 18] & (1 << slot)) === 0) break;
// Slot was recently used, clear recently used bit and keep ticking:
this.buffer[bucket + 18] &= ~(1 << slot);
return slot;
Table.prototype.exist = function(h1, h2, key, keyOffset) {
// See comments in set():
var tag = (h1 >> 16) & 255;
var b1 = (h1 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var b2 = (h2 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var f1 = (tag >> 4) & 7;
var f2 = 1 << (tag & 7);
if (this.buffer[b1 + f1] & f2) {
var s1 = this.scan(b1, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s1 < 8) return 1;
var s2 = this.scan(b2, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s2 < 8) return 1;
return 0;
// Decrement a filter's count of elements in second position:
Table.prototype.filterDecrementSecondPosition = function(bucket) {
if (this.buffer[bucket + 8] === 0) throw new Error('count should not be 0');
if (this.buffer[bucket + 8] < 255) {
this.buffer[bucket + 8]--;
if (this.buffer[bucket + 8] === 0) {
for (var filter = 0; filter < 8; filter++) {
this.filterReset(bucket, filter);
// Increment a filter's count of elements in second position:
Table.prototype.filterIncrementSecondPosition = function(bucket) {
// Once the counter saturates, it can no longer be incremented or decremented.
// This is extremely unlikely, we expect at most 4 elements and can count 254.
// Even if it does saturate, the worst is that we never reset the filter.
if (this.buffer[bucket + 8] < 255) this.buffer[bucket + 8]++;
// Reset a filter to remove stale entries:
Table.prototype.filterReset = function(bucket, filter) {
// Filter has elements in second position and cannot be reset:
if (this.buffer[bucket + 8] !== 0) return;
// Filter has no elements (since no bits are set):
if (this.buffer[bucket + filter] === 0) return;
// Reset filter and add elements back:
this.buffer[bucket + filter] = 0;
for (var slot = 0; slot < 8; slot++) {
// Slot must be present (not empty):
if (this.buffer[bucket + 9] & (1 << slot)) {
// Element must belong to the same filter (and be in first position):
// We do not check whether element is actually in second position.
// This would need special bookkeeping, is unlikely, and adds little.
var tag = this.buffer[bucket + 9 + 1 + slot];
var f1 = (tag >> 4) & 7;
if (f1 === filter) {
var f2 = 1 << (tag & 7);
this.buffer[bucket + filter] |= f2;
Table.prototype.get = function(h1, h2, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset) {
// See comments in set():
var tag = (h1 >> 16) & 255;
var b1 = (h1 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var b2 = (h2 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var f1 = (tag >> 4) & 7;
var f2 = 1 << (tag & 7);
if (this.buffer[b1 + f1] & f2) {
var s1 = this.scan(b1, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s1 < 8) {
// Mark element as recently used:
this.buffer[b1 + 18] |= (1 << s1);
this.copyValue(this.buffer, this.valueOffset(b1, s1), value, valueOffset);
return 1;
var s2 = this.scan(b2, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s2 < 8) {
this.buffer[b2 + 18] |= (1 << s2);
this.copyValue(this.buffer, this.valueOffset(b2, s2), value, valueOffset);
return 1;
return 0;
Table.prototype.keyOffset = function(bucket, slot) {
// 20 = 8:Filter 1:FilterCount 1:Present 8:Tags 1:ClockUsed 1:ClockHand
// We keep the element's key and value together to optimize the common case of
// comparing the key and retrieving the value without a cache miss.
return bucket + 20 + (this.keySize + this.valueSize) * slot;
Table.prototype.resize = function(resizeBuckets) {
Assert.GE('resizeBuckets', resizeBuckets, this.buckets * 2);
Assert.P2('resizeBuckets', resizeBuckets);
if (
resizeBuckets > HashTable.BUCKETS_MAX ||
this.bucket * resizeBuckets > HashTable.BUFFER_MAX
) {
var buckets = this.buckets;
var buffer = this.buffer;
this.buckets = resizeBuckets;
this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(this.bucket * resizeBuckets);
this.mask = resizeBuckets - 1;
for (var index = 0; index < buckets; index++) {
var bucket = index * this.bucket;
for (var slot = 0; slot < 8; slot++) {
if (buffer[bucket + 9] & (1 << slot)) {
// We assume keyOffset, valueOffset depend only on bucket and slot:
var keyOffset = this.keyOffset(bucket, slot);
var valueOffset = this.valueOffset(bucket, slot);
Hash(buffer, keyOffset, this.keySize);
if (this.set(H1, H2, buffer, keyOffset, buffer, valueOffset) === -1) {
// Fail this resize() attempt (and restore back to before resize):
// The caller should try again with more resizeBuckets.
this.buckets = buckets;
this.buffer = buffer;
this.mask = buckets - 1;
return 0;
return 1;
Table.prototype.scan = function(bucket, tag, key, keyOffset) {
for (var slot = 0; slot < 8; slot++) {
if (
// Check the tag before checking presence bits:
// The tag is a better branch predictor with more entropy.
(this.buffer[bucket + 9 + 1 + slot] === tag) &&
(this.buffer[bucket + 9] & (1 << slot)) &&
this.keyOffset(bucket, slot),
) {
return slot;
Table.prototype.set = function(h1, h2, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset) {
// Use the 2nd most significant byte of H1 for 1-byte tag:
var tag = (h1 >> 16) & 255;
// Use the 3rd and 4th most significant bytes of H1 and H2 for bucket offset:
var b1 = (h1 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var b2 = (h2 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
// Reuse tag entropy for filter entropy (instead of using 2nd MSB from H2):
// This enables us to find the filter for any element without hashing its key.
// This increases tag-scanning false positives, but optimizes filter resets.
// This tradeoff is significant for cache(), where evictions reset filters.
// At 100% occupancy, 1 element per filter, we expect 1 in 9 false positives.
// See:
var f1 = (tag >> 4) & 7; // Use tag's upper 4-bits to select a 1-byte filter.
var f2 = 1 << (tag & 7); // Use tag's lower 4-bits to select a bit.
// Check the filter to see if the element might exist:
if (this.buffer[b1 + f1] & f2) {
// Search for the element and update the element's value if found:
var s1 = this.scan(b1, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s1 < 8) {
this.copyValue(value, valueOffset, this.buffer, this.valueOffset(b1, s1));
return 1;
var s2 = this.scan(b2, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s2 < 8) {
this.copyValue(value, valueOffset, this.buffer, this.valueOffset(b2, s2));
return 1;
// Find an empty slot in first position:
var s3 = this.SLOT[this.buffer[b1 + 9]];
if (s3 < 8) {
this.assign(b1, tag, s3, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
this.buffer[b1 + f1] |= f2;
return 0;
// Find an empty slot in second position:
var s4 = this.SLOT[this.buffer[b2 + 9]];
if (s4 < 8) {
this.assign(b2, tag, s4, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
this.buffer[b1 + f1] |= f2;
return 0;
// Vacate a slot in first position:
var s5 = this.vacate(b1);
if (s5 < 8) {
this.assign(b1, tag, s5, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
this.buffer[b1 + f1] |= f2;
return 0;
// Vacate a slot in second position:
var s6 = this.vacate(b2);
if (s6 < 8) {
this.assign(b2, tag, s6, key, keyOffset, value, valueOffset);
this.buffer[b1 + f1] |= f2;
return 0;
return -1;
Table.prototype.unset = function(h1, h2, key, keyOffset) {
// See comments in set():
var tag = (h1 >> 16) & 255;
var b1 = (h1 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var b2 = (h2 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var f1 = (tag >> 4) & 7;
var f2 = 1 << (tag & 7);
if (this.buffer[b1 + f1] & f2) {
var s1 = this.scan(b1, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s1 < 8) {
this.buffer[b1 + 9] &= ~(1 << s1);
this.buffer[b1 + 9 + 1 + s1] = 0;, s1), this.keySize);, s1), this.valueSize);
this.filterReset(b1, f1);
return 1;
var s2 = this.scan(b2, tag, key, keyOffset);
if (s2 < 8) {
this.buffer[b2 + 9] &= ~(1 << s2);
this.buffer[b2 + 9 + 1 + s2] = 0;, s2), this.keySize);, s2), this.valueSize);
return 1;
return 0;
Table.prototype.vacate = function(bucket) {
for (var slot = 0; slot < 8; slot++) {
var keyOffset = this.keyOffset(bucket, slot);
var valueOffset = this.valueOffset(bucket, slot);
Hash(this.buffer, keyOffset, this.keySize);
var tag = (H1 >> 16) & 255;
var b1 = (H1 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
var b2 = (H2 & this.mask) * this.bucket;
if (bucket === b1) {
// Move existing element to second position if there is an empty slot:
var s2 = this.SLOT[this.buffer[b2 + 9]];
if (s2 < 8) {
b2, tag, s2, this.buffer, keyOffset, this.buffer, valueOffset
// First and second positions are the same, or second position is full.
} else if (bucket === b2) {
// Move existing element back to first position if there is an empty slot:
var s1 = this.SLOT[this.buffer[b1 + 9]];
if (s1 < 8) {
b1, tag, s1, this.buffer, keyOffset, this.buffer, valueOffset
} else {
throw new Error('bucket !== b1 && bucket !== b2');
return slot;
Table.prototype.valueOffset = function(bucket, slot) {
// See comment in keyOffset():
return bucket + 20 + (this.keySize + this.valueSize) * slot + this.keySize;
}; = function(offset, size) {
if (size < 64) {
var groups = size >>> 2;
while (groups--) {
this.buffer[offset + 0] = 0;
this.buffer[offset + 1] = 0;
this.buffer[offset + 2] = 0;
this.buffer[offset + 3] = 0;
offset += 4;
size -= 4;
while (size--) this.buffer[offset++] = 0;
} else {
this.buffer.fill(0, offset, offset + size);
module.exports = HashTable;
// S.D.G.
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