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Created August 11, 2021 22:44
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Regex matching Terraform blocks in .NET
resource "github_repository" "terraform_example" {
name = "terraform-example"
visibility = "private"
description = "Test Repo"
homepage_url = ""
has_issues = true
has_wiki = true
has_projects = false
has_downloads = true
resource "github_branch_protection" "terraform_example_master" {
repository_id = github_repository.terraform_example.node_id
pattern = "master"
enforce_admins = false
required_status_checks {
strict = true
contexts = ["Jenkins - Test Repo"]
required_pull_request_reviews {
push_restrictions = [
depends_on = [github_team_repository.DevTeam_terraform_example]
# Many more repo configurations below
This a crude but reasonably effective way of extracting blocks from Terraform/HCL in something like PowerShell.
I'm sure there are edge cases that are not covered here but this is handy when you want to parse Terraform configurations en masse.
In my particular case I needed to replace all `github_branch_protection` resources with `github_branch_protection_v3` resources due to the current GraphQL implementation of the GitHub Terraform provider causing lengthy Terraform runs. :(
# Import the terraform config as a raw string
$TerraformConfig = Get-Content './' -Raw
# The below matches only on the 'github_branch_protection' resource above
$Regex = '(resource "github_branch_protection" "terraform_example_master" {(?>[^{}]+|{(?<curly>)|}(?<-curly>))*(?(curly)(?!))})'
# Replace the matched regex with nothing
$TerraformConfig -replace $Regex,''
# Export the content back out to the original file
Set-Content './' -Value $TerraformConfig -Force
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