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Created January 29, 2016 19:57
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Coffee for Hubot
// Description:
// Listens for coffee-related strings and chimes in with quotes and coffee shop suggestions.
// Dependencies:
// none
// Configuration:
// HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_CLIENTID - A Foursquare client ID.
// HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_CLIENTSECRET - A foursquare client secret.
// HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_LATLONG - The latitude and longitude of your location, for coffee shop suggestions. Format: 44.9789949,-93.2717354
// Commands:
// coffee - responds to the room with a quote about coffee.
// hubot coffee me - responds to the user with a nearby coffee recommendation.
// Notes:
// Drop this file in your Hubot "scripts" folder.
// Author:
// shoemaker
// Gather environment variables
var clientId = process.env.HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_CLIENTID;
var clientSecret = process.env.HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_CLIENTSECRET;
var latlong = process.env.HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_LATLONG;
var quotes = [
'No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee\'s frothy goodness. - Sheik Abd-al-Kadir',
'What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup. - Henry Rollins',
'A morning without coffee is like sleep.',
'I believe humans get a lot done, not because we\'re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee. - Flash Rosenberg',
'As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.',
'Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with. - Terri Guillemets',
'Way too much coffee. But if it weren\'t for the coffee, I\'d have no identifiable personality whatsoever. - David Letterman',
'Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.',
'Decaffeinated coffee is the devil\'s blend.',
'Decaffeinated coffee is kind of like kissing your sister. - Bob Irwin',
'Decaf? No, it\'s dangerous to dilute my caffeine stream.',
'Coffee, the finest organic suspension ever devised. - Star Trek: Voyager',
'Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven. - Jessi Lane Adams',
'A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.',
'I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon. - Ronald Reagan',
'Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee!'
var prefixes = [
'Coffee? May I suggest ',
'If you\'re looking for a nearby coffee place, check out ',
'For coffee you should go to ',
'I hear that a great place for coffee is ',
'My friends say they like the coffee at ',
'Mmmmmmmm, coffee. Try ',
'I love coffee! Take a walk to ',
'Sweet, delicious coffee. Make a trip to ',
'If I were human I\'d get a cup of coffee at ',
'Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee! Get some at '
* This is where the magic happens.
module.exports = function(robot) {
// Listener for a random quote about coffee.
robot.hear(/(coffee)(?!\sme)/, function(response) {
// Listener for a coffee shop suggestion.
robot.respond(/coffee me/i, function(response) {
if (!clientId || !clientSecret || !latlong) {
response.send('Sorry, no coffee. Missing one of the following configurations: HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_CLIENTID, HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_CLIENTSECRET, HUBOT_FOURSQUARE_LATLONG.');
try {
// Build the 4SQ request URL.
var url = '' + latlong +
'&section=coffee&openNow=1&client_id=' + clientId +
'&client_secret=' + clientSecret +
// Make the request to 4SQ.
.header('Accept', 'application/json')
.get()(function(err, res, body) {
var data = JSON.parse(body); // Turn the string into an object.
if (err || !data || data.meta.code !== 200) { // Check for an error
robot.emit('error', 'I had a problem looking up a place for coffee.')
} else {
var huResponse = '';
var venues = data.response.groups[0].items;
if (venues.length == 0) {
response.send('Drat! No coffee places found nearby.');
} else {
// Find a random venue from the results.
var venue = venues[getRandomInt(0, venues.length)].venue;
// Craft the response message.
huResponse = prefixes[getRandomInt(0, prefixes.length)];
huResponse += + ': ';
if (venue.location.address) { huResponse += venue.location.address + ' '; }
if ( { huResponse += + ' '; }
if (venue.location.state) { huResponse += venue.location.state; }
// huResponse += '.' + + ',' + venue.location.address + ',' + + ',' + venue.location.state + '&hl=en&sll=' + +',' + venue.location.lng + '&hnear=' + + ',' + venue.location.address + ',' + + ',' + venue.location.state + '&t=m&z=11';
} catch (ex) {
robot.emit('error', 'I had a problem looking up a place for coffee. ' + ex);
// Generic error handler.
robot.error = function(err, response) {
robot.logger.error('Encountered error: ' + err);
if (response) { response.send('Coffee does not compute!'); }
* Generate a random number between min and max.
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
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