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Created April 24, 2014 20:08
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(beehive) λ ~/s/beehive> ./ shell_plus --settings=env.bh_dev
From 'auth' autoload: Permission, Group, User
From 'contenttypes' autoload: ContentType
From 'sessions' autoload: Session
From 'sites' autoload: Site
From 'comments' autoload: Comment, CommentFlag
From 'django_slow_log' autoload: Record
From 'django_on_call' autoload: OnCall
From 'djcelery' autoload: TaskMeta, TaskSetMeta, IntervalSchedule, CrontabSchedule, PeriodicTasks, PeriodicTask, WorkerState, TaskState
From 'countries' autoload: Country, UsState, CanadianProvince
From 'notification' autoload: NoticeType, NoticeSetting, Notice, NoticeQueueBatch, ObservedItem
From 'notifications' autoload: CustomerNotification, CustomerNotificationDismissal, BeehiveUserNotification
From 'printer_options' autoload: PageLayout, PrinterOption
From 'registration' autoload: RegistrationProfile
From 'threadedcomments' autoload: ThreadedComment, FreeThreadedComment, TestModel
From 'south' autoload: MigrationHistory
From 'accounts_receivable' autoload: PaymentTermType, Payment, PaymentProcessorCommunication, Adjustment, Debit, Credit, CreditDebitAssoc, AdjustmentOrderAssoc
From 'barcodes' autoload: Barcode
From 'beekeeper' autoload: BeehiveConfig, BeehiveUser, BeehivePermission
From 'brands' autoload: Brand, BrandGroup, BrandCategory
From 'customers' autoload: CustomerAddress, Customer, SavedCreditCard
From 'customer_service' autoload: OrderProblem, RMARecord, RMAComment
From 'inventory' autoload: Stock, RecountRequest, InventoryValuation
From 'location' autoload: Location
From 'palletizing' autoload: Pallet
From 'products' autoload: ProductStatus, ProductPrice, Product, ProductCategory
From 'publishing' autoload: PublicationFile
From 'purchasing' autoload: DeliveryLocation, BackhaulPickupAddress, CommonCarrierPickupAddress, BrokerAddress, BackhaulPickup, Purchase, PurchaseAncillary, PurchaseLine
From 'automation_control' autoload: Carousel, Box, Bin
From 'record_delivery' autoload: RecordDelivery
From 'vendor' autoload: PaymentTerm, Vendor, VendorContact, VendorPiece, VendorPieceCost, VendorPromotion, VendorPromotionLine
From 'warehouse_pieces' autoload: BaseMarkup, RetailMarkup, BreakdownMarkup, PieceMeta, Piece, PieceBreakdown, PieceSalesHistory
From 'website_registration' autoload: RegistrationProfile
From 'sales_sheets' autoload: SalesSheet, SalesSheetLine
From 'beehive_install' autoload: Migration
From 'favorites' autoload: Favorite
From 'web_home_page' autoload: HomePage
From 'picking' autoload: PickClaim, OrderPick, Box
From 'productivity' autoload: Action, ShortShipAction, StockAction, Team, Announcement
From 'telegram' autoload: Subscription, SubscriptionMeta, Channel, Platform, PlatformMeta, SubscriptionPlatform, Telegram, SendLog
From 'loggers' autoload: Search
From 'release_notes' autoload: ReleaseNote, Release
From 'generic_imagesets' autoload: GenericImageSet, GenericImage
From 'better500s' autoload: CaughtError
From 'offloading' autoload: Offloadable, OffloadedTask
From 'webforms' autoload: CatalogRequest
From 'permissions' autoload: PermissionType
From 'oembed' autoload: ProviderRule, StoredOEmbed
From 'grappelli_safe' autoload: Navigation, NavigationItem, Bookmark, BookmarkItem, Help, HelpItem
From 'admin' autoload: LogEntry
From 'generic' autoload: ThreadedComment, Keyword, AssignedKeyword, Rating
From 'drops' autoload: DropPointStorablesType, DropPointContactType, DropPointWholesaleBusinessType, DropPointBizManagerPreferences, DropPointManagerPreferences, DropPoint, DropPointMembership, SentIncentiveEmail, SentCutoffNotification, SentShortDropNotification, SentDropMissedDeadlineNotification, RouteDropAssoc, DropPointTrip
From 'routes' autoload: Route, RoutePostalCode, RouteTrip
From 'orders' autoload: Order, SoldToAddress, OrderLine, OrderShipment, UPSOrderShipment, OrderFee, OrderPiece, HistoricalOrderData
From 'reports' autoload: OutOfStockReport, ProjectedStockTransferScores, CustomReport, CustomReportInput
From 'pick_set' autoload: PickSet, PickSetPDF
From 'snippets' autoload: Snippet
From 'shipping' autoload: ShippingWizard
From 'stock_transfer' autoload: BargainBinStockTransfer, StockTransfer, Cart
From 'conf' autoload: Setting
From 'blog' autoload: BlogPost, BlogCategory
From 'forms' autoload: Form, Field, FormEntry, FieldEntry
From 'pages' autoload: Page, RichTextPage, Link
From 'galleries' autoload: Gallery, GalleryImage
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jan 2 2013, 13:56:14)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 0.13.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
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help -> Python's own help system.
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In [1]: %cpaste
Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop or use Ctrl-D.
:"""Functions for integration testing the automation system. Use this
:to drive the system in testing, create reproducible state, etc.
:import json
:from gevent_zeromq import zmq
:from automation.utils import make_message, parse_message
:# Setup
:# use local /etc/hosts or DNS to control whether you connect to a dev
:# or production endpoint
:context = zmq.Context()
:pub = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
:sub = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
:sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")
:# Helpers
:def send(topic, body):
: pub.send_unicode(make_message(topic, body))
:def recv(watch_for):
: while True:
: topic, msg = parse_message(sub.recv_unicode())
: print topic
: if topic == watch_for:
: return msg
:# Message generation & handlers
:def sample_orders():
: with open("automation/test/sample_orders.json") as f:
: return json.load(f)
:def send_order_to_automation(order):
: send('/order/new', order)
:def fast_movers_state():
: send('/fastmovers/state/get', {})
: return recv('/fastmovers/state')
:def fast_movers_claim(piece):
: piece['picker'] = 'TEST'
: send('/order/piece/claim', piece)
:def fast_movers_done(piece):
: piece['picked'] = True
: send('/order/piece/done', piece)
:def fast_movers_claim_and_done(piece):
: fast_movers_claim(piece)
: fast_movers_done(piece)
:def scanner_saw(piece, reject=False):
: barcode = piece.get('barcodes', [False])[0]
: if not barcode:
: reject = True
: send('/scanner/saw',
: { # The PLC is the only thing that cares about most of these
: # properties, so it is ok to leave the as None for non-PLC
: # testing
: 'position': None,
: 'length': None,
: 'speed': None,
: 'width': None,
: 'lateral_position': None,
: 'barcode': barcode,
: 'reject' : reject
: })
:def dump_state():
: send('/state/dump', '')
: return recv('/state')
In [2]:
In [2]: send('/fastmovers/state/get', {})
In [3]: parse_message(sub.recv_unicode())
Out[3]: (u'/fastmovers/state/get', {})
In [4]: parse_message(sub.recv_unicode())
[{u'aisle': 57,
u'barcodes': [u'NS007', u'685051995798'],
u'bin': 1,
u'category': u'Tough',
u'height': 5.5,
u'id': 8195,
u'image': u'generic_images/ns007.jpg',
u'length': 9.5,
u'name': u'Nutritional Yeast, Large Flake 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2523892',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 10.5},
{u'aisle': 41,
u'barcodes': [u'SW079', u'685051995774'],
u'bin': 4,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 6,
u'id': 10764,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 4,
u'name': u'Cane Sugar, Organic (Evaporated Cane Juice) 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2705880',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 5.25},
{u'aisle': 41,
u'barcodes': [u'CE066', u'685051996221'],
u'bin': 38,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 4.5,
u'id': 2575,
u'image': u'generic_images/ce066.jpg',
u'length': 9,
u'name': u'Oats, Rolled, Organic 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 10.5},
{u'aisle': 39,
u'barcodes': [u'093966510522'],
u'bin': 18,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 5.5,
u'id': 3600,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Half and Half, Ultra Pasteurized, Organic 16 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 3,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 3},
{u'aisle': 40,
u'barcodes': [],
u'bin': 48,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 5.5,
u'id': 15890,
u'image': u'generic_images/dp057.jpg',
u'length': 5,
u'name': u'Greek Yogurt, Nonfat, Plain, Organic 32 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 5},
{u'aisle': 66,
u'barcodes': [u'058449620037'],
u'bin': 45,
u'category': u'Tough',
u'height': 2,
u'id': 2588,
u'image': u'generic_images/ce203_2.jpg',
u'length': 14,
u'name': u'Corn Puffs, Organic 6 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2690428',
u'quantity': 3,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 8},
{u'aisle': 53,
u'barcodes': [u'685051994753', u'CE104'],
u'bin': 38,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 4,
u'id': 2600,
u'image': u'generic_images/CE104_1.jpg',
u'length': 11,
u'name': u'Cherry Vanilla Granola 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2690428',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 10.5},
{u'aisle': 20,
u'barcodes': [u'036192120776'],
u'bin': 36,
u'category': u'Tough',
u'height': 7,
u'id': 9780,
u'image': u'generic_images/sc191.jpg',
u'length': 2,
u'name': u'Chocolate Syrup, Organic 15.5 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2424068',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 3.25},
{u'aisle': 77,
u'barcodes': [u'076721178632'],
u'bin': 3,
u'category': u'Crushable',
u'height': 3,
u'id': 17758,
u'image': u'generic_images/sn748.jpg',
u'length': 14,
u'name': u'Yellow Tortilla Chips, Organic 12 oz',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2705880',
u'quantity': 2,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 9.5},
{u'aisle': 37,
u'barcodes': [u'012511214425'],
u'bin': 6,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 8.75,
u'id': 10848,
u'image': u'generic_images/sw180.jpg',
u'length': 3.5,
u'name': u'Agave, Raw, Blue, Organic 44 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2607626',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 4.5},
{u'aisle': 40,
u'barcodes': [u'685051996931'],
u'bin': 46,
u'category': u'Crushable',
u'height': 6,
u'id': 9290,
u'image': u'generic_images/qp025.jpg',
u'length': 14,
u'name': u'Grapefruit, Organic 4 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2424068',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 8},
{u'aisle': 40,
u'barcodes': [u'687652192026'],
u'bin': 8,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 1,
u'id': 12364,
u'image': u'generic_images/ch015_2.jpg',
u'length': 2.5,
u'name': u'Monterrey Jacques, Aged Goat Cheese, Raw 8 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 7,
u'width': 6},
{u'aisle': 45,
u'barcodes': [u'093709100300'],
u'bin': 24,
u'category': u'Boxed',
u'height': 4,
u'id': 9997,
u'image': u'generic_images/Ginger_cookie_1.jpg',
u'length': 2,
u'name': u'Ginger Cookies with Sliced Almonds, Gluten Free 7.25 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2706044',
u'quantity': 4,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 10},
{u'aisle': 80,
u'barcodes': [u'015839020266'],
u'bin': 21,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 4,
u'id': 10320,
u'image': u'generic_images/sn293.jpg',
u'length': 15.25,
u'name': u'White Corn Tortilla Chips, Fiesta Size 22 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2688518',
u'quantity': 2,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 8.5},
{u'aisle': 39,
u'barcodes': [u'093966004519'],
u'bin': 28,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 5.25,
u'id': 16978,
u'image': u'generic_images/dp197_1.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Half & Half, Hazelnut, Organic 16 oz',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2705880',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 3},
{u'aisle': 63,
u'barcodes': [u'DF232', u'685051998072'],
u'bin': 2,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 3,
u'id': 15444,
u'image': u'generic_images/df231_1.jpg',
u'length': 5,
u'name': u'Cherries, Bing, Natural 1 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2690428',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 6},
{u'aisle': 41,
u'barcodes': [u'CE222', u'685051994265'],
u'bin': 8,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 4,
u'id': 2656,
u'image': u'generic_images/CE222_1.jpg',
u'length': 10.5,
u'name': u'French Vanilla Almond Granola 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2607626',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 10},
{u'aisle': 55,
u'barcodes': [u'817144010921'],
u'bin': 45,
u'category': u'Tough',
u'height': 5.5,
u'id': 13926,
u'image': u'generic_images/ce368_2.jpg',
u'length': 15.5,
u'name': u'Quinoa Crispies, Organic 3 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2472352',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 9.5},
{u'aisle': 52,
u'barcodes': [u'NU010', u'685051997297'],
u'bin': 35,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 4.2,
u'id': 8819,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 6,
u'name': u'Cashews, Raw, Large White Pieces 2 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 4.5},
{u'aisle': 77,
u'barcodes': [u'859888000097'],
u'bin': 8,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 2.25,
u'id': 13946,
u'image': u'generic_images/se209_2.jpg',
u'length': 9.25,
u'name': u'Sunflower Seeds, Sprouted, Organic 1 lb.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2472352',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 6},
{u'aisle': 56,
u'barcodes': [u'FL010', u'685051996368'],
u'bin': 13,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 3,
u'id': 4219,
u'image': u'generic_images/fl010.jpg',
u'length': 12,
u'name': u'Cornmeal, Medium Grind 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 7},
{u'aisle': 54,
u'barcodes': [u'NU022', u'685051994081'],
u'bin': 18,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 4,
u'id': 8829,
u'image': u'generic_images/nu022.jpg',
u'length': 10,
u'name': u'Almonds, Blanched Slivered 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 9.25},
{u'aisle': 51,
u'barcodes': [u'NU033', u'685051996085'],
u'bin': 29,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 2.75,
u'id': 8836,
u'image': u'generic_images/nu033.jpg',
u'length': 6.5,
u'name': u'Peanuts, Roasted, Salted, Organic 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2523892',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 5.25},
{u'aisle': 17,
u'barcodes': [u'079565004792'],
u'bin': 4,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 8,
u'id': 3719,
u'image': u'generic_images/eo031.jpg',
u'length': 2.5,
u'name': u'Almond Oil 16 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 2.5},
{u'aisle': 1,
u'barcodes': [u'717256000752', u'717256002756'],
u'bin': 46,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 13,
u'id': 7816,
u'image': u'generic_images/nf070.jpg',
u'length': 6.12,
u'name': u'Moisturizing Dishwash Liquid 1 gallon',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 6.5},
{u'aisle': 54,
u'barcodes': [u'FL029', u'685051996047'],
u'bin': 7,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 4.25,
u'id': 4235,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 9.5,
u'name': u'Rice Flour, Brown, Eco-Farmed 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 7},
{u'aisle': 34,
u'barcodes': [],
u'bin': 40,
u'category': u'Irregular',
u'height': 1.2,
u'id': 7837,
u'image': u'generic_images/nf093.jpg',
u'length': 12.5,
u'name': u'Clamp on Lid for 5 Gallon Plastic Pail 1 each',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2523892',
u'quantity': 8,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 12.5},
{u'aisle': 52,
u'barcodes': [u'NU063', u'685051995880'],
u'bin': 1,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 2.5,
u'id': 8862,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 12,
u'name': u'Cashews, Small Pieces 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 8},
{u'aisle': 41,
u'barcodes': [u'GR051', u'685051995811'],
u'bin': 10,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 13,
u'id': 4776,
u'image': u'generic_images/gr051.jpg',
u'length': 3.5,
u'name': u'Rice, Short Grain, Brown, Organic 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2607626',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 6.5},
{u'aisle': 18,
u'barcodes': [u'042272005871'],
u'bin': 34,
u'category': u'Tough',
u'height': 4.5,
u'id': 15018,
u'image': u'generic_images/gy965_2.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Medium Chili, Light in Sodium, Organic 14.7 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2705880',
u'quantity': 2,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 3},
{u'aisle': 55,
u'barcodes': [u'697014003457'],
u'bin': 40,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 0,
u'id': 2223,
u'image': u'generic_images/bm002.jpg',
u'length': 0,
u'name': u"Mama's Pizza Crust Mix, Gluten Free 18.1 ozs.",
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 0},
{u'aisle': 82,
u'barcodes': [u'084114113931'],
u'bin': 10,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 3.5,
u'id': 11960,
u'image': u'generic_images/sn065_3.jpg',
u'length': 13,
u'name': u'Potato Chips, Sour Cream & Onion 8.5 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2688518',
u'quantity': 2,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 8},
{u'aisle': 82,
u'barcodes': [u'084114115584'],
u'bin': 11,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 3.5,
u'id': 11964,
u'image': u'generic_images/sn195_3.jpg',
u'length': 13,
u'name': u'Potato Chips, Sweet Onion 8.5 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2688518',
u'quantity': 2,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 8},
{u'aisle': 81,
u'barcodes': [u'898456001395'],
u'bin': 1,
u'category': u'Crushable',
u'height': 0.75,
u'id': 18378,
u'image': u'generic_images/SC704_3.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Chocolate Bar, Cacao Puro Mexicano Organic 2.7 oz',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 3},
{u'aisle': 54,
u'barcodes': [u'GR077', u'685051994395'],
u'bin': 6,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 2.5,
u'id': 4799,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 10,
u'name': u'Basmati Rice, White, Eco-Farmed 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2688518',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 2,
u'width': 6},
{u'aisle': 50,
u'barcodes': [u'685051550348'],
u'bin': 37,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 3.5,
u'id': 4303,
u'image': u'generic_images/fl107.jpg',
u'length': 17,
u'name': u'Milo (Sorghum) Flour, Organic 10 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 9},
{u'aisle': 39,
u'barcodes': [],
u'bin': 1,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 1.5,
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{u'aisle': 11,
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{u'aisle': 35,
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{u'aisle': 38,
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{u'aisle': 76,
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u'category': u'Heavy',
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u'category': u'Crushable',
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{u'aisle': 31,
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u'order_id': u'W2424068',
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{u'aisle': 11,
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{u'aisle': 19,
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u'order_id': u'W2634720',
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{u'aisle': 57,
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u'bin': 14,
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u'height': 2,
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u'need': u'primary',
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{u'aisle': 42,
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{u'aisle': 34,
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{u'aisle': 40,
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u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
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{u'aisle': 81,
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{u'aisle': 53,
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u'category': u'Heavy',
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{u'aisle': 49,
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u'need': u'primary',
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{u'aisle': 16,
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u'category': u'Smelly',
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{u'aisle': 81,
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u'category': u'Smelly',
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u'id': 8059,
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u'need': u'primary',
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{u'aisle': 61,
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u'bin': 7,
u'category': u'Smelly',
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{u'aisle': 41,
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u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 4,
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u'need': u'primary',
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{u'aisle': 49,
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u'bin': 14,
u'category': u'Heavy',
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u'length': 12,
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u'order_id': u'W2634720',
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{u'aisle': 67,
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u'need': u'primary',
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{u'aisle': 6,
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{u'aisle': 50,
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{u'aisle': 41,
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u'bin': 49,
u'category': u'Heavy',
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u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2688518',
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{u'aisle': 50,
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u'bin': 4,
u'category': u'Heavy',
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u'need': u'primary',
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{u'aisle': 41,
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u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2688518',
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{u'aisle': 13,
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{u'aisle': 54,
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u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 2.5,
u'id': 4766,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 10,
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u'quantity': 1,
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u'width': 6},
{u'aisle': 56,
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u'length': 8,
u'name': u'Artisan Flour Blend, Gluten Free 4 lb',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
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u'width': 5},
{u'aisle': 39,
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u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 1.25,
u'id': 2804,
u'image': u'generic_images/ch037.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Cheddar Goat Cheese, Raw 1 lb.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
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u'width': 5.5},
{u'aisle': 46,
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u'bin': 18,
u'category': u'Tough',
u'height': 2,
u'id': 10689,
u'image': u'generic_images/sp267.jpg',
u'length': 8,
u'name': u'TVP, Textured Vegetable Protein 10 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2472352',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 4},
{u'aisle': 22,
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u'bin': 17,
u'category': u'Glass',
u'height': 6.75,
u'id': 5058,
u'image': u'generic_images/red_yellow_peppers_1.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Roasted Red & Yellow Peppers, Organic 16 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2705880',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 3},
{u'aisle': 74,
u'barcodes': [],
u'bin': 3,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 0.25,
u'id': 12746,
u'image': u'generic_images/sc068_2.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Chocolate Bar, Dark 70%, Stoneground, Organic 3 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
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u'width': 5},
{u'aisle': 74,
u'barcodes': [u'898456001722'],
u'bin': 34,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 0.25,
u'id': 12750,
u'image': u'generic_images/sc069_2.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Chocolate, Dark Mexicano 70%, Orange, Organic 2.7 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 3},
{u'aisle': 60,
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u'bin': 6,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 5,
u'id': 2512,
u'image': u'generic_images/bp256.jpg',
u'length': 10,
u'name': u'Cocoa Powder, Fair Trade, Organic 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 9},
{u'aisle': 60,
u'barcodes': [u'BP258', u'685051996566'],
u'bin': 18,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 3,
u'id': 2514,
u'image': u'generic_images/bp258.jpg',
u'length': 9,
u'name': u'Coconut, Shredded, Organic 5 lbs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2664354',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 7},
{u'aisle': 38,
u'barcodes': [u'851492002047'],
u'bin': 7,
u'category': u'Glass',
u'height': 5.25,
u'id': 3030,
u'image': u'generic_images/coconut_amino_1.jpg',
u'length': 3.25,
u'name': u'Coconut Aminos, Raw, Organic 8 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2424068',
u'quantity': 2,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 3.25},
{u'aisle': 80,
u'barcodes': [u'073416035300'],
u'bin': 13,
u'category': u'Smelly',
u'height': 7,
u'id': 10202,
u'image': u'generic_images/sn122_3.jpg',
u'length': 9.5,
u'name': u'Rice Chips, Sea Salt, Gluten-Free 6 ozs.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2634720',
u'quantity': 6,
u'shelf': 3,
u'width': 5.75},
{u'aisle': 40,
u'barcodes': [u'811355002089'],
u'bin': 4,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 1,
u'id': 3580,
u'image': u'generic_images/dp028_3.jpg',
u'length': 3.5,
u'name': u'Sweet Cream Butter, Salted 1 lb.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2705880',
u'quantity': 3,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 6.5},
{u'aisle': 19,
u'barcodes': [u'042272005123'],
u'bin': 16,
u'category': u'Tough',
u'height': 2.873,
u'id': 20474,
u'image': u'generic_images/GY1004_2.jpg',
u'length': 4.438,
u'name': u'Chili, Spicy, Canned, Organic 14.7 oz',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2705880',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 4,
u'width': 4.438},
{u'aisle': 40,
u'barcodes': [u'QP166', u'685051999857'],
u'bin': 78,
u'category': u'Crushable',
u'height': 1,
u'id': 18940,
u'image': u'generic_images/no_image_available.jpg',
u'length': 3,
u'name': u'Ginger, Organic 1/2 LB',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2607626',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 5,
u'width': 1},
{u'aisle': 40,
u'barcodes': [u'811355002096'],
u'bin': 2,
u'category': u'Heavy',
u'height': 1,
u'id': 3582,
u'image': u'generic_images/dp030_3.jpg',
u'length': 3.5,
u'name': u'Sweet Cream Butter No Salt 1 lb.',
u'need': u'primary',
u'order_id': u'W2472352',
u'quantity': 1,
u'shelf': 1,
u'width': 6.5}])
In [5]: parse_message(sub.recv_unicode())
It then hangs forever.
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