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Created March 12, 2015 00:41
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local turnLeft = false
function Update()
-- Store our angular velocity in a variable to make it easier to use
local angVel = gyro:AngVel()
if ranger:Range() > 0 then
-- We see another ship, stop spinning, start ramming,
-- and remember which way to turn if we lose it again
-- Use the standard thrusters to cancel out our angular velocity
-- Ignite the ramming thruster
-- Figure out which way to turn if we lose the ship again
if angVel > 0 then
-- We were spinning left when we saw this target,
-- so we should turn right if we lose it.
turnLeft = false
-- We were spinning right when we saw this target,
-- so we should turn left if we lose it.
turnLeft = true
-- We don't see another ship, spin around to find one
-- Figure out which way to turn
local desiredAngVel = turnLeft and 45 or -45
-- Use the standard thrusters to spin the ship at the desired angular speed.
thrustFL:SetThrust(desiredAngVel - angVel)
thrustFR:SetThrust(angVel - desiredAngVel)
thrustBL:SetThrust(angVel - desiredAngVel)
thrustBR:SetThrust(desiredAngVel - angVel)
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