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Created March 7, 2013 18:53
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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
  • Some event data has been ommited, due to future deletion or redundancy
  • Please check PocketMine source code for additional information.
  • If a event has the F tag, a future update will change it and break plugins using that event.

PocketMine-MP Handling Events

  • A Handling Event is called using the Main API / Server method mixed handle(string $event, mixed &$data) or the Main API method dhandle(string $event, mixed $data). The difference is that the dhandle $data is not passed by reference, so normal data will not be modified (be aware of objects).
  • Then, handlers created using the Main API / Server method mixed addHandler(string $event, callable $callable [, integer $priority = 5]) will process that data.
  • If a handler returns false, PocketMine will stop processing that Handling Event, then return that value to the original caller (where the handle/dhandle method has been called).
  • If no handler returns false, a normal event will be called.
  • All the data can be modified by the handlers, and will be returned by reference except for the dhandle.

player.* Events


  • Sent when a player is connecting, before adding entity or inventory data
  • object Player


  • Sent when a player is disconnecting
  • object Player


  • Sent when a player changes its armor
  • array( eid => int Entity ID, slot0 => int Item, slot1 => int Item, slot2 => int Item, slot3 => int Item )

  • Sent when a player changes its equipment (item in hand)
  • array( player => object Player, item => object Item )


  • *Sent when a player (attacks?) with another Entity *
  • array( targetentity => object Entity, entity => object Entity )


  • Sent when a player has moved
  • object Entity

  • Sent when a player says something (future). Not ran when calling a command
  • array( player => object Player, message => string Message )

player.pickup F

  • Sent when a player gets a dropped item
  • array( eid => int Entity ID, entity => object Entity, block => int Block, meta => int Metadata, target => Entity ID )


  • Sent when a player dies, contains the cause
  • array( name => string Name, cause => string Cause )


  • Sent when a player tries to break/place/activate a block, before any check
  • array( type => string Type, player => object Player, target => object Block, item => object Item [, block => object Block] )


  • Sent when a player tries to break a block, after break checks
  • array(player => object Player, target => object Block, item => object Item)


  • Sent when a player tries to activate some block using a tool
  • array(player => object Player, block => object Block, target => object Block, item => object Item)

  • Sent when a player tries to place a block, after place checks
  • array(player => object Player, block => object Block, target => object Block, item => object Item)

PocketMine-MP Events

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ghost commented Jul 24, 2013

I agree with @sekjun9878 .

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I was searching for that file a long time :)

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