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Created December 27, 2011 06:22
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Vim configuration file
set autoindent$
set backupdir=$HOME/vimbackup$
set browsedir=buffer$
set clipboard=unnamed$
set nocompatible$
set directory=$HOME/vimbackup$
set expandtab$
set hidden$
set incsearch$
set list$
set listchars=eol:$,tab:>\ ,extends:<$
set number$
"set shiftwidth=4$
set showmatch$
set smartcase$
set smartindent$
"行頭の余白内で Tab を打ち込むと、'shiftwidth' の数だけインデントする。$
set smarttab$
"ファイル内の が対応する空白の数$
"set tabstop=4$
set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,]$
set nowrapscan$
set lines=40$
set columns=100$
augroup InsertHook$
autocmd InsertEnter * highlight StatusLine guifg=#ccdc90 guibg=#2E4340$
autocmd InsertLeave * highlight StatusLine guifg=#2E4340 guibg=#ccdc90$
augroup END$
au BufNewFile,BufRead * set iminsert=0$
au BufNewFile,BufRead * set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4$
:set encoding=utf-8$
"filetype off$
" pathogen.vimによってbundle配下のpluginをpathに加える$
"call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()$
"call pathogen#helptags()$
"set helpfile=$VIMRUNTIME/doc/help.txt$
" ファイルタイプ判定をon$
"filetype plugin on$
"configuration of pathogen, commented out temporally on 21th Nov.$
"call pathogen#infect()$
"syntax on$
"filetype plugin indent on$
:set runtimepath+={~/.vim/autoload/}$
"for zencoding.vim$
":set filetype=html$
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