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Created August 3, 2017 01:04
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let killua = Player(level: Variable(50))
let gon = Player(level: Variable(50))
let bisque = Player(level: Variable(70))
let player = PublishSubject<Player>()
.flatMapWithIndex { player, index -> Observable<Int> in
if index < 2 {
return player.level.asObservable()
return .empty()
.subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
player.onNext(killua) // 50
killua.level.value = 51 // 51
player.onNext(gon) //50
gon.level.value = 51 // 51
player.onNext(bisque) // level of bisque isn't printed.
killua.level.value = 52 // 52
gon.level.value = 52 // 52
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