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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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# Description:
# Gyazz更新通知
# /hubot/gyazz-webhook へのPOSTリクエストを受信
# Dependencies:
# "diff": "*"
# "debug": "*"
# Author:
# @shokai
Diff = require 'diff'
debug = require('debug')('hubot:gyazz-notify')
config =
room: "news"
header: ":star:"
interval: 60000
timeout_cids = {}
module.exports = (robot) -> '/hubot/gyazz-webhook', (req, res) ->
url = req.body.url
wiki =
title = req.body.title
text = req.body.text
room = or
unless wiki?.length > 0 and title?.length > 0 and text? and url?.length > 0
res.status(400).send 'bad request'
res.send 'ok'
debug key = "#{url}/#{wiki}/#{title}"
clearTimeout timeout_cids[key]
timeout_cids[key] = setTimeout ->
notify url, wiki, title, text, room
, config.interval
notify = (base_url, wiki, title, text, room) ->
url = "#{base_url}/#{wiki}/#{title}".replace /[\s<>]/g, (c) -> encodeURI(c)
cache = robot.brain.get "gyazz_#{url}"
robot.brain.set "gyazz_#{url}", text
unless cache?.length > 0
text = remove_gyazz_markup(text).trim()
debug notify_text = "#{config.header} 《新規》#{url} 《#{wiki}/#{title}》\n#{text}"
robot.send {room: room}, notify_text
addeds = []
for block in Diff.diffLines cache, text
if block.added
block = block.value.trim()
block = expand_uploadfile_fullpath block, "#{base_url}/upload"
block = remove_gyazz_markup block
addeds.push block
if addeds.length < 1
debug notify_text = "#{config.header} 《更新》#{url} 《#{wiki}/#{title}》\n#{addeds.join('\n')}"
robot.send {room: room}, notify_text
expand_uploadfile_fullpath = (str, updir) ->
str.replace /\[\[([a-z0-9]{32}\.[^\s\]]+)/g, "[[#{updir}/$1"
remove_gyazz_markup = (str, left='【', right='】') ->
str.split(/(\[{2,3}[^\[\]]+\]{2,3}]|[\r\n]+)/).map (i) ->
if /(\[{2,3}(.+)\]{2,3})/.test i
if /\[{2,3}(https?:\/\/.+)\]{2,3}/.test i
return i.replace(/\[{2,3}/g, " ").replace(/\]{2,3}/g, " ")
return i.replace(/\[{2,3}/g, left).replace(/\]{2,3}/g, right)
return i
.join ''
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